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    I don't think that any of us needs to stress over the fabrics we are using other than be sure they are quilt shop quality fabrics and have good contrast. Other than that if they are well constructed and carefully cut they are all going to look great together.

    Even if everyone only sent one combination there will be 1,230 different fabrics in the pile!! Don't stress!!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Dear Brothers and Sisters---Some of you seem way too stressed out---Remember "Keep Calm and Carry On"

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Originally posted by PatTheQuilter
        Dear Brothers and Sisters---Some of you seem way too stressed out---Remember "Keep Calm and Carry On"
        Ditoo and double ditton on what PatTheQuilter wrote!!! I was just getting ready to post something similar because I''m sensing a lot of stress over fabric choices.

        As long as you've kept to the one light and one med/dark quality fabrics in each triangle, everything should be perfectly fine. This is supposed to be fun, so please have fun, don't worry and be happy!


        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          Originally posted by Margo
          I don't think that any of us needs to stress over the fabrics we are using other than be sure they are quilt shop quality fabrics and have good contrast. Other than that if they are well constructed and carefully cut they are all going to look great together.

          Even if everyone only sent one combination there will be 1,230 different fabrics in the pile!! Don't stress!!

          Good math point, Margo. That's an interesting way to look at it.


          "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


            Originally posted by NaneeWolf
            Originally posted by Margo
            I don't think that any of us needs to stress over the fabrics we are using other than be sure they are quilt shop quality fabrics and have good contrast. Other than that if they are well constructed and carefully cut they are all going to look great together.

            Even if everyone only sent one combination there will be 1,230 different fabrics in the pile!! Don't stress!!

            Good math point, Margo. That's an interesting way to look at it.

            Aren't you proud! I finally did math that's right! LOL!!! :lol:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Originally posted by WendyCPA
              Oh, dear - my local quilt shop is having a sale tomorrow. How will i restrain myself?

              Seriously though, I'm thinking I will need a design wall to arrange all the lovely HSTs arriving this spring. Any tips for creating a design wall that can be taken down when not in use? (FYI - I also need a larger sewing room - I've spilled out into the guest room!)


              For a design wall I use a large flannel backed table cloth and blue tape it to my wall. It seems to work well and I can take it down with the project left on it if I am not done but have to clean up. The plastic side doesn't make the blocks stick so it is easy to unroll. Hope that helps. Also i saw at a quilt show a vanishing design wall see link http://www.vanishingdesignwall.com/
              It rolls up into itself.
              Arcadia, CA


                I am about half finished sewing and now realize that I was using value as the criteria for light/dark. That resulted in some actually being medium/dark. After reading the posts each day, I now realize that the medium/dark is not what is required so I will go back to my stash and search for more lights. I would go shopping, but it is snowing AGAIN on top of the 2" of ice and ??" of snow from last week. This is the 7th day that I have not gone out. You would think I would have all of my quilting projects done, but spending too much time on the computer, watching TV, working a puzzle, cooking a little, sleeping in, etc., etc. I have also joined the batik exchange and am doing two BOMs. Thanks again to all involved. Wish I live closer to help sort.



                  Wendy, I also use a flannel backed table cloth and if works better than anything I've tried so far. My sewing room is in the basement so I just hung mine along a wall but there are some really great suggestions posted for making your own. I like the table cloth because it's easy to put away and doesn't take up a lot of storage room. Hope this helps.




                    Originally posted by thimblequilt
                    Wendy, I also use a flannel backed table cloth and if works better than anything I've tried so far. My sewing room is in the basement so I just hung mine along a wall but there are some really great suggestions posted for making your own. I like the table cloth because it's easy to put away and doesn't take up a lot of storage room. Hope this helps.



                    I can't find your original post, so I'm using Roine's to put my two cents in. I don't have space for a design wall in my sewing room, so I purchased the Fons and Porter design wall (with show-thru grids on reverse side). The fabric already has grommets installed and I was able to hang it up on my shower curtain rod right on top of my real shower curtain. I bought new shower curtain hooks at WalMart that just slipped into the holes rather than closing up like some do . And what's ever better, I bought it at JoAnn's when it was 50% off (or you could use the usual 40% coupon). The new curtain hooks cost more than the wall! Works great.



                    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                      Originally posted by WendyCPA
                      Oh, dear - my local quilt shop is having a sale tomorrow. How will i restrain myself?

                      Seriously though, I'm thinking I will need a design wall to arrange all the lovely HSTs arriving this spring. Any tips for creating a design wall that can be taken down when not in use? (FYI - I also need a larger sewing room - I've spilled out into the guest room!)

                      Wendy: I went to my local Bed, Bath & Beyond and bought a table protector--they are used to put on top of the table and then the tablecloth goes over it--they are white, come in various sizes--and have flannel on one side--my husband and I just pinned the flannel side onto the wall--I think my size is 50X70? It works really well.

                      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                        I am a bit stressed reading about the light/ med./ dark, fabric discussion. My triangles are made and in the envelope to be mailed. I bought all Batiks. Six different patterns, paired up with color combination/contrast in mind, instead of light and dark. I got 84 made for the exchange and 32 for Vickie's flood victim's project. Then I broke my ankle......... :-( I can't get out to buy light colored batik's, however I could order some online and redo. Should I post a pic of fabrics and everyone can vote whether they are keeper's or not?



                          Originally posted by bar7700
                          I am a bit stressed reading about the light/ med./ dark, fabric discussion. My triangles are made and in the envelope to be mailed. I bought all Batiks. Six different patterns, paired up with color combination/contrast in mind, instead of light and dark. I got 84 made for the exchange and 32 for Vickie's flood victim's project. Then I broke my ankle......... :-( I can't get out to buy light colored batik's, however I could order some online and redo. Should I post a pic of fabrics and everyone can vote whether they are keeper's or not?

                          Barbara...please DON'T STRESS! Whatever you have made is going to be FINE!! This is supposed to be a fun project with the spirit of the exchange the most important part. What everyone's final quilts look like is going to depend on how they put them together and what other fabrics are used with the HSTs.

                          Let's all enjoy this journey!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            I'm as excited as everyone else here to participate in this "fun" exchange, but am concerned how long the "papers" from Edyta's site will take to arrive. I noticed an announcement on that page of her site saying there were some delays in processing and shipping last week - I'm also in Canada, which will also take longer - anyone else in Canada out there ordered and rec'd their triangle "paper" yet - wondering how long it took?!

                            I am considering printing my own foundation paper (from http://www.quiltingandwhatnot.ca/Half-S ... angle.html) and have tested a print to find I'm perfectly on scale which is good. I thought why not try and even do my name & country info. on the triangles while printing - haven't done it yet and but will try soon, as am going on holidays for 2 wks in a couple weeks and would like to have my exchange triangles ready to go before then. Am currently also looking for some "thinner" paper that would tear easier then reg. printer paper - although did use that for the 2009 "Stars" BOM and it wasn't too bad.

                            Now just have to plan a quilt to sew with all these wondeful little treasures on!


                              Sewbearnuts - I used "Papers For Foundation Piecing" by That Patchwork place. They are intended for computers, and come 100 sheets in a package. They are about half the weight as computer paper, and work for most printers. Worked like a charm for me. That way I was able to write my name on only 12 of my HST then just make copies. I found I could only get 12 on a page, so worked them 24 at a time.

                              In beautiful Northwest Montana


                                Originally posted by ConnieJean
                                I am about half finished sewing and now realize that I was using value as the criteria for light/dark. That resulted in some actually being medium/dark. After reading the posts each day, I now realize that the medium/dark is not what is required so I will go back to my stash and search for more lights. I would go shopping, but it is snowing AGAIN on top of the 2" of ice and ??" of snow from last week. This is the 7th day that I have not gone out. You would think I would have all of my quilting projects done, but spending too much time on the computer, watching TV, working a puzzle, cooking a little, sleeping in, etc., etc. I have also joined the batik exchange and am doing two BOMs. Thanks again to all involved. Wish I live closer to help sort.
                                The light/dark, med/dark could become a differnt value when put with the hundreds of other fabrics. It's scrappy , depending on the pattern I finally decide to make, it might sit next to a fabric that would make the med fabric look light. No stressing! I am using only stash! Mabye I will get on of yours!


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