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    Originally posted by sewengel
    You girls are spoiled rotten, so here goes.
    Zucchini Bread
    3 eggs
    2 cups sugar
    1 C. vegetable oil
    1 tsp. vanilla
    8 ounces of cream cheese, softened
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp. cinnamon, but I put in more cause I love cinnamon
    1 tsp. salt.
    1/2 tsp nutmet
    2 cups shredded zucchini

    Oven at 350 two 9 x 5" loaf pans or 7 of the little ones (don't know the size)

    Here at altitude I bake it about 45 minutes, but you can watch it. Also you can add nuts -- it also freezes very well.

    Dang that made me hungry, guess I will make some this afternoon. LOL

    Hugs, Sharon
    Sharon have you ever tried this with fresh frozen zucchini? I was wondering if it would work or not? I use it in a chocolate zucchini cake recipe. It gets a little watery when the zucc... thaws but it works good.


      Originally posted by djane
      After that experience I totally undertand why you don't like rhubard Sharon. I do have to say that we really enjoy it--we used to eat it stewed on ice cream. The tart with sweet and creamy was delicious! I have a great rhubarb cake recipe that has a butter cookie crust plus a rhubarb custard layer topped with a cream cheese frosting. It is delicious and hard to stop at just one piece.
      Debbie, I want your recipes if you are sharing. the cookie crust got me hooked! LOL!
      Bren from SD


        Sharon, I love zucchini any way I can get them so I've saved your recipe in OneNote and will find an occasion to make it. Does the 'R' in 'RoTT' stand for 'Recipes'?


          Me too, My brothers and I snuck the sugar bowl out to the patch and dunked a stock in the sugar and chewed away! So sweet and so good![/quote]

          I didn't use sugar on mine. I also used to eat the sour pie cherries right off the tree.


            Well I got bit after seeing the photo of those delicious looking "brack" so I am going to try it my way. I don't have any golden raisins a.k.a. sultanas, so I'll substitute cranraisins and I am out of English tea so I will use Earl Grey. Will report in the morning how it turns out.
            As far as quilting goes. We got word that there is a new little cowboy on the way. He should be here end of May. Our 3rd grandchild. So I made a baby quilt, a baby quilted burp cloth and 3 pair of quilted baby cowboy boots. I hope I don't let Rita down with all my substituting! :lol: :lol: But out here on the ranch I can't just run to the store and get what I 'm out of... Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is a bad thing... 78 today. I washed the truck and the car, vaccumed out the gravel, washed the windows, quilted, cleaned and pulled 2 calves. I think the hefier bull we bought was really "NOT" a hefier bull, his babies are huge! :shock: I think we need a refund! The stars are georgious out here on the praries tonight, so warm, so quiet, so beautiful!


              you all are making me so hungry.............

              Taree NSW - Australia
              My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                OK, so the pictures of the Irish Tea Brack did it. Now I am going to have to make some. First I have to stop and get some English Breakfast Tea, since all I have is all kinds of flavored herbal teas. I have everything else, so I will be set to go.. Will let you know how mine turns out. Thanks to Rita and Rosemary for sharing the recipes.


                  Lori, if you have any kind of black tea, I think it would work and not take away from the flavor of the tea brack--like Lipton, Tetley or Red Rose. I did it with English breakfast tea because I had it but in retrospect, I think any of the other more common American black teas would work. Renata


                    Bren, I will be interested to see how the Earl Grey tea works out. I think the flavour is very strong but maybe it will be okay. And yes, any dried fruit will work. I just use raisins if I have nothing else in the store cupboard. Let us know how you get on. Sounds like you are a very tidy person - vacuuming the gravel? Would you not be better to do that inside the house :lol:

                    Congratulations on the new grandchild. Love those boots they are just adorable


                      Bren, congratulations on your third grandchild! The boots look adorable--never seen anything like that before, just adorable! Renata


                        Bren - my goodness aren't those cute cowboy boots!! Congratulations and I know you'll be making more things for that cutie! I love this exchange and the posts. The recipes look great. I've got to work today, but if I feel up to it, I want to try that tea brack. It looks SOOOO good!
                        Everyone have a happy day!! Nancy

                        Also congrats to everyone for all the packages arriving so we can put Rosemary and Lorna to work, and play, and sort, and baste and museum hop! :lol:


                          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                          Bren, I will be interested to see how the Earl Grey tea works out. I think the flavour is very strong but maybe it will be okay. And yes, any dried fruit will work. I just use raisins if I have nothing else in the store cupboard. Let us know how you get on. Sounds like you are a very tidy person - vacuuming the gravel? Would you not be better to do that inside the house :lol:

                          Congratulations on the new grandchild. Love those boots they are just adorable

                          I am laughing so hard this morning Rita! :lol: No, No the gravel is in the carpet in the truck and the car, after I washed them I vaccumed out the gravel, no oil roads or hwys out here on the ranch so every time you get in and out of an outfit you track sand and gravel into the auto. So "THAT" was the gravel I vaccumed... your too funny! I just wish it was sand and gravel in the tractors that clean up each spring it's a little moer fragrant if you know what I mean! :roll: LOL! I love spring cleaning, I get the bug and can't stop till everything is spick and span, then I can get down to work. Planting time! my oven is on so I will let ya know how it turns out.


                            I love the booties. I want to make some. Where did you find the pattern?


                              I thought that I had posted my variation of 'Barm brack', but that post seems to have disappeared into the ether - but then it was late at night. So to recap, my recipe comes from the Hamlyn All Colour Cook Book and doesn't contain yeast despite the name.

                              12 fl oz cold tea
                              7 oz soft brown sugar
                              12 oz mixed dried fruit
                              10 oz self-raising flour
                              1 egg

                              Prepared the same way as Rita's un less you want to try my short cut (because I usually forget to set the fruit to soak :wink: ) where by I simmer the fruit in the tea and sugar for about 1/2 hour then add the flour & egg - just be careful that the mixture is not too hot when you add the egg in case it cooks it at the wrong time. In one loaf tin the cooking time is approx 1 hr 45 min, in 2 tins, about 1 hour.

                              I also chuck in extra fruit, because when this book first came out, you could grab a handful of sultanas and only one or two of them would squish between the fingers, these days in a handful of sultanas they all squish, therefore you are obviously not getting so many fruit to the pound because they are not as dried as they used to be


                                Good morning all. Happy Friday. Someone asked if I use fresh zucchini and yes. If you use frozen let it thaw drain in a strainer. Sometimes I take paper towel and squeeze more water through the strainer to get more of the water out.
                                The boots are adorable. Enjoy the day.
                                Sharon - its supposed together to 80 today


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