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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
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    How many?

    How many people do we have making Dear Jane? I'm sure some have finished but wouldn't it be fun to know who(besides me)is just starting?

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    I have four blocks done so far.


    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


      I have 31 blocks, and 9 border triangles done. I started last year.


      aka ladyquilter

      Troutdale, OR
      <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


        I started 3 years ago and have 3 rows completed plus as many reversed applique blocks that I can manage as I am hand piecing the whole thing. I also have a couple of the border pieces done. That was suggested to me that you do a border block every few blocks so it won't be so overwhelming at the end. Judy in AZ


          I have around 60 done I think (started in 2007???), but I packed it all away when Sue Garman came on board with her BOM patterns! (It's all YOUR fault, Sue!!)

          I'm going to Houston for Festival and plan on bringing my DJ stuff back with me as I do so so much enjoy hand piecing and just NEED to do it once in awhile!


            I just came back from Vermont where the Dear Jane quilt is on display. It was amazing that it was in excellent condition. And I got to see it close up, boy all that by hand. Don't know how she did it.

            I have the CD,user manual and the book with the patterns. Looking over the manual, looks like I will have a project for the next few winters. Glad to join the group even thoe I'm just starting.

            On my travels I have been collecting the civil war fabrics, need to wash them this weekend and take pictures . So exciting!


              One of these days when I actually have TIME again lol


                I have been blogging about it, so Yes, I am in. I started a year ago, but put it away when other life distractions hit. I have a very special "mentor" from TQS that I will blog about soon. I am a beginner.. yet she had faith in my determination to do something very special for me. I am determined to learn as i go and I will finish this. I will not disappoint....

                I have just started working on it again. I have 23 blocks done and 1 triangle. I will actually decide at some point to redo some of those earlier blocks, as they are just not what I want them to be. I am so impressed with all who are hand piecing this. I know I lack the experience to do that. I am learning so much as I go. Sometimes when i finish a block, all I can think is..Oh, that is just the cutest block ever! It is addictive. :lol: :lol: :lol:


                  This is so great!! I got the templates for the first 5 blocks traced out on freezer paper last night while watching the Yankees WIN!!

                  I'll cut out the pieces and iron them on today. Hopefully, I'll get some stitching done tomorrow.

                  Talk later,
                  eileenkny :wink:

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    I'm starting mine this month - just waiting for some fabric to arrive in the post

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      You girls have definitely given me incentive to keep going. As many of you know I only had the left border to complete, so this past snowy and COLD weekend, I got 6 triangles done with 2 to go. WooHoo! I willprobably finish the 2 tonight, then sew the borders and on to the corners. Getting there.



                        Way to go Sharon! I cannot wait to see it! Now how long did it take you to make yours?

                        Wiggly... Welcome to the addicts! I hope that you enjoy doing this it as much as I am.


                          Is that the first step with the templates and frezer paper? I just have the fabric wash and dried, folded. I left my CD to the dear jane in the office this weekend so I can't start yet. And my new lap top is back to Staples becouse Vista won't take my Bernina embroidery. I left them a copy of the Hotfix for EConPC with Windows Vista that I copied off the internet. :cry: Cant't get started yet.


                            Hi girls -- well Wren I started my DJ the day after my DS entered the Air Force. That was April of 08 -- so it will probably take 2 years, off and on. It really touched my heart -- the quilt -- made in war time and I wanted to try it. Boy have my applique and small stitching skills taken a beating, but have also improved.

                            I really want to have it hand quilted, and no I DO NOT want to do it myself, but also the cost could be dangerously high. So will probably get it long arm quilted.

                            I was going to work on the last 2 triangles tonight, but we were given Rockie tickets for tonight. So they better win. Is shivering an aerobic exercise. If you watch the game we are above the manual scoreboard in right field. Look for the purple coat. LOL

                            Sharon in darn it still cold Colorado


                              Sharon, I just saw your dear jane quilt..

                              ..... takes so long...great job....nice to know it can be done. And there seems to be so many that have finshed it and some that are working on it. Something that we can hand down to our familys. Rina


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