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Baby Quilt Progress update & quilting design question

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    Baby Quilt Progress update & quilting design question

    I'm 2/3rds done with the top for the baby quilt I'm making my sister-in-law, and wanted to show you and also get opinions on how to best quilt it.

    this is a close-up of it, before the 2 panels were sewn together; there will be a 3rd panel identical to the one on the left, placed on the right, to finish the argyle look. Only 80 pair of triangles to go.......and *then* the quilting.....

    I will begin quilting by hand, so think along the lines of hand quilting. My idea is to maybe do something fancy-ish (simple hearts, end to end) in the central/focal diamonds (the 2 dark purple ones, only, not the light purple; nothing will show up there), then just do ditch work to outline the other ensuing diamonds through the quilt. I would outline various ones, probably not all over, in contrasting thread (the dark purple for some, the peachy/salmony color for others) to mimic the argyle look, and use matching thread (light lavender) for the other ditch work.

    One question ---- do I need to go fully around every triangle? i.e, the vertical seams too? Or if I just do all the diagonal lines, is that enough? the triangles are 4.5" tall from point to base, and the base of each is I think 3.5" long; the triangles are set sideways so that the focal diamonds go the right way (so the bases are vertical, not horizontal).

    or is there another, better idea?? The backing fabric is the same as the front background (the all-over polka dot) so anything fancy won't really show anyway, which is good ;-) This is the 1st big thing I've quilted, though I have done various small things. I have about a month to six weeks to get it quilted (gulp). Well, my husband says if I don't finish, we can mail it to her later, but I'd like to get it done in time to leave with her when we are there in aug/sep. If I have to, I can finish on my new Janome once I get it

    the batting is a wool/cotton blend, if that matters. I forget the name of it, but it's not too lofty a batting and is very soft and yummy.


    Taree NSW - Australia
    My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself

    Heather, you need to check what spacing is recommended for the batting you have. There should be either something written on the package or sometimes there is a paper layer around the batting with the information on it. For example, pure wool batting they recommend the max as 3" between stitch lines. Once you establish that then you will know what you need to do to keep the quilt sandwiched together. Sometimes that in itself dictates what pattern you will use for the quilting.


      Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
      Heather, you need to check what spacing is recommended for the batting you have. There should be either something written on the package or sometimes there is a paper layer around the batting with the information on it. For example, pure wool batting they recommend the max as 3" between stitch lines. Once you establish that then you will know what you need to do to keep the quilt sandwiched together. Sometimes that in itself dictates what pattern you will use for the quilting.

      Hmmmm. I'm using a left-over piece of batting that a relative bought. She used it for my red/white/blue quilt, and sent me home with a practice sandwich, but I rescued the good batting from the sandwich to use in this baby quilt.....I'll have to email her and ask her. Or maybe not....I just measured the distance between each diagonal line, and if I go over every.single.diagonal. they are spaced 2.5" apart, so that ought to be plenty close enough for pretty much any batting, yes? Especially if I go in both directions, so that they'd bisect around 1" through each other.....

      I guess the big question is, can I possibly get all that done on time.....oye. Given that bit of info, does that sound like a good way to do this? Or not so much?


        Heather, I think that diagonal lines sounds as if it would work well, and as a suggestion, how about doing every other line in both directions, and then go back and fill them in, making sure that the stitching lines look balanced overall. That way if it is only half quilted it will still look good, and you could do a 'gifting reveal' whilst you are visiting, even if you have to take it away again to finish.

        By the way if you are doing the heart shapes across both the purple diamonds, I would do the same on the paler diamond in the middle as well, just to continue the flow of the design, you might not be able to see it very well, but it would probably be more noticeable in it's absence, if you get what I mean.


          Yes, I agree with what Rosemary says. You can do this in time. If it was a Kingsize quilt that might take a little longer - but I'll bet you are a fast stitcher so it should be done in time. Good luck.


            Originally posted by PosyP
            Heather, I think that diagonal lines sounds as if it would work well, and as a suggestion, how about doing every other line in both directions, and then go back and fill them in, making sure that the stitching lines look balanced overall. That way if it is only half quilted it will still look good, and you could do a 'gifting reveal' whilst you are visiting, even if you have to take it away again to finish.

            By the way if you are doing the heart shapes across both the purple diamonds, I would do the same on the paler diamond in the middle as well, just to continue the flow of the design, you might not be able to see it very well, but it would probably be more noticeable in it's absence, if you get what I mean.

            Both very good points/ideas, Rosemary; thank you! You are right, if I leave the middle diamond unadorned, that would be noticeable. Will quilt it too then.

            One last question ---- (or, maybe....) ---- I should start in the middle, yes? And work my way out?

            today I'm starting the assembly process for the 3rd section, hope to have that done and attached this week, and then that gives me 5-ish to 7-ish weeks to quilt. Good thing with diagonal lines: They get smaller as you move from the middle out Maybe there is hope like Rita says.


              Yes Heather, you should start stitching from the centre and work your way out. I know you can do this.


                It'll be lovely reflecting the diamonds across the quilt. I was going to suggest using a darker thread for the hearts on the light blue perhaps to match the other fabric but that may complicate things.

                Go for it, get those needles sharpened and flex your muscles................

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Originally posted by twiglet
                  It'll be lovely reflecting the diamonds across the quilt. I was going to suggest using a darker thread for the hearts on the light blue perhaps to match the other fabric but that may complicate things.

                  Go for it, get those needles sharpened and flex your muscles................
                  thank you! I finished pairing 20 pair of triangles today, we are heading out to run errands and watch a movie, and tomorrow will resume sewing.

                  The light fabric is actually a purple, the same color as the dark purple, but printed ALL OVER with a white floral print. So I think any stitching on top of that will not show. BUT I'm willing to do it so it doesn't seem unadorned. I am thinking I will use the light lavender thread on all 3 of those (will be 3, I mean...) diamonds; that should show up nicely on the dark purple, blend well enough in the light one to not feel like it is fighting the print, and blend well enough in the back to make me not nervous about how the stitches look back there.

                  If I can get this piece of the top done and attached to the rest by the weekend, start quilting on Monday, that gives me 3 wks before we leave, 1 wk of being in the US but not with the recipient and then 2.5 more weeks in the US if I have to use them. Should be plenty! and I should be able to start by Monday --- that means get 2 sets of 20 pairs done tomorrow, the last set of 20 pair done on Weds & have Weds/Thurs/Fri to get all the pair into rows and then Sat/Sun to get the rows into a section, add the flower trim criss-cross and join that section to the rest. Whew. I can do it.

                  Thanks for cont'd. encouragement! I appreciate it!

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Love your determination on this project

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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