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What fabric to use for dyeing

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    My preference is P & B dyers muslin. I believe it's 200 thread count, soft and takes color well. comes in both natural and bleached. The bleached will give a little purer colors,especially with pastels, but both are nice.

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    I went to Fabricland (Canadian co) and bought some drapery lining that was cheaper than the other plain cottons but wider! It has a nice tight weave, is soft to the touch and diea up nicely.

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    Originally posted by pknord
    I don't know about Ricky, but I bought a 30 yard bolt of 58" wide Pimatex cotton, 133 X 72 thread count from Dharma Trading Co. (NAYYY), and am very happy with it. It has the "silky" feel of the Bali batiks. It takes dye really well.

    Pat in Rockport, TX
    I use this too and it is wonderful! I started with Kona cotton and you can really tell the difference. The Kona is rough and has a coarse texture. The Pimatex is dreamy and my fabrics look just like Bali batiks.

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    The Wal Marts around my area ( west metro Atlanta) have already stopped selling fabric. There are alot of people not happy about it either. I didn't buy too much for quilting purposes but did buy the fabric I needed to make stuffed animals for a children camp there. It was affordable so now it looks like I will have to make less or stop altogether.

    I heard about Hancocks recently too--with 3 stores not too far from each other I can bet at least one of those will be closing as well.

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    Guess this means we won't be getting that Hanckocks I read about in the paper a few months ago :cry:

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    this is off topic but since there has been some discussion about Hancocks closing stores etc. Hancocks is in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy you can find out more by going to hancockfabrics.com. If you go to the online cataloguescroll to the bottom of the home page and there is a red line In that line is a button that says bankruptcy. I do not understand all the legalize so cant explain anyfurther but if you do or know somebody who does you will get some information.hope this is helpful Ann

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    Hi Pat! Whenever I hear negative things about walmart I always go back to right after Katrina. There's no arguing that Walmart is what it is, but...
    They were one of the first places you could get ice and water. Free. The store where I live opened their doors in record time with just a small handful of employees. They would let a few of us in at a time to buy whatever they had available. They only had enough power from generators to run the cash registers. I will never forget seeing milk in their coolers for the first time in weeks! They did good things after the storm, but I hope they never have to do it again!

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    I love WalMart. They always have whatever I'm looking for, and at a price I can afford. They're a very successful business, and provide entry level type jobs for lots of people, who can learn how to work and then move on to more lucrative jobs. And some of the older retired folks here work there part time to have something to do. I've heard all the mean-mouth things that some people repeat about them, but am glad to find others who like WallyWorld. That said, I was saddened to hear that they're going to stop selling fabric. I haven't bought much fabric from them, usually get it at quilt shows or our LQS, but it was nice to know I could if I wanted to. :cry:

    Pat in Rockport, TX

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    There used to be a Joann's in Biloxi a few years ago. After they shut down Hancock Fabrics showed up in the vacant store. I haven't been there since the hurricane, so I don't know if it is still there or not. Thank goodness for the LGS and Walmart. Yes, I said Walmart. Out loud. :wink:

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    Gloria, yes. Major "reorganization". Chapter 11, I think? I hear they closed 50 stores nationwide.

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    Speaking of Hancocks, my local store closed and I just got back from a trip to Fargo where I found out they were closing the store there too. What's up? Anyone else noticing this around the country?

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    patstern, you and Pat from Texas have given me some good tips. I have a local Hancock to get the sateen, but the only Joann's is about 90 miles away.
    Guess I'll start with the sateen since it's easier to get.

    Thanks again for the info.

    Have a great day. Sharon in TN

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    I use Egyptian cotton fabric, available at Joanne's, because it is a very tight weave and has a wonderfully soft hand. It also has the added bonus of being fairly inexpensive, (I think it goes for $6.99/yd), and you can bring that price down further w/the 40% off coupon. It takes dye very well. Both the white and the off-white dye beautifully. I also use the 100% cotton sateen from Hancock Fabrics. It is quite soft and comes out in vibrant colors when dyed. I think it sells for only $4.44 before the coupon discount. (The cotton sateen from Joanne's also dyes nicely, but the colors are kind of muted compared to the Hancock's sateen). All of these need to be prewashed since they aren't prepared for dyeing fabrics.
    Patsy Thompson

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    Thanks, Pat. That's what I'm looking for, the feel of luxurious batiks.
    I'll check out Dharma.


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    I don't know about Ricky, but I bought a 30 yard bolt of 58" wide Pimatex cotton, 133 X 72 thread count from Dharma Trading Co. (NAYYY), and am very happy with it. It has the "silky" feel of the Bali batiks. It takes dye really well.

    Pat in Rockport, TX

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