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Christina Cameli

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    Originally posted by "twiglet" post=129640
    And you can sing to 'you are my sunshine....'
    I would go with singing 'Bring me sunshine....'

    And for those of you across the pond who might not have heard this song ........
    It always brings a smile to my face. :cheer:

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Both of your pillows look gorgeous, Wendy and Nancy. You are both having fun with the SewCalGal challenges, aren't you?


        Wonderful quilting Wendy & Nancy. Loved your blog, Nancy! Dawn, I am stumped!


          I love this months challenge with Cindy Needham especially after the recent show. I've drafted my pattern but whether I can execute it is another matter. You'll be in heaven Nancy

          If anyone else wants to join in here is the link to this month http://quiltshopgal.com

          And the link for general instructions and how to contact QuiltShop Gal and she'll email you future notices of winners and challenges

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Well I was a bit late with May but its been extended to the middle of September so I was able to add my cushion.
            Here it is, I'm really proud of what I managed even though it is very far from perfect. It really helped seeing Cindy explain her method of using the stencils on TQS

            Nancy's cushion is beautiful. It's a beautiful flower.

            June's challenge is with Diane Gaudynski if anyone wants to take part here's the link http://quiltshopgal.com/2015-free-motion-quilting-challenge-june-challenge-with-diane-gaudynski/
            I'm pretty sure I won't be doing the swirls hers are so perfect if only...................................

            I won a prize of Udderly smooth products in April but it was only shipped to people in US or Canada. Never mind.

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              Wendy its gorgeous!
              Barb :-)

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Your pillow is incredible, Wendy! It's so beautiful and intricate!

                I won the Udderly Smooth prize , I think in March, but I haven't received it yet. I let her know that it hadn't come, so hopefully I'll be getting mine sometime. But who knows.

                I'm excited to do this month's because I love Diane. If you want to do the swirls, they really don't have to be perfect if you're using matching thread. They'll just provide incredibly cool texture. I have several ideas swirling around in my head, but probably won't get to this one until the end of the month.


                  Thank you Barb and Nancy. I think I'm going to buy myself some Udderly as a consolation :lol: Hope yours arrives soon so you can enjoy it.

                  I guess practicing fmq including swirls is what it's all about so I'll read through the challenge properly first. Like you Nancy I've got a lot to do sewing and otherwise so I expect I'll be last minute as usual as well.

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Nancy and Wendy - You'll both do well with the next challenge! (Don't we all produce our best work under pressure)?
                    Barb :-)

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Nancy and Wendy, I love your challenge pieces. I've got to get my act in gear and do some of these myself. Your work get better and better bc you keep doing it. Thanks for your good example.


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