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Cotton or Polyester Thread for Piecing?

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    Cotton or Polyester Thread for Piecing?

    Hi all,

    I am nearly finished my first quilt (yea!), and I've had a ton of fun doing it. I have all the fabric to start my next one, but I have a question. I had gone to a class for my new machine, and the instructor mentioned that she pieced her quilts only with polyester, rather than cotton, thread. She said cotton thread is too fragile. I've been using a 50 weight, light gray cotton thread to piece. Should I switch to polyester? (I think she uses 100 weight polyester) What differences might I expect if I do so?

    Thanks for any advice!

    no need to switch, your 50 wt cotton thread is just fine, excellent I dare say for piecing. The thread that Superior makes with Alex's name on it is a 50 wt 2 ply cotton thread.

    Happy quilting!

    Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


      You know I was wondering that myself I am glad you asked

      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


        I was once told that the polyester tears quilts over a period of time when washed, and if you sew to tiny of stitches by machine the same will happen over a period of time.
        I've also heard this was a myth on polyester thread because back in the day cotton thread was the only resource to be used. My question is did they make polyester threads just for embroidering?!
        I like the myth part and myself I use both cotton & polyester,especially with the quilting, I think many do. I have not seen any tears from washing in my 20 years yet but doesn't mean it won't happen. Yet I think of dry rot which one would more likely do this in years to come. So I'm really tossed up on the threads.

        Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


          I like Alex's cotton Masterpiece from Superior Threads for piecing. I could actually feel the difference as I sewed. It is hard to describe but I would recommend that you try it or a comparable cotton. My only problem with piecing with a good polyester is that I tend to use too hot an iron and it WILL melt. Not a fun error to correct. :cry: I do believe that the other comments about polyester tearing the quilt, breaking over time, etc. may have been true in the early days, but not with today's good quality polyester.

          Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


            Thanks for adding that Libbi, I just thought of that this morning and was going to add the iron v. polyester thread information. If you're not using a very hot iron then poly thread is great. If however a hot iron is occasionally needed for a bit of persuasion then cotton is the way to go.


            Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


              watch episode 201...bob the thread guy gives a description on the differences between cotton and poly..

              Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                Thanks for all the great advice. I think I'll stick with my cotton thread. I've had success with it so far


                  On the last TQS show, Bob (The Thread Guy) mentioned that there is a chart on the Superior Threads web site that can guide you to the right thread to use. (I have only started learning about threads in the past year and am absolutely in LOVE with them now!) He mentioned (just as someone previously said in this chain) that your iron on the hottest setting with melt poly thread.... and my memory is too short for me to remember to change the iron setting - so cotton is the safe bet for me! I have been using Aurifil 50 wt cotton (they have a nice selection of tans and ivorys) that I use for piecing. One other thing to mention - I remember on a past show that Bob does thread classes at some of the bigger quiltling shows/seminar for education. I am hoping to have the opportunity to attend one of those, as I am hopeful that I can learn more about threads and things to consider. Mary Kay


                    I attended one of Bob's (superior threads) classes at a Mancuso show in Manchester, NH a couple of years ago. What a hoot he is. I learned so much from him. If any of you get a chance to see him in action, go for it, you'll be happy you did.


                      I was in a precision piecing class today with Sally Collins--wonderful class!!! She uses DMC machine embroidery 50 wt. 2-ply thread for machine piecing. She said it doesn't have as much lint that gets trapped in the bobbin and throat plate. I've been using the Polyester and cotton Mettler threads and they are just awful for lint!!! I never had that much lint when I was using plain old Coat's & Clark's thread.


                        I've never had polyester melt and I use a pretty hot iron. It is possible, however, to overpress fabrics too. I think the key is to use a good quality thread 50 to 60 weight, regardless of what it is. Have any of you ever melted quality polyester?

                        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                        Betty Jo


                          Yes, I have. My son ironed a linen shirt and had turned up the temperature on the iron. I had not noticed and had a beautifully pressed block that fell apart when I picked it up.

                          The only thing that stops me using a thread is when it produces a lot of lint in my machine, and/or when it won't break at all, no matter how hard you pull.

                          If I haven't used a type of thread before, I try it out on a small project.

                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Have any of you ever melted quality polyester?
                            I melted some Bottom Line on the last quilt I made... luckily it was early-on, easy enough to go back & re-piece, but then I stuck blue painter's tape on the heat setting for my iron so I wouldn't make that mistake again! I do tend to use the iron on it's hottest setting, so I have to be very conscious about this. Am using bottom line on much of my BOM too, (dear God please don't let me goof this one up!)

                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              JudyMC, thanks for the DMC embroidery tip. I wouldn't have thought to use and embroidery for piecing. I have lint problems and will give that a try.

                              I use Aurifil 50 wt and like it, sews great, but seems a little fine for piecing, but have had not problem thus far.

                              Vonna in Texas
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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