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BSR help

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    I've had my BSR with my 435 for two years now and I've only used it a few times for practicing. I never had any skipped stitches--am I just lucky? :lol:


      Judy, you could be lucky! Or it could be how you're using it.

      I discovered with my most recent quilt that, for example, when I do stippling with a small practice piece, the BSR does not skip stitches. When I try to quilt the actual quilt with a stippling stitch, lots of skipped stitches! So much so that I had to learn to quilt without the BSR. But then I used the BSR again when I stitched triangle shapes within my pinwheel triangles. Not one skipped stitch. Again on the border when I followed a marked pattern, no skipped stitches. Is it because I was slower on the triangles and border than with the stippling? Was there less drag? I don't know, but I plan to switch back and forth when I quilt, sometimes using the BSR, sometimes not.

      Last week I went in to my dealer and had the BSR updated. I haven't tried it since then, but I know it won't skip stitches on a practice piece, so I'll have to wait til I can quilt another full-size quilt before testing to see if the update fixed the problem.


        I found that the direction I am going affect the stitches. Don't know why. I think it is when I move the fabric forward(that is towards me) that I have problems.


          I too have had problems with skipped stitches using the BSR on my 730 and I also got fed up and learned on Foot 24 instead. My LQS has been fielding lots of questions concerning this issue from myslef and many others. One recommendation was to ensure that you have oiled your machine (a drop or two in that small aread where the bobbin case locks in). My shop has something called Bernina Club on the 3rd Monday of the month and the topic next Monday is all about the BSR, tips, techniques, and other issues. If I hear anything that hasn't yet been posted. I will be sure to post it.


            I've found that the BSR works well and continually if I go slow. If I start speeding, the BSR starts racing or sometimes just stops. So--- I just keep it slow and easy and we're both happy. Jan


              Going slower works better for me also......keeps me from making jerky moves causing skipped stitches.


              Shreveport, Louisiana
              Bernina 440QE


                How does one know when there is BSR upgrade?

                This "thread" definitely is a support group for the BSR. The BSR can be the MOST frustrating part of sewing. :shock:


                  Call your LQS and they'll tell you. You only need to take in your BSR for the upgrade, not the whole machine. My LQS updated mine by inserting it on the new 830 to upgrade the software. It seemed to improve stitch quality.


                  Shreveport, Louisiana
                  Bernina 440QE


                    Thanks Shirley - I will!

                    Also when my machine was skipping - found a little bitty thread was wrapped around the bobbin casing - maybe 1/2" long. With all the oil they recommend for the 820, it was stuck on. . .


                      There is a "webinair" on the BSR on http://www.berninausa.com that has some worthwhile information on this accessory. It's supposedly only active until June 28, 2010. A webinair is like a powerpoint with lots of talking by the teacher.


                        I have practiced A LOT with my BSR and am just now getting "pretty good" with basic designs. I use BSR 2 (I find using the foot pedal better than not)--top tension set at 3--pressure at about 3 or 4--lower the speed so you CAN'T GO fast--and move your material much slower than you think you should (this is hard!). The supreme slider helps a lot, along with quilting gloves. Stop and turn your quilt as you go so you can see where you are going. If I am doing "pointed" leaves, for example, I stop at the point and then start up again--otherwise you have long stitches. Hope this helps--practice, practice, practice.


                          I use my BSR a lot also. I always practise first on a sample piece to get the settings right & find that I use a top tension of 2-2.5 & the stitch length as needed for the project. I use BSR 1 & disengage the foot pedal. By just using the stop/start button I find I get far better control. I have just begun to use Philippa Naylor's method of using a 6" square grippy kitchen liner instead of gloves to get a better grip on the fabric & find that it really works. Your hands do not get hot at all! Practise does make perfect.


                            Hi Libbi, I had the same problem with my BSR (for the 820) and I took in into the dealer to try it on one of their machines. It was skipping stitches horribly and I tried everything. It wasn't working on their machine either. Turns out that sometimes the spring is weak and needs replacing, or the BSR needs to be calibrated with your machine. I found that it skipped really bad when I was working on a quilt that was sprayed basted with 505. There is an issue with this, as I've joined other Bernina forums and this has been discussed.

                            So, I know there may be some user error, but chances are you could have a bad BSR. I'd take it in to the dealer and check it on their machine if you keep having problems. And another dealer told me using titanium needles helps if you are spray basting, because the glue doesn't adhere to those needles. I'm a new Bernina 820 owner, and I'm learning all of the nuances with this machine. I do love it none the less, but there is a learning curve.

                            Good luck. -sheila


                              I have a 830 so your information was helpful to me too. I use the titanium needles as they last longer & are great in general. Try dialing the foot pressure down around 30, I found that this really helped.


                                I have been using my BSR this week for the first time in several months and was having all kinds of problems. I recently had it upgraded and at first was blaming it on that. :-) I was also using a Sulky variegated thread that kept breaking. I changed to a 100 needle and lowered my speed, but never knew about changing the tension to 0. I finally gave up on the Sulky and switched to Superior Rainbow thread and I think a 90 needle. I got much better results but still need to work on it. Another problem I'm having is that I'm stitching through several layers of Heat & Bond Lite. Does anyone know a better applique adhesive for when you're sewing that isn't stiff as a board? I think that is part of my problem. I've used the BSR in the past with much better results.


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