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    Originally posted by PosyP
    Clootie dumpling - yum, that is one recipe that I really must get on and try, I have been given my father-in-laws mother's recipe for this and haven't got around to it yet. ops:

    Mind you we did have a McSween's haggis at the weekend, they are marvelous & well worth the 'hunt' :wink: :lol:
    Roemary, glad to hear some English celebrate Burns Night :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


      All the blocks & recipes are scrumptious!!
      Love the personal "flavor" (sorry!) from Dawn and Maureen.
      Shall we each contribute a recipe with our local flavors
      and then they can be matched with a reel somehow...rather
      than feel like we need to come up with something for our
      own reel???
      Not that it's forbidden to have a recipe that does
      match with our reel.
      And since I'm part of the book team, will be happy to do the
      Comments? Opinions? Discuss!


        Originally posted by scottishquilter
        Originally posted by PosyP
        Clootie dumpling - yum, that is one recipe that I really must get on and try, I have been given my father-in-laws mother's recipe for this and haven't got around to it yet. ops:

        Mind you we did have a McSween's haggis at the weekend, they are marvelous & well worth the 'hunt' :wink: :lol:
        Roemary, glad to hear some English celebrate Burns Night :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
        Not completely English in this household, husband born in Motherwell, & my great-grandfather from Glasgow.

        By the way, whilst on a first aid course, to the question of 'how do you identify burns?', the response was 'He's wearing a kilt!' & 'he's got a scots accent!' wasn't quite the right answer :lol: :lol: :lol:


          Oh Dawn, we must be kindred quilt sisters!! I too, do not like to cook! I'd rather be quilting and sewing.

          KISS (keep it simple sister) is my mantra for the kitchen! I am good at whipping up a salad and some pasta with Prego sauce, and calling it done!! Cut fruit for dessert and water to drink. And breakfast is always a bowl of oat cereal and a cup of coffee. Easy Peasy is my middle name!! LOL


            Hey Maureen, do you remember the Noel Edmunds phone calls from the late 70's - especially the 'Haggis Shoot'



              Originally posted by PosyP
              He Maureen, do you remember the Noel Edmunds phone calls from the late 70's - especially the 'Haggis Shoot'

              Those where the days :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


                Originally posted by PosyP
                Originally posted by scottishquilter
                Originally posted by PosyP
                Clootie dumpling - yum, that is one recipe that I really must get on and try, I have been given my father-in-laws mother's recipe for this and haven't got around to it yet. ops:

                Mind you we did have a McSween's haggis at the weekend, they are marvelous & well worth the 'hunt' :wink: :lol:
                Roemary, glad to hear some English celebrate Burns Night :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
                Not completely English in this household, husband born in Motherwell, & my great-grandfather from Glasgow.

                By the way, whilst on a first aid course, to the question of 'how do you identify burns?', the response was 'He's wearing a kilt!' & 'he's got a scots accent!' wasn't quite the right answer :lol: :lol: :lol:

                Good one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                  Ok Rosemary,
                  Is it cause I'm from the US or am I just really out of it, but I never heard of Burns Night or of McSween's haggis.


                    Well, I was uploading my reel picture and the site won't let me add attachment I'm using an iPad and the site is probably not updated for iPad use....unless someone has another way to upload.
                    The upload attachment won't let me "choose file" but I can add "file comment" under pic. Go figure!
                    If no solutions, I'll upload on my desktop when I return home next week.
                    Happy Stitching! :lol:


                      I have a confession for all of you! I do not cook. ops: I do not like to cook! ops: Oh, I prepare the meals, but simplicity is the key! A good piece of meat, a fresh veggie, and a salad.


                      I can't say that I lile to cook. I do it because the kids will go hungry if I don't. Meals at our house are simple like yours and I have to say the crock pot is my friend. Just throw the stuff in in the morning and it is done when I get home at night.


                        Originally posted by LoriReid
                        Ok Rosemary,
                        Is it cause I'm from the US or am I just really out of it, but I never heard of Burns Night or of McSween's haggis.
                        Burns Night is a Scottish tradition celebrating the birth & works of Robert (Rabbie) Burns. He was an 18th century poet, who wrote in the vernacular of his day. You probably know one of his songs without realising it - Auld Lang Syne! http://www.robertburns.org/works/236.shtml Another slightly well known one starts 'My love is like a red red rose' http://www.robertburns.org/works/444.shtml

                        There is also an 'Address to a Haggis' http://www.robertburns.org/works/147.shtml. There are a lot of myths about the haggis, some say that it is a bird-like pig type of animal, others swear that it is more of a pig-like bird, but every one tends to agree that they are very hard to hunt & shoot!

                        The Clan MacSween happen to be the best hunters & providers of the haggis, in my opinion http://www.macsween.co.uk/ or you could try here http://www.scottishfoodoverseas.com/...FSgntAod7yDItw

                        Haggis is traditionally served with mashed neaps & tatties. (Neaps I think are swedes, and tatties are potatoes)

                        If anyone wishes to disagree with any of the above information please feel free to do so


                          Originally posted by tbrown0307
                          I have a confession for all of you! I do not cook. ops: I do not like to cook! ops: Oh, I prepare the meals, but simplicity is the key! A good piece of meat, a fresh veggie, and a salad.


                          I can't say that I lile to cook. I do it because the kids will go hungry if I don't. Meals at our house are simple like yours and I have to say the crock pot is my friend. Just throw the stuff in in the morning and it is done when I get home at night.
                          I don't mind cooking,actually planning a special meal can be fun. But having to come up with menus for everyday can get real boring, especially when I want to think about something else instead (like fabric & what shall I sew today?). What I loath is the clearing up afterwards :roll:


                            Originally posted by LoriReid
                            Ok Rosemary,
                            Is it cause I'm from the US or am I just really out of it, but I never heard of Burns Night or of McSween's haggis.
                            Lori, Robert Burns (Rabbie Burns) was born on 25th January 1759 and is the Baird - a famous Scottish poet. It is a tradition that every year on that date (or near it) there are Burns Suppers all over the country where a national meal of Haggis, Neeps (turnips) and potatoes are served. There are lots of poems in the old Scottish language and addresses to the Haggis and the Ladies. Of course there is also lots of Scotch Whisky being passed around.

                            If you go to http://www.rabbie-burns.com it will tell you a bit more and explain the Haggis


                              Rosemary I see you beat me to it :lol: :lol: :lol:


                                When I visited the UK a decade ago, I kept a travel journal, and in the back of it, I kept a glossary of British English words compared to Canadian English words. The glossary was almost as long as the journal itself! It was hilarious! You'd think you were speaking the same English, but, nope. Then I went to the Southern US ( Georgia etc. now, There's a different class of English - harder to understand than the Brits -

                                as long as a 1/4 inch = 1/4 inch wherever you are, at least for quilting then we don't have to worry about understanding each other. But, here in Canada, we use cm. (centimetres, so we're translating all the time) What measurement are we going to use for the cookbook?

                                What's a swede/neaps?

                                PS - I'm an English teacher LOL


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