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    Has anyone tried Inklingo? I've been exploring their website, and I'm intrigued. The Lucy Boston-inspired blocks are gorgeous. Would love to hear about others' experiences with this approach before taking it on myself. Thanks!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    I have Collection #3 with hexigons triangles, diamonds, and half hexigons. and have tried it for the first time with some pre-cut fabric. I printed it onto Ricky's stable stuffy without seams and proceded as if it were english paper piecing. It is really easy. I also followed instructions for handpiecing and printing right on fabric. Also turned out very easy. Just make sure your edges are clear of stray threads.

    The only down side as far as I can see is you only have two choices in the size the hexigons. But all the math is figured out for you in the different shapes.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I've played with the free 4.5" star pattern this summer, used it to make a bag. Some I hand stitched and the rest I machined. Both methods worked real well. One variation I developed for myself was that rather than use freezer paper - I haven't got any - I starched my fabric and pressed it, then I starched and pressed it a second time ( leave the starch to soak in before pressing a few minutes) then I ran that through the printer. It worked a treat 8) except for one piece which was slightly soft and totally disappeared into the workings :cry: fortunately I managed to recover it. Just don't try it on pieces of fabric longer than about 10" It didn't like it and sent the fabric through squint.


      p.s. will try to remember to up load a photo of the bag onto my profile this week.
      p.p.s. photo of bag now on my profile.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I bought the 1st CD and love it!! I hand pieced some stars and had no problem.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          There is a yahoo group for Inklingo, you may want to check it out!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            i just bought lucy boston from inklingo, and busy with it. i love it, it was so fast, save time, it is so precise that my hand work is more accurate.
            i found that the first chapter of printing with inklingo (free download from linda's site/inklingo) is great source of tips to know before you print on fabric.
            i bought the clamshell as well, and very fond of it.
            great thing! Alex, Ricky - may be it is possible to have a video with Linda Frans in the future??

            it is recommended !

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              It would be great to see Linda Franz on The Quilt Show! Her Inklingo product is wonderful for hand piecing and/or hand piecing. It prints an accurate 1/4 inch line and tick (registration) marks to ensure accuracy.


              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                In July our guild had a lady teaching the EPP method. I have done EPP in the past and became disillusioned with the process because it took so long to complete a block. Did a search on EPP and found the Inklingo site. Wow. Spent several hours on the site watching the videos, reading and reading. Decided to purchase the Collection 3 and experimented with printing several sheets of fabric for .75 hexagons. I really liked the idea of being able to create a pattern in EQ, spent a good portion of my day creating my pattern with fabric color. It shows you how many hexies you need of each color. I am doing my quilt(?) with black on white, white on black, red on white and a soft grey background. I really enjoy working on them in the wee hours of the morning, kind of gets me motivated for my day. Just in case you're curious I figured it will require between 3000 and 3500 hexies for my quilt. A very good friend of mine told me to be on the lookout for the men in the white coats. She may be right, we'll see. Let me know what you think.


                  Hexes are so addictive... As I have no set pattern for mine but am letting it develop as I go, I have no idea how many hexes I'll need, but your figures sound quite appropriate...

                  No one said that this quilt has to be finished this year, or the next
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    I have made and completed two quilts with Inklingo - Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses and Josephs Coat - I am in the process of a hexie quilt using the same pattern as featured above but not in that color scheme of course. Overall I am very pleased with Inklingo the only problem I have is that although most fabrics print very easily from my printer I have trouble with a few no matter if you follow all the suggestions or not. try some of the free collections and then you will no if it is right for you.
                    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                      Linda has been posting about her "No Waste Fussy Cut Lemoyne Star" some really fabulous designs using one (1) piece of feature fabric. Have been making headway on my "Black and White Hexie" just working on it for about two (2) hours in the morning. I have some great feature fabrics that I'd like to try but I'm holding back since I'm working on about 4 different Xmas projects plus I have a couple of classes I'll be teaching in the next few weeks, then the holidays will be upon us. If you have time check out Linda's Blog for her latest projects, she is really a neat lady providing all of the info she does and there is no costs to us.


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