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    Originally posted by snelson61
    Originally posted by ConnieJean
    I am about half finished sewing and now realize that I was using value as the criteria for light/dark. That resulted in some actually being medium/dark. After reading the posts each day, I now realize that the medium/dark is not what is required so I will go back to my stash and search for more lights. I would go shopping, but it is snowing AGAIN on top of the 2" of ice and ??" of snow from last week. This is the 7th day that I have not gone out. You would think I would have all of my quilting projects done, but spending too much time on the computer, watching TV, working a puzzle, cooking a little, sleeping in, etc., etc. I have also joined the batik exchange and am doing two BOMs. Thanks again to all involved. Wish I live closer to help sort.
    The light/dark, med/dark could become a differnt value when put with the hundreds of other fabrics. It's scrappy , depending on the pattern I finally decide to make, it might sit next to a fabric that would make the med fabric look light. No stressing! I am using only stash! Mabye I will get on of yours!

    I agree wholeheartedly. Some of the fun of scrappy seems to be stretching the boundaries...

    Alexandria, VA


      Thanks to all for the great ideas for design walls. Sounds like bargains can be had!

      Enjoy the Super Bowl (or at least the part where your family is so engaged that they don't notice you've locked yourself in the sewing room...).

      Alexandria, VA


        Update on packages received and HST Count:

        29 Packages containing 9,468 HST. So far, all from US, but several International packages are already on their way. Several of the packages I've received were lacking necessary information, so I've written a checklist (below) to make sure everything is completed for mailing.

        Please use this check list when your preparing your package for mailing:
        1) Include your state/country and name on each triangle paper, if desired.
        2) Inside your package:
        a) write on the Ziplock Bag the total HST's your are sending.
        b) write your ScreenName on the Ziplock Bag
        c) separate HST's for Queensland, if applicable, and mark them Queensland.
        d) Include postage-paid envelope self-addressed with YOUR name as the return address, not my P.O. Box
        3) Use an envelope instead of a box. The larger envelopes can fit 700 HSTs with room to spare. (Boxes are very bulky and really not necessary.)
        4) CRITICAL: On the envelope you are sending to me, be sure to write your ScreenName and how many HST's are included.
        5) As soon as your package has been mailed, send me an email letting me know it's on it's way. If you send me the email, I will be able to reply to let you know I received it. If not, I will not be able to let you know.

        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          Hi Bar7700 I don't need a photo to know your triangles are fine. I am so excited about this right from day one. Some of my friends who are not quilters think I have totally lost my mind (who cares) the sisterhood know I have not. If you ordered from Edyta this past week she is on a cruise and will ship now. Have fun enjoy the process. Joan


            Sewbearnuts - I'm also in Canada. I ordered the papers on Jan 26 and I have not received them yet. I tried the free file from quiltingandwhatnot.ca but it does not print properly (the triangle sides are either slightly shorter or slightly longer). Then my husband drafted the page of triangles for me in Autocad but it still prints the same, which basically means that my printer has issues. Today I tried a few stores in the area looking for triangles on a roll thinking that those would be the closest to Edyta's papers - no luck; most stores do not carry them here and the only one that had them was out of the 2" size. So, I have no choice but to wait for Edyta's papers. I have to admit though that I'm getting a little envious of everyone else's fun while working on their HSTs. I can't wait to get going too.

            Manuela in snowy Ontario


              Manuela.... Have you seen any, Thangles? I always used those but I am loving Edyta's paper's more. Much easier to use.


                I have seen them - not easy to find the 2" around here either - my closest store will have them by mid-February. I saw their online demonstration - it seems easy enough to use them, especially with smaller scraps of fabric.



                  Thanks, Joan..... I looked at light color batiks in the quilt shop and thought they were not so pretty. So I charged off in another direction of more medium colors, some with a lighter color over laid on top. I really like my triangles and hope whoever gets them will, too!



                    Manuela: Have you set your printer to "No Scaling" which would print the triangles exactly the size they should be? This worked perfectly for me. Hope it helps. :lol: :lol: :lol:
                    Happy Quilting,
                    Shirley Forster


                      Yes, I did that, but as I said, my printer has issues. My husband suggested that we take the file to a copy centre tomorrow and if it prints OK there then we'll make some copies on foundation paper. There's still hope.



                        Yea! i am done sewing the little dashed lines! Now have to press to set the seam and then cut all the little guys down to right size. Used up a pile of scraps and am happy with the results!! Once these are on their way, I will use some of the scraps that were not large enough for HTS's to start the block components so all I have to do when my little friends come back is pop them into the squares and construct the quilt! So, since we had 4" of snow on top of the 10" from the other day, guess I have a good excuse not to go anywhere until Monday morning! Bev


                          With the exception of Football Fans tomorrow... I declare it a good excuse to do some HST. I'm getting started with the stitching tomorrow!!! Yipee!!! Clara


                            Got my papers last week (so quickly! - thanks to Edyta's place), cleaned my machine, put in a new needle, and sewed a "test" set which turned out great... I am happy in my heart! I am working from my stash, and although I have some twinges about how my choices will be received, I realize that each person should get at most one (!) of my HSTs... so it isn't such a big deal. And I love these fabrics! I have a little bit of the "Ricky" in me, so mine may look a bit bright to some. My dual feed (walking) foot is working great. I have 280 for the SoTTT currently queued up and ready to sew, along with some extras for Australia. I would say that I will send more than that, but I fear committment(!!).

                            I plan to keep at least one HST of each "set" that I make, so I will have a record of my contribution to the exchange for whatever quilt I end up making. But don't worry, sisters - I promise I will send a multiple of 28!

                            My first exchange - I am so excited!


                              I'm so excited - my first exchange also!
                              Went through my stash today and pulled my fabric choices, pressed and cut everything. Ready to start sewing tomorrow. I agree on the declaration above: tomorrow is a great day to do lots of HST.

                              I should have plenty of time to decide which quilt pattern I'll use for all of the traveling triangles. Can't wait to get started and see the result!



                                I'm having a BLAST with this!! I've sewn about 500 HST's and hope to ship Monday or Tuesday :-)

                                Looking ahead though, I realized something. The "legs" of these triangles are on the bias, and I tend to shy away from sewing bias's. Any of you more experienced and talented quilters out there have any ideas on how to work with those? Should I spray starch before sewing?

                                I've saved out a few of my own from each batch, and I gotta say, the scrappy look is wonderful!!! I'm so excited to see what you all have done -- I really don't think there can be any 'wrong' choices with this :-)


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