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Quilting Class - Beyond Basic Machine Quilting

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    Quilting Class - Beyond Basic Machine Quilting

    I just took an online class on Craftsy.com (no affiliation) called "Beyond Basic Machine Quilting" by Ann Petersen. It's techniques for the domestic machine, not the longarm, although I'm sure it can be adapted. I had more fun!

    I started with two linen napkins that used to belong to my grandmother. I put them side by side, and added a border. Inspired by the Cindy Needham episode that I had watched here on TQS, I decided to make a keepsake for my 91 year old mother for Mother's Day. I think it turned out really well. I've put a hanging sleeve on the back, but it could also just lie at the foot of her bed.

    Now I think I'm going to use what I learned in Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero's printing on fabric class here on TQS to make a label that includes pictures of my grandmother, my mother, and me!

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    your wallhanging turned out great - fabulous job - and i can see how it can be great fun
    you mum will love it - looking forward to seeing your label
    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


      That's a lovely gift. The flowers are beautiful. I bet your mother will be quite pleased. Lois


        Carole I love what you have done and think its just lovely, the label with a picture of you all is a wonderful idea, let us know how the gift goes on the day.

        Taree NSW - Australia
        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


          I won't be there, unfortunately. I'll have to mail the gift, with an explanation. She's almost a 10 hour drive away from me, and at age 70 myself, I just don't do that kind of driving any more. She lives with my brother and his wife, so I'll mail it and have them give it to her, from me, on Mother's Day. I'm going to include a little book showing pictures of the project in progress, starting with the two handkerchiefs. I'm working on the photos now. They're small and old and in bad condition. I'm retouching, and turning them to a sepia color before putting them on a label. The first picture is me with my Grandmother Hill, and the second is me with my mother.

          Taree NSW - Australia
          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


            What a wonderful momento!!

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              OH ! What beautiful ladies !


                An absolutely lovely gift!

                Hope you will give this to her as soon as you're finished & not wait until Mother's Day.
                Not to be too bossy or morbid, but we had many family plans of things to give/do
                with my father for this past Thanksgiving. He never made it, passing away at 86, only
                3 days before. Regrets are lousy.

                Anyway, to end on a happier note, you are a dear daughter!

                (p.s. I live in Georgia, too - south of Atlanta)


                  I guess I could send it on ahead as an early Mother's Day gift. You never know what might happen. She does have dementia but still knows who we are, and handles her daily routine pretty well without help, except for bathing. They have a nurse come in once a week to help with that. I've taken pictures as I've worked and I uploaded them to Kodak Gallery so that I could put together a book showing the steps in making the quilt. That's been ordered, so once it comes I could go ahead and wrap it and send it.


                    Carole, both your quilt and the photos are lovely. that is a wonderful gift for your Mom, and I love the thought that you're putting together a book of the process. That quilting class worked out well for you- the quilting is very beautiful.

                    My mom is going to be 91 this month, and I think about how much time I will have left with her. She moved out here to live with me 7 years ago. I made her a quilt while she still lived in her old home 300 miles away, thought about whether I should send it or wait until she got here. I did sent it to her and she was thrilled. She has it on her bed now and when I ask her if she wants another quilt, she says no, she likes that one!

                    Blessings to you and your mother.



                      Mothering Sunday/Mother's Day in UK is on the 18th March this year, you are welcome to use this date if you wish - although the deadline could be a bit tight. :wink:
                      That is a pretty piece full of history you have created there.


                        Thanks, everyone! Rosemary, that's a great idea. I should borrow the date from your side of the pond!! As soon as my book comes I'll get the gift wrapped and mail it to my brother and his wife with an explanation. They can give it to her and tell her all about it. The making of this little wall-hanging has been a real learning experience!


                          Carole that is such a lovely idea - I just might have to go away and have it myself! :lol: The family photos are gorgeous. What a sharp dresser your grandmother was. The one with you and your mother is precious.


                            Hey Carole that is so pretty! You haven't changed much from that little girl. Your mom will love it! The pictures with your Mom and Grandmother are great!
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Carole - What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! Your mother will be thrilled! It's so nice to make things for our parents, who really appreciate them and get a lot of joy out of them! My mother is 84 years old now and is doing incredibly well. I try to make at least one handmade gift for her every year. It's a lot of fun for me and for her.



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