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Couching foot

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    Couching foot

    Does anyone have a couching foot for their Bernina, and if so, is it worth the investment, or are there better ways to couch fibers on top of fabric? Your expert opinions would be helpful!! Thanks, Jan

    I have bought the foot but never tried it. Yesterday I stopped in at a Quilt Store that also sells Berninas and the owner demoed the foot for me. She was using a nylon cord called La Espiga. It is used in macrame I believe. I was very impressed with the beautiful design and how easy it was to do. Having said that, it always looks easy to me until I try it.
    For example, I tried to load a practice piece on my quilt frame that I had for over two years. It looked easy in the pictures. Well, I must confess to very unladylike language and no success.
    So, who knows what I will do with the couching foot. But if you're into embellishments, I think it's probably worth it.


      If you are speaking of the #21 cording foot, I've used it quite a few time. I like it to attach thin ribbin and yarns , very heavy threads to my art quilts.


        It's actually the free motion quilting foot #43 and I loved what it did during the demonstration. If you have the Feetures book volume three you can find it on page 21. The picture looks exactly like what was demoed yesterday.


          Thanks for all your help - I just looked and my shop has this as the "foot of the month" so I may have to force myself to go in and buy it. The embellishment bug is very contagious!


            I have the new couching foot #43. Run do not walk to your Bernina Store and buy this foot. If you are an art quilter it is a must. The fact that it is free motion makes all the difference. You will love it if you like to couch stuff.


              Originally posted by QueenPatty
              I have the new couching foot #43. Run do not walk to your Bernina Store and buy this foot. If you are an art quilter it is a must. The fact that it is free motion makes all the difference. You will love it if you like to couch stuff.
              Next time G-Street fabrics offers 25% off on Bernina accessories, that foot will be mine.


                I bought the #43 foot at the Super Seminar in Knoxville and just love it. I have only tried it on some small samples but can't wait to use it on a project very soon.

                Dana in Olive Branch, MS


                  I have had my eye on the #43 free motion couching foot, but wonder about two things:

                  1. How wide a zig zig stitch can you do with it without endangering the needle or should I say the foot? (or is it designed to be used with a straight stitch?)

                  2. How small can the cord be? Can I use Razzle Dazzle? What is the smallest size, if using crochet cotton numbers (5, 8, 10, 20, 30), that can be properly managed with it?

                  I do have the #22 cording foot which handled the Razzle Dazzle nicely for me, but it was difficult/awkward when I tried to do circular work with it, and wondered if the #43 would work. I hope to use this thread with free motion, and while I am outfitted to do bobbin work with it, I would really like to save that technique for those things that there is just no other convenient way.

                  From the sticks of SE OK,
                  5 hrs round trip from my dealer which is why I am asking this here
                  The phone just didn't do it justice, & much rather hear from the #43 user! Thanks!


                    I know I'm jumping in here late ... and perhaps you've already discussed this ... but have you watched the Bernina Education Video (accessible from the TQS "Home" page) which was posted on September 24? It is titled "Free Motion Couching."
                    I "share" one of these feet with my Bernina quilting friend. We trade off buying the expensive feet that are only used occasionally and then share them.
                    Hope you like.
                    Sharon in sunny Colorado


                      Thanks, Sharon, I did see it, but watched it again. I love those videos, and the foot videos on the Bernina site.

                      It does look like a thick cord, but I still wonder how small the cord could be for it to still be able to couch. I guess I may need to schedule a stop and try it out in the store and bring along some cord samples...can't wait for the next dr trip to civilization!

                      in the cool, sunny sticks of SE OK (aaah, 54 outside)


                        This foot looks WAY cool. I must have it. By the way, I am new to TQS and think this is the most fabulous web site ever. It's been less than a week and I'm already learning new things!


                          Louisa, It has been a while since I watched that video, but for some reason, I got the impression that there is no zig-zag used. I thought it was a straight stitch being done. I guess I will have to watch it again.

                          Sue-Welcome, are you addicted yet? :lol:


                            :roll: ops: :shock: Why do I always try to stretch the limits :?: I bet it is thick cord, straight stitch. :idea: Maybe someone out there has one and can tell us :!: Where are you :?:
                            SE OK


                              Addicted? If that means spending more time here than working, doing laundry, cooking, and even sewing ... ummmmm ..... that very well could be. :shock: Like I always say, wherever quilters gather, there is love. You always meet really nice people. Not to mention the things I'm learning already. Love the gallery too.

                              I watched the couching foot video and, yes, it does use a straight stitch. It appeared to sink right into the cord, which was nice, because I've always thought the zig-zag stitch was too noticeable. But that's just me.



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