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Quilting feathers

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    Quilting feathers

    Recently Ricky demonstrated how he quilts feathers. Where can I find that?

    While I don't remember Ricky demonstrating feathers recently, last year, his Grand Finale CD was available for viewing online. That's a done deal, but you can still purchase it at rickytims.com

    For other shows, classrooms, and articles on feathers, use the FEATURES menu with the search word "feathers" and click the areas to search to the right of the search engine.


      I swear I just saw him do that. But I've been watching a lot of old shows. Don't know if it was one of those or a more recent episode.
      Carol in SW Michigan


        Both Ricky and Alex have demonstrated feathers at one time or another. Alex's book on quilting (Beautifully Quilted?) is really good.

        I remember Ricky demo'ing feathers that look like they are behind other things. Sorry. I'm no help. Can't remember which show.


          Norma & Carrie, I am with you. Ricky demoed feathers behind feather recently. I did a quick survey of recent shows but couldn't find it.


            Could it be this show you are thinking of?


            living in Central Denmark
            Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


              That's helpful. However, the one I'm looking for had a small curvy bit between each feather so you don't have to retrace any of the feather.



                This is Gina Perkes.

                There is also one by Linda Theilfolt in the Gammill videos link off the Daily Blog



                  Those are great but not the one I am thinking of...


                    How recent is recent? My SIL says "it's just over the hill" and 15 miles later... :lol:


                      Within the last two months. And it was Ricky doing the demo.


                        Originally posted by Putter
                        Within the last two months. And it was Ricky doing the demo.
                        I love the short tutorials that Alex and Ricky slip in the regular shows. Wouldn't it be neat if when they did that there would be a link in their Classroom stating the topic and Episode number. I spend lots of time looking for those segments of the shows. I wish there were an easy way to find those valuable lessons.


                          Yes! Is there any way to request that?


                            Originally posted by Putter
                            Yes! Is there any way to request that?
                            I just restated the request in the New Website Rollout Thread. I think Capt. John keeps his eye on that one. We'll see. I am sure he's busy trying to get that rolling and the last thing he needs is more suggestions. I gave it a try anyway.


                              Putter--I'm just back after a long absence and trying to get caught up on the Forum so forgive me if you have already found this answer. I think you are talking about Show 1408. If you look around mark 31:30 Ricky has a section on how he does feathers. Hope this helps!

                              in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


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