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  • What I learned
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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    Rosemary, I couldn't agree more about the "listening to what my fabrics say to do" part :!: That's where the brainstorming comes in. :mrgreen: You can have a great design for quilts, wearable art, custom clothing not look good if you don't consider the type of fabric, color, pattern/texture, etc. of the materials you're using and how they all fit together as a whole. 8) Then you can have additional fun adding embellishments of stitchery, beads, trims, etc. Your good point is well taken :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:


      So yesterday when I went out the get the mail - I saw a package and I was thinking, what did Kelloggs send my husband. Imagine my surprise when I was it was addressed to me and I recognized the label. I have to say it was very fun opening up and seeing all those HST's I took a pic on my phone and sent to my sister (who is a quilter too) and she calls and asks what the heck was that and I told her (she knew about the exchange). As I was looking at them and where they all came from, I found a couple of my own, which made me laugh and I also found one with my sisters name on one from here in NM which we live. We had a good laugh over that. Now I am looking at several patterns to decide what to do -they are all so beautiful! My thanks to all those that made this possible, I had lots of fun making my HST's to send. You know what was really cool - I also received several HST's from a couple of people in my own hometown, that was too cool!

      Liz in Albuquerque, NM


        Hip-Hip-Horray!! my package arrived yesterday afternoon. It was so much fun going through them and seeing where they all came from. This will be an international quilt. Now to decide how to put them all together. Debbie and Clara--I found your blocks mixed in with the rest of the 600++ so have placed them in the Golden ticket envelope with the other "specials". They too will have a place of honor. Thank you both sooooo much for taking on this BIG job. There is a special place in Quilt Heaven for you both. Can't do anything with them for awhile--since we are getting ready to pack up and move back North--boo-hoo--our time in Florida is finished until next winter. Oh well--it just gives us something to look forward to once again.
        Pat MacGowan


          I came home late last night and did not check my Mail box. I just remembered and went to check, I am so excited, my package had arrived. I love all of the triangles.
          Thank you everyone. I am going to put them on my design wall and enjoy them for a couple of weeks before I put them in a quilt. I will send a picture when I get
          them on the wall. Thanks for everyones hard work.


            This is a TEST to see if my Livesignature worked! I am not sure it did!


              Originally posted by Josew
              This is a TEST to see if my Livesignature worked! I am not sure it did!

              WooHoo it worked!


                Originally posted by Josew
                Originally posted by Josew
                This is a TEST to see if my Livesignature worked! I am not sure it did!

                WooHoo it worked!
                My real post for this evening says I have sorted my little HST's and have representatives from 40 states and 8 countries! The Sorting Queens have done a marvelous job and I hope they get some rest soon!


                  I have attached a picture of all the HST's I received in the mail. I put them on my design wall. I love everyone of them and know have to pick the center block color.
                  Any Ideas ? Can't wait to see everyone's.


                    Pretty blocks, Teri! I would start by dividing the blocks into two piles: the ones with high contrast (light and dark) and the ones with less contrast (medium and dark).
                    Then work on choosing colors that are similar in each pile. Lots of options!

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      I see stars with bright orange or yellow centers. I would also go on a diagonal with light to dark if at all possible.


                        Just hearing from all of you who've received your triangles has gotten me soooooo excited. I'll probably be waiting by the mailbox when our mail lady comes tomorrow!

                        Jean from NW Ohio


                          Dawn, I really like the way you paired and photographed the signatures to the HSTs. I think that is the way I would like to do mine. Of course, with 280 it should make a good section of the back of the quilt :-) Jackie (aka printmaker)


                            I am so excited . Can't wait to get my HST's. TeriC thanks for sharing your picture of your new arrivals.
                            I like the way you have them arranged.

                            To all members of TQS and SOTT"s in Texas sending prayers to you for rain and also heard of the 4,000 acre
                            fire. Stay safe & MORE Prayers.

                            Dillon, Montana USA


                              :shock: :shock: :shock: Debbie, my mind and eyesight are gone temporarily. I spent the entire afternoon in Photoshop and My Profile uploading some of my quilts. But, I finally know how to do both! Now for my profile photo... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

                              Wish I could send some of Oregon's too much rain down to Texas! :cry: :cry: :cry:


                                :lol: :lol: :lol: Way to go, Maryjo! Your signature looks great...so pretty!


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