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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
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Where are the blogs?

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    Okay, so it looks like all of our blogs are missing in action. I wanted to access one of my previous blogs to see when I started one of the quilts that I am finally quilting this week. I stopped blogging on TQS because of technical difficulties. You can find me now at:
    icandyet.com, my current blog about quilting, mixed media, photography, life in general, and sometimes just plain silliness. :silly:


      Yep, I have missed the blogs too. I've found some of our past bloggers on facebook or have subscribed to their new blog. I so miss that venue of reading what they have been doing which the forum set up just doesn't work.

      I don't come to the forum often so keeping up with the subject and what has happened would mean a lot of back reading which I don't choose to take the time to do. So, at the end of June, I restarted my blog. I try to post once a week although, I haven't been great at that either!!!

      Come follow me, leave me a comment and let's get reacquainted!
      Links to my first post is below:
      https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3721859852194405595#editor/target=post;postID=8664535868211320665;onPublished Menu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=7;src=postna me]Post 1[/url]


        See my 2nd post here
        See my 3rd post
        See my 4th post
        See my 5th post
        See my 6th post
        See my 7th post

        Thanks for reading!


          Hi Terry, love your blog but couldn't reply I need to find my google details. I fancy a blog as well but no idea how to go about it, any tips?

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Just start!!! I looked at both blogger and wordpress and decided blogger looked like I could set up the page, add links and photos without a huge learning curve. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3721859852194405595#overview
            The link above might help you.
            As for posting, you have a fun and delightful way of writing about your activities so you'll be great at it! All the best!!!!


              Really that straightforward. Thanks I'll go and explore.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                My blog is also on blogger (blogspot.com). It was very easy to set up without doing any reading of instructions, which is perfect for me! When you start your blog, let me know so I can follow you, Wendy!

                Glad to hear from you, Terry. I'm off to look at your blog now. If interested, my blog is at dizzydogquilting.blogspot.com.


                  I too use blogger. It was very user friendly to set up. Some of it works better on a laptop, but I also have the blogger at on my iPad and can do most anything.
                  One thing I would suggest to everyone, ad the link of 'follow by email' to the upper right or left portion of your page. I like getting to read the posted information via email from those that I've done this with. I can always zip to their actual blog to leave a comment. It's just one of the little widgets that you click a link to have.
                  I haven't seen this option on all sites and I don't want to have to go check on every blog to see if someone has posted that day. My Bloglovin app on my iPad, can be difficult to find an exact person I want to follow, you wouldn't think it would be, but I'm not doing something right. And that app can take up too much space on my available area.
                  Anyway, I think it would be fun to just start posting our blog addresses and then we can follow each other's creative adventures,,
                  www.letscreatetoday.blogspot.com And I'm having a giveaway to a lucky comment or two at the end of the month!!


                    I use Wordpress and my blog can be found at https://www.blog.bjfabricartist.com/
                    I'd love to have you all stop by and comment from time to time. I love comments and get almost none. They really help me know what you like to see and don't. I usually blog about once a week, sometimes a little less sometimes a lot more.

                    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                    Betty Jo


                      Luann i have been following your blog by email and I've subscribed to yours BJ it's a good prompt and nicer to read on the site. I've got a link to Nancy's on my laptop I must remember how I did that and add Terry's.
                      It's as good as having the forum blogs but not quite as convenient where new posts were presented to you.

                      I used to love reading Pat Hollands and how she made her amazing quilts and who were the brother and sister who did the fabulous appliqué and quilting? I can see their faces.

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        :silly: B) :silly: :cheer: This is fun! I checked out everyone's blog and tried, at least, to sign up for them all by email and then I had visits from several of you on mine. It's not as convenient, but it's just as much fun. So nice to see what everyone is doing. Cheers.

                        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                        Betty Jo


                          I have an idea for the website masters. Although we still want the site blogs back, it appears to be very difficult to get done, so in the meantime, how about getting a link to our blogs and websites placed below our avatars to make it easy to know we are running one and to get there with ease? Just a thought.

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


                            Betty Jo, you need to send a message to the webmaster to see if they can do that, it sure would help.

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                            Betty Jo


                              Originally posted by "Sewdreamy" post=132195
                              I have an idea for the website masters. Although we still want the site blogs back, it appears to be very difficult to get done, so in the meantime, how about getting a link to our blogs and websites placed below our avatars to make it easy to know we are running one and to get there with ease? Just a thought.
                              That would be so helpful. Hopefully they will listen to you.

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                              Betty Jo


                                Yes we used to be able to edit our signature. I daren't try now.

                                Well you gave me the push and I've started a blog. Feel completely out of my depth but I'll get help from my son whose a whizz (not American type) with computers :lol:
                                https://cottonfeathered.wordpress.com/2015/08/09/hello-world/ I chose Cotton Feathered it's the name of the craft stall I'm doing in November and couldn't think of another.

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
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