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    I want to participate, I am from San Jose ,ca,us....plan to send 112 units, I have the paper already.....tanks for organaizing......martam/marta manole


      Barbara (bodaquilts) -- thanks for your postage suggestions and offer to sell papers. We're really getting some outsanding teamwork with this...leave it to quilters to come through!


      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


        I don't want to sell papers I want to share them with my fellow quilters.
        Barbara Konopa

        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


          I'm in for 140 HST's. Have papers and ready to start. What fun!
          Just thinking I might write my location on each HST paper. Yes?

          Burnsville, MN USA


            Brenda from Houston, Texas - Count me in for 2 sheets of triangles. I just ordered the sheets from Edyta.


              Ordering papers, I guess that means I am in the swap.
              Haughton, Louisiana, USA


                Originally posted by NaneeWolf

                We'll try very hard to make sure no one gets their own HST's back as long as they send in a somewhat reasonable number. I'm afraid it we starting getting 400-500+, we may run into that happening. But it's great to know you love your fabrics that much. I can relate to that because I buy fabrics without a specific project in mind, then when I do have a project to do I wind up buying more because I don't want to use up what I've become attached to!

                I did sign-up for a P.O. Box today and I'll be posting that right into my initial Forum posting on Page 1 so it will be easy to find for everyone.

                I'll be making at least that many, but will only send in approximately as many as the number of participants we wind up with. I am thrilled to see so many new members posting on the forum, and participating in this International Exchange!

                Thanks again to Debbie and Clara for taking on this task. I hope we don't make you turn tail and run for the hills! :lol:

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  Count me in!


                    I'm in!! I did an exchange of 'jars' years ago and have wanted to try another exchange! very exciting.
                    Just to be sure, all types of fabric are OK as long as it is quality cotton, and a light and a dark/medium. Right?

                    I have papers

                    St Louis, MO


                      I'm in! I'll order the paper.

                      Alexandria, VA

                      Alexandria, VA


                        We've had this great suggestion for several members: Since you'll be leaving the papers on your folded HST's, wouldn't it be fun to write your city/state or country on the paper so whoever gets yours will know where they came from! If you're using a pen, just be careful it won't bled through on the fabric.

                        IMPORANT: There has been questions about finishing the HST's. It will be helpful if you watch Edyta's demo again, but maybe this can help too (lots of bullets, but I'm trying to make it as clear as possible):

                        1) Cut your fabric into strips and press.

                        2) Put the medium/dark strip on the bottom (right side facing up)

                        3) Put the light strip on top of the medium/dark (right side facing down)

                        4) Right sides should be facing each other now.

                        5) Set the paper directly on top of the light strip.

                        6) Run an iron over all three layers once again. That helps adhere them together a little.

                        7) Pin the three layers together in several places (watch Edyta's demo on where to place the pins)

                        8. Take them to your sewing machine (using 50 wt. or lighter neutral thread), lower the stitch length so the papers will eventually tear off easier, and start sewing on the dashed lines as indicated on the paper.

                        9) After you've finished sewing the on all the dashed lines on the strip, you'll be ready to trim them into individual HST's.

                        10) Trim along the solid lines indicated on the paper.

                        11) You should now have individual 28 folded HSTs. Don't open them or remove the paper. Take them to your ironing surface and carefully pressed them which they are still folded. Again, you don't want to open them or remove the paper after this pressing.
                        You will now have 28 really neatly folded HST's with the paper still attached.

                        12) If you'd like to write your state or country on the paper, now's the time to do it. Just be careful to use a pencil or pen that won't bled through the paper.

                        13) Repeat for as many strips as you plan to exchange.

                        13) You are now ready to put them in the mail in a Zip-lock bag with your name, screen name, number of HST's written or taped on it.

                        14) On the outside of the mailing envelope, please write your TQS screen name again. That way when I receive your package, I won't have to open it up to find out who sent it to let them know I received it. The mailing address is:
                        Debbie Wolf, TQS Exchange
                        PMB# 9
                        5554 South Peek Road
                        Katy, Texas 77450-7130 (Add U.S.A. if it's International)

                        15) The stamped self-addressed return envelope will then be put into the mailing envelope with all the bagged HST's.

                        16) You'll probably need to take it to your postal service to make sure you're using enough postage on both the mailing envelope and the return envelope.

                        17) For International mailings, please check with your postmaster to find out your options. For instance, we don't know if you can use Australian postage on your envelope that will be returned to you from the States. If any of our International members can enlighten us this for your particular country, that would be extremly helpful.

                        18) Once your package has been mailed to the P.O. Box, please go to my Profile Page (NaneeWolf) and send me a quick email saying it's on it's way. I would prefer that you don't just post it directly in The Forum because I may not see it since there are so many postings.

                        "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                          Thank you for a concise list of details. Could I add one more and remind people to use a smaller stitch than usual to make paper removal easier and give more stability to the pieces when doing so. ( I received my papers today. )


                            Thanks for that reminder - when I did her trade from our guild I used a 1.5 stitch length and the paper was a dream to remove

                            Barb in Houston


                              I would like to join in...I've already ordered the paper.
                              Martha in Tulare CA


                                I'm in for at least 168. Since we don't have to press them open they should sew up pretty quickly. I hope everyone writes their city/state or country on theirs. It will be fun knowing how many states and countries participated. I plan on printing my own paper and will type my city/state in each triangle before printing.

                                Annis in Arlington, Texas, USA


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