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  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
  • Justin's Test Account
    This is a test...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
    Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
  • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
    I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
  • Color Question
    I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
  • Month 2 Applique blocks
    I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Thank you so much for sharing. I'm using your idea!!!
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    I love this block as an alternative to the appliqué. Great job.
  • Deleting Wish List Items
    Is there a way to delete items in my wish list. I've got items there that I have purchased and don't want to purchase again,...
  • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
    These were fast to make. I made 16 of the ones with the stripes and gingham and 8 of the other 2. Since I could only get...
  • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
    Since I'm working with fat quarters, I didn't have enough of one of the fabrics to make them all the same so I made them...
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Dear fellow Wott’s;

    I have 30 reels done & with a new machine & a little practice I have once again surprised myself! I love this forum; it pushes me to try new things and figure them out. Things I wouldn’t ordinarily do on my own! Love you guys. Here are what I have done so far.
    P.S. Should I cut the ends off to measure the 3 1/2 “ (I have them cut the 3 1/2 “) by 4 1/2” or leave on little on the end-length wise ?



      Good for you Barbara! Yes, just trim those babies up to be 3 1/2" x 4 1/2". I took off a bit on each end. Technically, the top and bottom strips should be 3/4" wide so when sewn into the blocks they'll be 1/2" wide just like the center strips are. But it's ok if the individual strips vary a bit... as long as the total size is 3 1/2" x 4 1/2".

      Does that help?


        Rosemary what is "BatiksRUS & SoTTTs "?


          I'm not Rosemary but can tell you that SoTTTs and Batiks-R-Us are the first two exchanges done by TQS members. You can read about them starting here:


          and here: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...abric-exchange

          The SoTTT exchange (Sisterhood of The Travelling Triangles) wound up with 561 participants from 12 countries exchanging almost a quarter million HSTs!!!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            hello sue

            the BatiksRUS was a Batik Exchange early 2011: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...abric-exchange
            the SOTTTs was the Sisterhood of The Travelling Triangle Exchange: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...ngles-exchange
            then there are also the STRIPPERS, which was also the Sensational Strippers Exchange: http://forum/friendship-triangle-exc...ppers-exchange
            the names also refer to the persons participating in these exchanges

            i met lots of wonderful people here in TQS land through these great exchanges, the WotRoTT exchange is a direct result from those...
            some of us can never get enough
            Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


              oops - you beat me to the "submit" button
              Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                Thinking, doing, saying the same thing at the same times...describes a deep sisterhood,no?
                Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                  Originally posted by crocus999
                  For what it's worth - I will be shipping International. All Hail British Postal Services! I actually really truly honestly received a letter here in Canada that was mailed within the previous 24 hours according the the postage cancelled stamp! Gotta love the Brits!

                  BTW what is the postage from UK to Canada, and do you want/need an envelope?
                  postage to Canada will be £4.19 including the envelope, which I have already - I just hope we can avoid the postal increases which happen in April for the return journey.
                  I've also sent you another copy of the posting instructions for you to lose on your computer :wink:
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    Originally posted by squirrelie55
                    Rosemary what is "BatiksRUS & SoTTTs "?
                    We all met some wonderful members through those exchanges! I have had many emails to and from Lotti, riverowl, crocus, Rosemary, and on and on! I consider these ladies my friends now! Dozens of them! You can't meet a greater group of ladies! (and guys!)

                    In beautiful Northwest Montana
                    (With over a foot of snow in the last 30 hours!)


                      Originally posted by PosyP
                      Margo reminded me last night/this morning about guidence for fat-quarter gifts.

                      Personally speaking I like clean, clear colours, I like batiks, & hand-dyes (despite the bleeding & the need for colour catchers). I have a long term handsewing project in mind which involves greens (but some-how I keep geting side-tracked :wink: ). I have plenty of Pinks already in my stash.

                      Hope this helps.
                      Yes it does! I have a very large stash of FQ dyed by me. And, many of them are in greens! That makes it easy, I can just ask which one
                      wants to take a trip across the ocean and grab the one that volunteers!



                        I decided to outside my box, even though it's a comfortable box, and am making my reels lime green sherbert. Something bright in this dreary winter.

                        Sharon in CO


                          Regarding including your name & address in your Forum post, I have found that the Forum
                          comes under Google searches for all to read. The only block to non-members of TQS is that
                          they are prevented from seeing photos or making a post themselves.
                          I think it's wise to Google oneself occasionally to see what's out there.

                          Many thanks for all your efforts on our behalf. Will get my blocks sent to you as soon as I can!

                          P.S. as to value...are we going mostly medium to dark or are light color reels OK?


                            Roseanne, maybe this will help. This is the inspiration "Spool Quilt" from Edyta's book Friendship Strips & Scraps.


                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by romira
                              Regarding including your name & address in your Forum post, I have found that the Forum
                              comes under Google searches for all to read. The only block to non-members of TQS is that
                              they are prevented from seeing photos or making a post themselves.
                              I think it's wise to Google oneself occasionally to see what's out there.
                              OMG! I just Googled myself, and find me all over the place! Mostly quilting stuff, but what a shock! (And, some of you are right there with me!) I Google myself a couple of years ago, and was nonexsistant! I kind of keep a low profile and am in disguise on Facebook. You will never find me there. Well, I guess I've come out of hiding!

                              In beautiful Northwest Montana


                                My DH got a phone call just yesterday from the guy who introduced us (a blind date!) 45 years ago!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
                                Alvin doesn't post anything on line, and Lynn found us through a Google search of me!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Is it possible to know the width of the flower border fabric? I would like to cut it before cutting the 12” blocks for...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  I would like to cut my border before I cut the 12” squares. Is it possible to know the border dimension of the flower...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Do you think if I use the color, as in a single solid color for each one, indicated in the column marked color on the fabric...
                                • Justin's Test Account
                                  This is a test...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Share Your Progress Here
                                  Month 3 completed! I have put 1/4 on the design board
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  That would work great too. I don't have one and the smaller size half square triangle Bloc Loc I do have has gone missing,...
                                • MONTH 3 -- Ask Questions Here
                                  Barbara I am using the Bloc Loc 5 1/2" half square triangle to square up my squares. It takes a lot less time. Thanks...
                                • MONTH 1 Share Your Progress
                                  I had to finish another BOM before beginning Laurel Ridge. I am now on my way. I chose to use Jane Austen fabrics since...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gloria, I’m glad I’m not the only crazy one. I am doing both color ways too. I needed a spring quilt for our bed and...
                                • Color Question
                                  I see there is a column indicating the overall color of the fabric. If I do mine in solids, can I use that column as an...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  I used a combination of fused raw edge applique with blanket stitch (regular sewing machine) and embroidery (embroidery...
                                • MONTH 2 — Share Your Progress HERE
                                  Gorgeous - you did an amazing job!
                                • Month 2 Applique blocks
                                  I made the mistake of starching ALL the fabrics. I could not tease, cajole or otherwise force the shapes into submission...
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                                • 14 Years Later...
                                  Finally doing something with my HSTs - And getting a warm fuzzy seeing all the names and places...
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