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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Originally posted by crocus999
    Debbie - I googled clafoutis because there is beginning to be so many things food related on this forum that I don't know about, I was embarrassed to ask. But thank you for your humility!

    I even mixed up Robbie Burns with Guy Fox! oops! They have a day for him too!

    Maybe we could come up with a few uniquely Canadian things...?
    I think you mean Guy Fawkes -
    and he came to notoriety in 1605.

    "Remember, remember the fifth of November,
    Gunpowder, treason and plot.
    I see no reason, why gunpowder and treason,
    Should ever be forgot."

    I suppose you could say that he was a barbeque type of guy :wink: since he gets put on a bonfire every year in effigy


      Originally posted by LoriReid
      Thank you all for the interesting explanation to my inquiry about the haggis and Burns Night. I did watch that you tube video about the haggis and now I know what they were talking about. Will have to look at some of the links listed.
      My spools will be in the mail end of this week. They are light blue with some brown, but after a glass or two of wine they begin to look slightly light purple. Not sure what to name them.
      And to think that my husband said that if you had watched the youtube video, then it had spoiled the punchline - it sounds as if it almost worked better this way around on you :lol: :lol:

      I have to say that the Wot Rotts seem to be thoroughly sozzled, or as they say north of the border - puggled, hic!


        "I have to say that the Wot Rotts seem to be thoroughly sozzled, or as they say north of the border - puggled, hic!"

        Drunk as a skunk! hic! :mrgreen:

        Seriously though, I don't think that anybody should feel pressurized into producing a delectible dish for the book if they don't want to. Personally, I resent every meal I have to cook (it eats into my quilting time!). I am happy to bake bread, cakes and make jam but I could live without having to come up with interesting meals for a while.

        Lori, I love the idea of the blueberry oatmeal clafoutis, can't wait to try that. Lotti, I am going to try the baked fruit salad tomorrow - with the pineapple! Ever since DH was told last March that his cholesterol was too high we have had a big fresh fruit salad every day. It started out as an alternative to a snack but is now so much part of the daily routine that the kids come looking for it after school each day. Thank goodness for Lidl where we get the fresh watermelon (which makes up a large part of it) and pineapple!


          I posted my blocks today, and sent Rosemary an email, now it is a long wait until the postman comes with mine.,
          Maree Tasmania number 12C


            by Reetzbobeetz » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:56 am - Seriously though, I don't think that anybody should feel pressurized into producing a delectible dish for the book if they don't want to.

            I agree, we are all coming here for a bit of fun, and if it wasn't fun we wouldn't be here. If you can match a recipe to your reels, all well & good, if you can't match the recipe to the reels but it is a good standby recipe that you return to again & again also good.

            Perhaps we ought to have categories such as 'Minimum faff', 'Moderate faff' and 'Chuck it & duck - it usually works ok for me!' 8)


              For those of you who don't have Edyta's book, this site has it on sale:


                Thanks for that 'digitabulist'! Unfortunately I ordered one about two weeks ago from Waterstones online store and it has been in their pending tray ever since. Anyone else this side of the Atlantic having trouble getting their orders from Waterstones?


                  Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                  Thanks for that 'digitabulist'! Unfortunately I ordered one about two weeks ago from Waterstones online store and it has been in their pending tray ever since. Anyone else this side of the Atlantic having trouble getting their orders from Waterstones?
                  Rita, can you cancel your order? I got mine from http://www.bookdepository.co.uk and the delivery was very fast, a matter of days. They post worldwide so should be no trouble to Ireland. Amazon also has them as well.


                    Thanks Maureen, you must have read my mind because I have just cancelled two orders which have been pending since 13th January. I usually go with Amazon but DH gave me a token for Waterstones at Christmas and I was trying to use it up. They have closed up shop here in Ireland so I am wondering if the same is happening in the UK. I will check out the Book Depository now.


                      Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                      Thanks Maureen, you must have read my mind because I have just cancelled two orders which have been pending since 13th January. I usually go with Amazon but DH gave me a token for Waterstones at Christmas and I was trying to use it up. They have closed up shop here in Ireland so I am wondering if the same is happening in the UK. I will check out the Book Depository now.
                      I had heard they where closing down some stores. There are at least two in Glasgow and still quite a few in Scotland. it is a shame when book stores close down. :cry: :cry:


                        Originally posted by scottishquilter
                        Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                        Thanks Maureen, you must have read my mind because I have just cancelled two orders which have been pending since 13th January. I usually go with Amazon but DH gave me a token for Waterstones at Christmas and I was trying to use it up. They have closed up shop here in Ireland so I am wondering if the same is happening in the UK. I will check out the Book Depository now.
                        I had heard they where closing down some stores. There are at least two in Glasgow and still quite a few in Scotland. it is a shame when book stores close down. :cry: :cry:
                        I should have said that there is a few still in Ulster that I am sure do mail order for you to spend your token.


                          Originally posted by lotti
                          do you actually make your soup just the way they say - or have you taken the general idea and adapted it to your own version - in which case it's a NEW recipe isn't it?
                          i don't think any of us would mind low-cal recipes - and if there's anyone out there that actually needs extra calories (i know some people who do - so this is not as strange as it sounds), anyone can adapt the low-cal version with a few minor changes
                          Oh! I thought recipes were meant as a suggestion! I swear, I can try the same 'recipe' 3 times and get three different outcomes - usually all great, but never quite the same twice. LOL.
                          My 'citrus bowl' is in the mail today. Looking forward to the return!


                            I need to thank Rosemary for starting the wait list and it was my good fortune a space opened up. I'm so excited to be included in this fun project. I've been trying to catch up. I've made 10 so far and have all the strips starched and pressed. I hope to have my "Cherry Pies" in the mail to Lorna by the first part of next week. I noticed on the USPS website, they have custom forms you can fill out online. I'm enjoying all the blogging and especially seeing the variety of colors and fabrics. What an entertaining, talented group!!!!!! Sandra


                              Welcome, Sandra! I think we needed a few cherries on the table. Thanks.


                                beautiful cherries - mmmmmmmh cherry pie

                                we had our "soupday" at the office today - a really good turn-out - and everyone enjoyed themselves - so YEAHHHH

                                manufactured the baked fruit salad, used apples, pears, pineapples, oranges and bananas, added a little wild forest honey (mmmmmmmmmmh), & lemon juice - baked about 25 minutes - had 3 large dishes of the stuff and they were all gone soon the vanilla greek yoghurt topping went down very well - next time i'll have to double the amount of that still have a little vegetable and a bit of goulash soup - just enough for the marketing dept. lunch tomorrow (well for the three of us that will be working)
                                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


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