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Straight line quilting okay for this??

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    Thought I'd better update

    I have finished the stitch-in-the-ditch parts of the quilting, and done one section of the comic strips via FMQ. Had to stall there thanks to many mistakes and errors along the way (broke the FMQ foot, thankfully super glue to the rescue and I could start again later) and now helping my boys through their school exams but we finish those today so this weekend/next week I should resume quilting.

    I will repeat more or less what I've done on the first column of comic strips for the second column, then do the straight line (horizontal) (but using a decorative stitch) across the width of the quilt after that. oh, and will outline/echo quilt the red. Anyway, here are my first attempts at FMQ. It was both easier and harder than I thought --- mainly the difficulty is in maneuvering that bulk/weight around. My son likes it though so that is good

    A few pics....


      Heather, you and your son are making a fabulous project together and he will remember the good times every time he uses it!
      Good job for both of you! Thanks for sharing your progress.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        This is really great Heather, and I'm rooting for you! I admire how you accomplish quilty/sewing things despite the bumps in your road. I remember, (I think this was you?) your problems with a Bernina sewing machine that you needed instruction or service on, but the only place in Brazil that handled Bernina's was very, very far away? I'm just imagining the daily hiccups of living far from the plethora of services and retailers that I tend to take for granted. Way to go! FTW!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Originally posted by LisaWantsToKnow
          This is really great Heather, and I'm rooting for you! I admire how you accomplish quilty/sewing things despite the bumps in your road. I remember, (I think this was you?) your problems with a Bernina sewing machine that you needed instruction or service on, but the only place in Brazil that handled Bernina's was very, very far away? I'm just imagining the daily hiccups of living far from the plethora of services and retailers that I tend to take for granted. Way to go! FTW!
          Yes, that was me I bought a cute little Janome my last US trip so at least I have a machine that purrs along smoothly now.

          I am a firm believer in, you never know if it's hard until you try. So, I just dive in/jump in and go for it. Then I'm too far invested to quit, so I plug on until I get it right

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Originally posted by Margo
            Heather, you and your son are making a fabulous project together and he will remember the good times every time he uses it!
            Good job for both of you! Thanks for sharing your progress.
            Thanks Margo!

            Only fair to come and share the pictures, since I could not do this w/o the encouragement, tips, advice, etc. from all of you.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              You are making a very interesting project. I love that you share what you are doing. What is difficult today suddenly one day is easy when you stick to it

              living in Central Denmark
              Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance



                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  Hey there, it is coming along nicely. Bet you are glad to be on the dining table rather than your little sewing table though :wink:

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    Looks great, Heather! You are really making progress!



                      Wow heather I did one with my son. Hard work because he made me redo some but he still wraps himself in it years later. He really ought to wash it!

                      treasure this time

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Latest update --- I finished the FMQ around the comic strips, including putting a Title/by-line on the first comic!!!! I cannot believe I pulled this off!


                        Now on to the easy part, straight line quilting (horizontal, using decorative stitches) the rest. Should get that done today and then bind it and finished by the weekend for sure!!

                        Just had to share while I finish up my lunch break, now time to get back to the sewing table! :mrgreen:

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Great job, Heather! What a treasure you are making!!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            How wonderful, Heather! I can't wait to see the finished quilt! You sure are making quick work of this one!



                              High five, Heather! Almost there!

                              from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                                Great stuff Heather. Good luck with the rest.


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