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630 or 440?

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    Congratulations. I love my 630.... 8)


      My Bernina dealer will not do the coupons and I don't know why?

      I just called my dealer and I guess it depends on who you talk to. Yesterday it was no.
      Today it is yes. But the 100.00 off you cannot do on a sale purchase. Just on something that is not on sale.

      I think I have it right now......(they just want to make $.)


        I'm coming to the party a bit late, but I was also going to vote for the 630. I have one myself, and am very pleased I chose it over the 440. Actually, my first choice was the 630 or 640, but the dealer talked me out of the 9mm version as he said I wouldn't be happy with the 1/4 inch seam ability of the wider stitch machine. Several of my friends have the 440, it's a great machine, but the 630 is so much easier to use with the touch screen. Sounds like you got a great deal too, I'm sure you're going to be very happy with it. Has it arrived yet??? What an exciting time :lol:


          Still hasn't arrived yet but that's ok--I had to finish 2009 BOM with my 1230--wasn't going to switch machines on that one. The 630 should be here this next week--I'll let you know.

          Today my plan is to REALLY tidy up my studio--having too much space is almost as bad as having too little. I've got stuff spread all over my 450 sq ft studio--and it needs to be put back into good order.

          North Alabama, USA
          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


            I have a 435 and I LOVE the 9mm!!! I get a perfect 1/4" stitch. Your decorative stitches will be so much smaller, as I understand it, with the 5mm. I bought the 435 because I love to HAND embroider and I knew I wouldn't use the embroidery features on a more expensive machine. However, I DO like the decorative stitches and use them alot.


              Originally posted by bbquiltmaker
              Still hasn't arrived yet but that's ok--I had to finish 2009 BOM with my 1230--wasn't going to switch machines on that one. The 630 should be here this next week--I'll let you know.

              Today my plan is to REALLY tidy up my studio--having too much space is almost as bad as having too little. I've got stuff spread all over my 450 sq ft studio--and it needs to be put back into good order.
              Congratualtions, Barbara! Let us know when you start playing with it!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Congrats on your new machine and for finishing your TQS quilt! You must have a perfect blend of a "sense of accomplishment" and "awaiting new adventure" feeling.

                PS Your quilt is lovely.

                PS...I decided to get the Aurora Fashionista (Limited Edition 450) along with the embroidery unit to give my 200/730 a bit of a break. I can't wait to start playing with the MyLabel program!


                  between April 30, 2009 and December 31, 2009? If you did, please email me right away. I have a coupon that I forgot I have and it will rebate you either $100 or $150. Must be postmarked no later than JANUARY 15, 2010.

                  I will mail it tomorrow to the first person that responds.


                  aka ladyquilter

                  Troutdale, OR
                  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                    Update: I got my 630 December 19 and haven't played much yet. It is just different enough in shape and size that I needed a new insert for my cabinet--a brand-x cabinet I've had since my first Bernina, 1130, 25 years ago--no new inserts available. Luckily, my husband is a woodworker and he is building me a new insert--it is custom-fitted but will take a few more days of staining and polyurethaning to suit him.

                    Right now, I'm finding it awkward to change the feet and haven't gotten the hang of the needle threader yet but I'll get there. Today I will play the DVD that came with it to get up to speed hopefully.

                    I bought it mainly for the BSR but haven't even opened the box on that puppy yet--really waiting for the insert to have a level "playing field" for quilting.

                    Additional feet I bought include #10, 32, 37,50, and the single hole throat plate, which hasn't come in yet.

                    So glad I still have my 1230--what a great workhorse that machine is. With time I hope to love the 630 as much.

                    I'm going into my busiest time of year, tax season, so won't have hours to sew--but I'll still get some quiltmaking done this year--a 3rd Washington Medallion--like Stars for a New Day--and I'm teaching a year-long class on Washington Medallion--actually 2 different classes due to the demand. Should be a great year!

                    North Alabama, USA
                    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                      Originally posted by ladyquilter
                      between April 30, 2009 and December 31, 2009? If you did, please email me right away. I have a coupon that I forgot I have and it will rebate you either $100 or $150. Must be postmarked no later than JANUARY 15, 2010.

                      I will mail it tomorrow to the first person that responds.

                      UPDATE: Coupon has been taken.

                      aka ladyquilter

                      Troutdale, OR
                      <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                        I'm sure you're going to love your 630 once you get used to it and learn what all the buttons do. Have a look at this post where I've written a little about my experience with the BSR forum/index. I also had a very good tip given to me for fitting the walking foot - you need to turn the flywheel so that the needle moves down about 1/4 inch, you'll be amazed at how much easier the walking foot goes on!

                        aka ladyquilter

                        Troutdale, OR
                        <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


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