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  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
  • Justin's Test Account
    This is a test...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
  • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
    I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
  • Color Question
    I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
  • Month 2 Applique blocks
    I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
  • Deleting Wish List Items
    Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
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  • Late at this but having difficulty
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
    Please use this topic to share your FINISHED top or quilt here. This will make it easy to see all the great quilts everyone...
  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Lois, as I type this I am sitting in front of a wood stove and DH is making a pot of tea! Outside it is twilight and the mist has come down over the mountains. It's great to be warm inside. The hot whiskey is also a great man for these cold days - purely for medicinal reasons of course. :mrgreen:

    Bren I am glad I gave you a laugh. I bet you anything if you make a tea-cosy one of them will put it on their head. Karen I did get a picture of my DH with the tea cosy on his head long ago but the photo is in an album somewhere - not on my laptop. But actually it has made me realize that I should probably make one again just for the laugh. :lol:


      Nancy, I'd be so happy to have you! When can I expect you?


        Originally posted by loise98
        Nancy, I'd be so happy to have you! When can I expect you?
        Not nearly as soon as I would wish!!


          "Oh, she sighed... laughing and wishing...." I think I'll get a cuppa something !


            me too, something hot with whiskey... a hot tottie! :wink:

            Just got this email from my friend Ree so I would go with this hot deal too....



              I just saw that post from Ree! My mouth is watering but I'm too darn lazy to make it!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Did u see Jb's web special? I like the teal..


                  Originally posted by Margo
                  I just saw that post from Ree! My mouth is watering but I'm too darn lazy to make it!
                  I wish someone would make some for me. I am to lazy also. Looks like a lot of work. But is sounds really good.


                    After having our traditional "good luck" pork and sauerkraut yesterday (on New Years Day), that Potato Soup sounds delicious for supper tonight with a nice salad. YUM


                      I think I will try the potato soup tomorrow. However, I have a new bag of red potatoes, so I will skip peeling them. And I will skip putting it in a blender. Gotta' cut down some of that prep time.


                        So today I am exploring this TQS sight and I found a blog place for Ricki and one for Alex...
                        What I found was Alex hasn’t blogged since 04/20/2010
                        and that blog was called something like back in the saddle again, so did she get bucked off and hasn’t blogged since or what... LOL I'm just kidding!
                        I didn’t bother to look at Ricki's I might later on...

                        Anyway there sure is a lot of stuff on here. So my question is... is there a really good way to keep posted as to what is going on at all times in every area of this sight? or do you just keep clicking and looking around?

                        Oh yea I decided to print off the patterns and instructions for the Sedona Star quilt... I think I may have made a big mistake... I have filled the printer 2 times with paper and I don’t think it has printed month 4 yet... I guess I missed that disclaimer saying to buy lots of paper and ink if you want to print this instruction quilt off. LOL... gotta love quilting right!


                          Bren, I think you need to be a bit obssessive about quilting to keep up here. But yes, I think it takes lots of clicking. BTW, Ricky is more regular with his posting although I haven't checked lately. Mostly, I try to keep up with the Forum and check out "view new posts" at least once, if not more often, each day. It might be an addiction, but a lot healthier than some.


                            Originally posted by loise98
                            Bren, I think you need to be a bit obssessive about quilting to keep up here. But yes, I think it takes lots of clicking. BTW, Ricky is more regular with his posting although I haven't checked lately. Mostly, I try to keep up with the Forum and check out "view new posts" at least once, if not more often, each day. It might be an addiction, but a lot healthier than some.
                            And it's low-fat! :lol: The soup looks delicious. I would skip the cream though, if you blend it well it doesn't need it. And I use a hand blender so that I don't have to wash out the jug of the blender.


                              Originally posted by loise98
                              Bren, It's just terrible when you can't get warm. We are having a cold spell too. I have the wood burner going today. Nothing like a woodfire to make you feel cosy. I'd like Rita to make some of that tea brack and you could both come to my house and I'll make tea. Heck if you guys come I'll make a nice hot chicken casserole and some soup on the side. Stay warm everybody!
                              No problems staying warm here today in Adelaide - we are heading for about 40C (not sure what that is in farenheit but it's pretty hot!). My sewing room is our old garage. It has air conditioning but I feel a bit guilty running the airconditionong out in the garage when we have the house airconditioning on as well. So it might be a good chance to stay inside the house and pin baste my Wot RoTT quilt (???) - it's been ready to baste for about 6 months - not my favourite part of the whole process as, for me, it involves crawling around on the family room floor ....and instead of a hot whisky (which sounds pretty good I must say) - a nice cold beer or chilled white wine at the end of the day for me


                                We must be at the other side of the world Robin we had -30 C today and the same for tomorrow It is a marvellous excuse to stay home and quilt. The kids left for home today and I enjoyed a me day working on Sedona Star. Happy New Year everyone Joan


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                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
                                • Justin's Test Account
                                  This is a test...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
                                • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
                                  I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
                                • Color Question
                                  I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
                                • Month 2 Applique blocks
                                  I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
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                                • 14 Years Later...
                                  Finally doing something with my HSTs - And getting a warm fuzzy seeing all the names and places...
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