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    Thank you for the info about the groups and videos that's been my saviour with the BSR this afternoon, it nearly went out the window until I watched one and it said you had to hold the button in longer to get the red light to come on. I really like it and have found it easy to use now.

    Pam I've used the 1 option which keeps doing a slow stitch when you stop so I don't have the panic about when the stitch is going to start again and getting the long first stitch. Before I was concentrating on whether the stitch was going to start rather than where I should go. When I want to stop for more than a pause I press the button and drop the needle so it doesn't move. Worked fine so far but I will try again with the other programme. Hope this helps you, it's a shame not to use it.
    I like that you can change the stitch length so I've made it longer for normal fmq but shorter for little quilting.

    Not tried any piecing yet. That's another adventure, I may go running for the 97 as well but I don't think it's over here yet.

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      I was wondering if you had come up for air yet? or still submerged in you new toy :P

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        :lol: Rosemary I have a very short attention span. How's the knitting?

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Still trying to finish Izzy's pink fluffy jumper first :whistle: . The wool was first made up as a dress using her knitting machine a few years ago. Now I am re-knitting it up into a jumper. Unfortunately it is taking several goes as I don't really understand how to work out the size of things before knitting the whole panel on different size needles, so although I have a front/back knitted it is too long & not deep enough, so I will have to pull that out and re-do with less stitches. The sleeves have been done 3 times already on different sizes of needles :dry: and are staying that size now, just the front and back to do. At least it is just plain old knit stitch. Then I will start trying out my mittens on the teeny tiny needles - 1.5mm (or maybe the 1.25mm :blink: :S :silly: )

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Make it easier for you. Knit a test square and measure how many stitches or rows in an inch. Then multiply by the size you want and you'll know how many stitches or rows you need or change to a smaller/bigger needle to get the right no of stitches in an inch. Save you all that reverse knitting.

            Mind you she's still growing :lol:

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              I would then have to reverse knit the samples, as I have absolutely no spare yarn. As it was, I took the various balls that I originally reverse knitted, weighed them all and then divided them into 4, 2 slightly heavier than the other 2, to give me similar amounts for the sleeves & the front/back. It is intended as a 'sloppy joe' style of jumper, but will be great to get it finished.

              You're up a bit late aren't you? Still playing?

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                yup been trying out stitches making a little quilt for chicken forum Christmas swap of a stag in the moonlight. I'll show you when I'm done. I'm still smiling

                Sounds like you've got it worked out now.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Wendy, Sorry for my temper tantrum regarding my piecing problems a few posts back. Didn't really want to rain on your parade regarding your lovely new machine, but I certainly did. Enjoy it. Chicken forum?


                    Lois that didn't come across as a temper tantrum, just frustration with your machine which I empathise with. It made me go and look at the machine you were talking about. I think it is probably a good sensible no-messing machine. Have you looked at the Juki TL-98 machine? It's very similar. I have seen that one converted for use with a long-arm frame. I don't bother converting my Horizon to the straight stitch mode any more because I have been through two needle plates so far. It's a bad design and I see with the newer Horizon they have a separate needle plate, clearly because it was a flawed design.

                    Wendy, I am so looking forward to seeing your first creation with your new machine.


                      Lois we always love hearing from you and we share our frustrations. I did post I nearly threw my BSR out the window.

                      I think the problems with straight stitches are because there is such a wide hole in the bobbin holder and needle plate for the wider stitches. We want the best of both worlds or at least a quick adaptation to do both. On my Pfaff I often hit the needle plate and broke needles, it also roughened it up and caught threads so a nail file was my friend. I thought it was my fault but perhaps some was down to the same problems.

                      Ingrid is behaving beautifully. I think I'm in love :P

                      Chicken forum - what it says, we do a crafty swap several times a year. This one is for Christmas. Always a surprise what I receive, but fun

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Wendy, when I get all the Christmas sewing finally finished (Xmas quilt, stockings, stocking bunting) I am going to try the option 1 on the BSR and practice. Because I am so used to sewing with my FMQ foot, I have to admit that I've not persevered with the BSR and everything takes practice. If you discover any more tips/hints to us the BSR please share them with me.
                        Best Wishes Pam


                          I have an 830. I read where you belong to an Bernina 830 yahoo group. I am interested in joining a Yahoo group to learn more about my machine. Most of the time I love it, but sometimes I get very frustrated with it and have questions.


                            Originally posted by "Reetzbobeetz" post=124037
                            Wendy, I am so looking forward to seeing your first creation with your new machine.
                            Here you go Rita just a little one

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Wendy it is so beautiful! I love it! Was it all so much easier to do on your Bernina? Remind me how you do that kind of binding?


                                Rita I zig zag the edges then zig zag on hand dyed bias cotton strips from Images of Egypt. They don't have a website so I pick it up at shows. Its quite loosely woven so edges are thread. You can do it with rat tail cord or any thread or yarn I guess.

                                Yes much easier to do. I could put the fmq feet on quick no getting the screwdriver. The fancy stitches across it worked first time and easy to change length etc but no fiddling getting the top tension right, it drops it down automatically. I did change it on the moon so no green bottom thread showed. I'm going to have to make another stitch bible.

                                Here's the link for you Judith https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/bernina_series8/info

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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