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transferring quilting design

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    transferring quilting design

    How do you transfer your quilting design onto the dark fabric in the quilt top? :?:

    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->

    Hi Jan! I just finished marking a very dark quilt top. I did it freehand, didn't really have to transfer anything. I used a white Nonce Marking Pencil. Would dressmaker's carbon paper stuff work? It used to come in alot of colors.

    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


      Originally posted by JANBLOCK
      How do you transfer your quilting design onto the dark fabric in the quilt top? :?:
      Jan, I just finished with the raffle quilt and I transfered my design onto tissue paper, then I used temporary spray batse to hold the tissue paper into place. I do have a smidg of paper to pick out yet, but it worked great.

      aka ladyquilter

      Troutdale, OR
      <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


        You can also get a Pounce pad with some chalk. If your design is on paper, punch holes in it by stitching it on your machine with no thread-it makes it a stencil. Then lay it over the area and wipe across it with the pad, not pouncing, just wipe.
        Hope this helps,

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          If you are machine quilting another option is to take butcher or freezer paper, draw the design, score it (do the quilting design on the machine with an empty needle) place it on the quilt where you want it and stitch through. The freezer paper then needs to then be pulled off and in some spots picked out however as far as I'm concerned this works wonders.

          If the design is in several places over the surface of the quilt you can clip together up to 8 sheets of freezer paper of the size needed and draw the design once on the top sheet then as you stitch the design will be stitched to the under sheets.

          I think there's a quilt on my profile where I used this technique. The pattern is "Baby Crackers" from Alex's book, if you look at the quilting I used this technique with the flowers.

          Learned this in Lancaster last year from Carol Blevins (I think) works like a charm.

          Happy Quilting!

          Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


            Originally posted by eileenkny
            You can also get a Pounce pad with some chalk. If your design is on paper, punch holes in it by stitching it on your machine with no thread-it makes it a stencil. Then lay it over the area and wipe across it with the pad, not pouncing, just wipe.
            Hope this helps,
            Eileen, the chalk was my 1st choice but unfortunately I can't turn off the "NO TOP THREAD" sensor and so my machine kept stopping after just a few stitches. I've got my eyes on granny's old one that is sitting out at dad's place not being used. Now, I LUV my comperterized machine, but some projects just beg for the good ole fashioned machine.

            Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


              I just finished a dark quilt which I marked with a tool called White Marking Pen &lt;Fine&gt; by Clover. It looks like a ball point pen. When you first mark it is hard to see, but as it dries, it becomes white. The marks do not come off like they do with chalk. These lines go away when they are ironed. I was told that the lines will also go away if left in a hot car here in Florida. I was quilte pleased with the results using this product. Betty Ann In Rainy Florida

              Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                I'm using the white Clover pen to draw my BOM design on the back of my block for back-basting (chocolate brown background fabric) and it's working great. Stays even w/ lots of handling...

                Quilting is a Beautiful &amp; Complicated Art!


                  I just bought a Clover Pen Style Chaco Liner. It has a tapered tip that lets you mark right next to a ruler. I haven't used it to mark a quilt top yet but I can see it would work great for marking grids. I'm not sure how it would work marking curved line like feathers using a lightbox. I need to play with it some more.


                    I LOVE the clover marking pen and have 3 scattered througout the sewing room.



                      I have the clover marking pen and it seems to have dried out. Any way to restore it?


                        Mine has loose chalk in a cartridge that screws to the tapered point of the pen. Is yours like a pencil that you sharpen? I never had much luck with them. Sandy


                          It's liquid-like ink or something. I only used it to see how it worked. I hate to just toss it out.


                            Try storing the pen with the point down for a while. Might help. Betty Ann


                              Thanx Betty Ann...I'll give that a try. :wink:


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