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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    ROTFLMAO !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


      Idaho - We don' t speak that language here in Quebec - can you translate? Yes, I did look up the 'word' in glossary, but it's not there!


        Crocus, my understanding is that it's 'rolling on the floor laughing my 'butt' off.' Substituting butt for a@&* :lol: :lol: :lol:

        In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


          Oh ! Well, my excuse is grammar ! I put "the "in the phrase ! :shock: It is in abbreviations....
          something about rolling on floor, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: There are lots of combinations !
          Grey and drizzle-ly here in Idaho...need all those colorful reels !!


            After all those desserts, I guess some of us will actually have to do something with our butts!


              The last" pulled" pork butt in this house was cooked with saurkraut, carrot and apple
              and served on rye bread...Yum !


                Oh, phooey ! the "E" word !!!


                  Originally posted by LoriReid
                  AHH!! North Carolina. Two sons were in the Marines and stationed at Camp LeJuene which caused me to frequently drive down there to see them. I love the pulled pork sandwiches and now make a prok butt on the grill to make the same sandwiches. YUMMM

                  I lived in North Carolina for 12 years. It took a bit to get used to the BBQ as it was so different from Texas where I lived before moving to NC. But I do love the NC BBQ now and miss it very much. Pulled pork--or a "pig picking" is yummy. Essentially the pork is so tender it just pulls apart or shreds very easily. Often served on a bun with cole slaw (or more commonly called 'slaw.') It is a more vinegary sauce than the thicker sauce in TX and other areas.

                  In fact I couldn't believe it but the common way to eat hot dogs and hamburgers were with chili and slaw.

                  Yes, sweet potatoe pie is a lot like pumpkin pie.

                  This is making me hungry.



                    Originally posted by crocus999
                    So, I'm wondering if anybody did 'pulled pork' strips or what about 'coleslaw' strips I think we need to balance all the dessert-type strips with some good pulled pork, or what about roast beef? Lazagna anyone? Maybe we'll need to do a main meal quilt and then a dessert quilt?
                    My reels actually look more like Macaroni and Cheese than dessert. If I have time I can submit my Mac and Cheese recipe. this is the way my Mom made it when i was a kid and to my mind, the only way to eat Mac and Cheese.


                      looking forward to not just the fabulous reels, but also those great recipes - definitely want that pulled port butt, sweet potato pie and also the mac&cheese... and whatever anyone else comes up with...
                      made that fabulous no-knead-bread last night - was all gone by breakfast this morning - YUM!
                      Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                        Ladies, I am a native of North Carolina and I have enjoyed all the pork pulling conversation here and how to eat it. I like it with a little barbecue sauce on a bun with cole slaw on the side!! Of course, there is always chopped pork barbecue, too and Lorna, yes, NC barbecue is different from Texas. I have a friend from Texas and she laments that fact quite often. :lol:

                        I have sent my reels, but didn't take a photo. I'm sorry I didn't because I have so enjoyed seeing all of yours. This exchange may be smaller than the SOTTs but it will be equally lovely and as PosyP taunts us with the arriving numbers - the excitement grows! Thanks Rosemary!!!! :lol:

                        You ladies who are living here in NC now - where are you? I'm in Raleigh. NancyW
                        Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland



                          I fix this weight watcher barbecued pork all the time, It is wonderful & simple;
                          One Lean pork loin (on sale can be only $8.00)
                          Brown outside of pork in olive oil, about 2 tablespoons;
                          Put in slow cooker w/
                          One cup of beef boulion (I use Swanson’s MSG, Fat free)-If I am in a hurry I may microwave the cup of beef bouillon to speed up the cooking.
                          One garlic glove (I use the minced garlic from the jar, it is 1/2 tsp.)
                          Put in slow cooker on high setting for 4-5 hours / depending on size , or
                          you can put your slow cooker on the low setting and leave it all day. I have even put it on the low setting before going to bed and it is done by morning so I could take it into work for get togethers
                          Pull pork apart with two forks and add heated barbecue sauce (I use Jack Daniels Original barbecue sauce-one bottle)
                          Put on Whole wheat bun, it’s great & I am always asked to bring it to party’s it is so popular!
                          Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                            Barbara, that sounds great and looks like it would be good for us!! Thanks for sharing that recipe.
                            Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                              Originally posted by NancyW
                              Barbara, that sounds great and looks like it would be good for us!! Thanks for sharing that recipe.
                              Ditto to what Nancy said....that is easy and sounds wonderful! Another TQS recipe to keep!

                              I also live in Raleigh! Nancy


                                Nancy, I live in Trinity, Just south of High Point.


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