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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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    JoAnne Thanks for the input on the color of the troop blankets. I work with the local Quilts of Valor which is headed by a gold star mother. The quilts that are made are not the flag colors but toned, cinnamon, off white, midnight blue. Our group has sent over 250 quilts to Walter Reed Hospital. I normally help with the binding and will post a couple of pictures when I finish the newest group.

    It is so much fun to read about what others are doing. Ladies, you all make me proud to say that I am a quilter! Pat


      JoAnn, I never thought of that, it is interesting. The group that are making Quilts for Troops ask for red, white, blue and khakie. I will have to mention that to them. Thanks


        I had to admit that when my nephew told me his feeling about red, white and blue quilts, it brought tears to my eyes. He was extremely pleased that quilts are being made for wounded soldiers. The news touched him deeply as he has served four tours in Iraq and his cousin is there now.

        I do believe that wounded soldiers would feel wrapped in love with any color quilt. I can only imagine how it would feel to have a quilt that a stranger made for me, so very special.



          I had typed earlier about my friends little sister who was in an accident and suffered major frontal lobe damage. Well a maricle has occured :!: :!: :!: She has come out of her coma and has responded wonderfully to therapy. She has quite a bit of memory issues. Quite frequently she has to be reminded that she is not 11. However, She is able to walk and talk. She is a bit impulsive and forgetful. She doesn't always understand that her sister is dead. She is healing though and I believe that it is because of prayers and therefor I am thanking all of you who prayed for her. God bless you and keep you and your families safe. Rachel


            Wonderful news Rachel.


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