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I am honored! Thank you!

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    I am honored! Thank you!

    Dear TQS,

    I am honored to have had one of my quilts chosen as the featured "Quilt Of The Day" today. I was just in my studio (fancy word for the sewing room-bedroom that I use) wondering if I should try to enter it in the Houston Quilt Festival this year. Due to computer problems last year, I was unable to. Anyway, I love this quilt, and am thrilled that it was selected for today! TQS, you rule! (And, thanks Debbie for the heads up! I actually did miss it!). :blush:

    In beautiful Northwest Montana

    Congratulations, Dawn! Definitely enter it!! I'd love to see it in person.


      So glad you mentioned it, Dawn, I might have otherwise missed it. I haven't been on the Forum in a while and was trying to catch up with what I've missed. Your quilt is beautiful and you should definitely enter it.


        I agree. It's a lovely quilt Dawn, congratulations. :cheer:


          I agree with all of the above. I think it reflects the good times you've had at the lake and made me feel the magic of fireworks, a warm summer evening and being with special people in your life. Lovely. More people should see it.


            Well deserved its beautiful!


              Congratulations, love it

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Lovely quilt, Dawn. Thanks for posting it. I'm not much on TQS these days and I would have missed it without your post

                living in Central Denmark
                Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                  Norma, I've noticed that you have been missing. Hope all is well.


                    Congratulations, Dawn...it is an adorable quilt! It would be nice if TQS could generate an email to the member when their quilt is featured as Quilt of the Day!

                    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                      Your quilt is wonderful Dawn! Enter it so others can enjoy it!



                        Thank you all, for your wonderful comments! Right now I am working on my Hoffman Challenge. It is my first time to enter this yearly contest, and I am, once again, working outside of my box. Sort of. It is all appliqué, and I do not consider myself an appliqué person. But, it lends itself to lots of gold metallic threadplay, and bling, if I choose. We have been cautioned that we must make a quilt that can withstand packing and unpacking, folding and unfolding, as it travels around to the various shows for the following year. So, I may have to hold back some of the larger bling. But, I'm having fun creating! Thanks, again!

                        In beautiful Northwest Montana


                          Dawn, Your Hoffman quilt sounds wonderful. Have you been hanging around the Forum long enough/often enough to know that BJ/sewdreamy has entered the Hoffman challenge often and has had a number of her quilts tour with them.


                            Originally posted by "loise98" post=128682
                            Dawn, Your Hoffman quilt sounds wonderful. Have you been hanging around the Forum long enough/often enough to know that BJ/sewdreamy has entered the Hoffman challenge often and has had a number of her quilts tour with them.
                            Hmmm.....Lois, I do believe I have been hanging around here for quite a while! I joined in April of 2007! At.......I think it was.....the very first Ricky Tims Seminar. And, yes I know BJ's work well, and have even seen it (and her) in Houston. There are a number of TQS members who have had their quilts travel in the Hoffman Challenge. They are just not as vocal as some of us. I have to admit, I do have months at a time where I am very silent here on TQS. Life happens. Last year was a very busy and emotional year for me, but things have leveled off now, so I seem to be quite chatty, for now.

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              Then Dawn please show us it

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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