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why it skips stitches

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    why it skips stitches

    hi all,
    small problem, when i do free motion quilting on my sewing machine, it happens that it skips few stitches and then pick the bobbin again.
    i hope it is clear discribing the problem. any one could help me to prevent it please.
    until now i did check the needle, it is strate, good on the sewing machine, lower the tention or higher the tenntion i tried it all.

    Have you tried to slow down the speed?
    I don't know which machine you use. I use my Bernina 440 and if I use the BSR foot, it skips stitches no matter what I do (higher presser foot tension also tried) so I always use the darning foot and there is no problem. The BSR foot trained me to use the darning foot :roll:

    living in Central Denmark
    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


      i use 1230 bernina, i tried to slow down the speed, not helping.
      i do have BSR, but due to the fact it is free motion quilting i use the food that like open ring for it.
      what i realise it that if i change direction it start to quilt again, but for few second and again i need to change, it isnt that fun when you follow a quilt pattern.
      is any body can help PLEASE. thanks in advance

      living in Central Denmark
      Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


        Here's a check list:
        are the needle & thread paired well? (Check the Superior website http://www.superiorthreads.com/media...HOME_12-11.pdf) for a guide on what needles and thread go together.
        is the top tension too tight
        is the bobbin tension too tight.
        How did you baste? Did you over spray?
        Do you have the stitch length set at zero?


        Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


          I'd change your needle even if you think it's ok and move the fabric slower. :?

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            :cry: :cry:
            i did all, i was so good girl! but my machine thinks differently :cry:
            i changed the thread, i changed the needle accordinly, i checked it was brand new so it is fine.
            i based with glue spray, it didnt hold it self, so i just add secure pins all over. the badding is poly.
            och, i dont know why, i think i will write to bernina, if i will get an answer from them, i will let you know!
            thanks for all the help!

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              What signs indicate problems with my machine’s tension? The following may indicate issues with tension: stitches not forming properly, anything unusual with your stitches or the construction of your project, skipped stitches, looping or gathering of the fabric.- well that is the answer, but i did it already so i am on my way to the dealer....

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Good luck it is very frustrating. Take some of your fabric with you, I've found the dealer uses thick fabric and thread so of course the problem may not show up.

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  it may not be the machine tension being unbalanced. It may just be that the tension setting needs to be adjusted based on the thread weight and whatever you're using for batting.
                  When using a heavier weight thread reduce the tension anywhere from zero to 3 depending on how the stitch is forming and whether or not there are pokies on the top or bottom.


                  Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                    Becky, could you do a sample with loops and then take a photo of both the top and the back so we could see what it looks like. Might make it easier to see what is happening. I do know that if your stitch length is too long on some Bernina BSRs that it tends to skip. You might try shortening the stitch length and giving your machine more time to do its thing.

                    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                    Betty Jo


                      Becky, This happens to me sometimes when I'm free motion quilting to the left. The way my sewing technician described it was that when you are sewing forward or backwards, the thread moves around the rotary hook the way it was designed. When you quilt to the right or the left, the thread now makes a different pattern and the rotary hook may not be able to catch it so that is why you have a skipped stitch. (The 800 series of Berninas use an oscillating hook which eliminates this issue.)

                      So, he adjusted my stitch slightly. I tightened my bobbin tension about 5 minutes--if you were looking at a clock face. This two adjustments helped; but, it still happens sometimes. So I have learned to watch every stitch and when it doesn't catch, I will try to make a stitch in that same hole or will move the fabric ever so slightly to get a stitch to catch. I quilt on a Bernina 1630 and I so feel your frustration!

                      I don't have a BSR; but I do know that people who had that skipping problem changed the setting. One option the machine stops when you stop and the other option it continues stitching--I think I remember this from a friend describing it to me. Hang in there and let us know what ends up working for you!


                        i DONT use SR because i have the old one and it is good for only strate lines (so i was told).
                        i cant take a pix becasue i just cut all the 'jumping' or skiping so you see only small quilting legnth, mute/brake and then some more quilting.
                        the dealer told me few days ago, that i need to use thicker thread...havey niddle....daaa!
                        but i hope that i can over come if i will quilt up and down BUT i want a miandering quilting so it can not be only left and right but left and right as well...
                        next time i will take a pix and show you (hopefuly i will discover the solution for this furstrating issue and i will let you guys know)
                        thanks for every body that helped !!!


                          Becky, Most ideas have been covered here, but I discovered back in my fashion fabric days that some brands of machine needles in my 1230 can cause this to happen. Singer needles don't do as well as Schmetz and Superior for the 1230, for instance. Just another idea. Here's hoping you get it solved. In my humble opinion, having to change thread to a heavier thread should not have to be an option.

                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


                            i am going to discover it soon, tnx!!! betty

                            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                            Betty Jo


                              First, be sure it is actually a skipped stitch. Is there an empty hole? If so, then yes it is skipping. If it is just a long stitch with no hole underneath, then you are going faster than need be and that makes the stitch longer.

                              If it's a true skipped stitch, it is often caused by needle deflection. Needle deflection is when the needle flexes a tiny bit away from the hook as you are maneuvering the fabric around. The pressure of your movements pulls slightly on the needle, and if it pulls away from the hook, the bobbin thread cannot catch the top thread to make the stitch.

                              You can go up one size of needle and see if that helps. A larger needle will be stronger because it's a bit thicker... so may resist the movement away from the hook. Of course, if it's too big, the hook can hit the needle and you'll hear a tapping sound, which is not good. One or two sizes up like to a 14 or so should not be a problem.

                              You can try to move your hands smoother so no sudden jerks or sharp movements that could pull the needle aside. (You cannot see the needle moving aside, it is so subtle to the eye) Slowing down might help too, but smoothness is key.

                              You can use a larger thread with the original size needle, which will allow the bobbin thread to catch it better. You can try thicker thread with the larger needle too.

                              Let us know if any of these help!

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                              Betty Jo


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