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Fires near La Veta?

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    Fires near La Veta?

    Hey, Ricky, I just read about some of the Colorado fires, and one was west of La Veta. How close is it getting to town, and how about your property? Hoping for the best for you and all your neighbors. Mary

    LovinQuiltin, Ricky posted this on Facebook about 10 hours ago.

    'Looks like the fire near La Veta is very well contained. Whew! Not so good for the other two fires. Black Forest and Canon City.'

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      There's not a lot of information about this fire, probably because it's still "small" by our standards. From what I can find, it's burning about 45-50 acres 5 miles west of La Veta. Last report is 0% containment. It'll probably continue to grow today because of the rough terrain and the hot, dry weather we're having here. But the other fires we're having right now, which have burned at least 40 homes so far, are of much greater concern at this point. It looks like another bad fire season for the country!



        So what is the latest regarding the fires? I just saw on the news this afternoon that there are fire evacuations near LaVeta and south of Walsenburg. (Source: Channel 7 in Denver)


          The fire that was last week is contained, but a new one has popped up in that area. A Boy Scout camp was evacuated and was destroyed by fire. I'm not sure where it is in relation to LaVeta. But certainly feels that the entire state is on fire. We need rain and fast.


            Last word I can find is 9,000 acres burned, 0% containment. Evacuations east of La Veta and south of Walsenburg. That's 20 homes under mandatory evacuation and 500 under pre-evacuation. Crazy!



              Okay, this morning I went outside to water the potted plants and I was overwhelmed by a strong "campfire smell" in the air. I am hiding out in the house today (garden needs weeding, but I need to breathe.)

              I have heard that the fires are worse down south of me. Has anyone heard how Ricky's property has fared? What about those lovely Harleys, his dogs, the quilts, the fabric?

              Just wondering,

              Diane up north


                From Judith:

                Judith Baker Montano
                6 hours ago ·
                Hi Everyone:
                Things are exciting around here due to the 9,400 acre wild fire on the east peak. So many of you have been here with us over the years....I just wanted to reassure you that all is safe and sound.

                La Veta is the head quarters for the fire fighters, national guard and air force helecopters...It is a beehive of activity with al the crews being billetted in tents set up in the park....The government has sent in their own caterer.....All animals from other fires are being sent into the rodeo grounds for safe keeping.

                I feel that if the National guard feels safe enough to be here so should I.....La Veta life goes on. I have spoken to a few ranchers and they are not moving cattle or horses.....Everyone has great faith in the fire fighters.

                So what ever you hear from the hysterical news casters and media.....La Veta remains calm and is confident that the fire should
                be out in the next few days.

                The days are so hot and the winds pick up in the afternoon. Just spoke to a young National guardsmen who stopped to fix the door on his hummer......I offered him some binder twine or a bungee cord...... and he said that things are under control but some of the men on the front lines are getting fatigued. They all are very confident now that the helecopters are on the job.

                Tonite Kathy Koch and I went up to the hill and took these photographs of the fire. As you can see the smoke is billowing but white smoke means active fire and brown smoke means it is going out.

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Thanks to Judith for keeping us posted. It's good that things are all okay while Ricky is away. Does anyone know how things are at Autum Rock? I have no idea where that is in relation to the fire.


                    Many thanks toJudith and Margo for getting this news to us.

                    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                      Good to hear. Thanks for the update Margo and Judith.

                      Diane Frank


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