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The Artist's Way

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    I'm in, too. Drew, Eileen has suggested June 29th to start. When do we get our syllabus (sp?), teach? :wink:


      I'm in and the 29th sounds great. Thanks Eileen.


        I'll be looking for my book.


          There's no syllabus, just the book. If you want to get ready, read the Intro and the first 2 chapters. They'll tell you what's involved and what we need to get.

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            Well, I know I CAN'T join you.... I'm too bizzy! :wink: I am still trying to get the February BOM block done!?!?! But I am going to enjoy watching the groups' journey! Have fun! :!: :!: Mary Kay


              Okay Ladies, The 29th it is. Sorry I havent responded sooner but I had some "technical issues" with my PC this weekend that are now resolved (had to buy a new one).

              I also can't find my Artist's Way book!! I have looked everywhere! I will stop by the book store on my way home from work and get a new copy. I have a horrible feeling that I left my copy at Starbucks.

              Anyway, I suggest that until the 29th that we read the first two chapters, that will give us something to discuss.



                eileenkny 8)

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  That's what I like! A man who's willing to take charge!


                    Okay, my copy of The Artist Way officially disappeared. I had to buy a new copy....which means that I will probably find my OLD copy any day now. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how we are going coordinate the exercises? I figure that some stuff we can post and some stuff will have to stay private and we will all have to take each others word that we completed the exercise. There are some exercises that we may have to revise and we can probably discuss those as we go along.

                    So in preparation for our kickoff on the 29th I will try to post some creativity boosting tips to use when you are feeling "creatively challenged" (which I often am)...

                    • Try cleaning up your work area. I know I feel much more creative when my space is nice and clean and I don't step on pins when I walk into my quilting space (bleeding and screaming in pain really isn’t conducive to a creative environment)

                    • Shut the door! Sometimes we just need to be alone for a little while to be able to hear what our muse is trying to tell us. You may need to tell your loved ones what you are doing otherwise they may think you are mad, depressed, sad or (insert your favorite bad mood here).

                    • Look at your UFOs! Then look at the most embarrassing details and amplify them. This one is hard, no one wants to point out their own mistakes but sometimes those mistakes can lead to exciting innovations. On the other hand, maybe not, maybe you will just end up hiding those particular UFOs in a place where no one will ever see them. Still, looking at my UFOs almost always gets at least a little creative fire going.

                    •Put on some mood music! Put on whatever makes you feel good, doesn’t matter if it’s classical, rock, opera or polka just as long as you like it. Although if you go in your quilting room with door shut and start playing heavy metal your sure to get your family banging on your door asking if you need an intervention Best to prepare them if you plan on listening to something new.

                    Well that’s about as much creative enthusiasm as I can muster on a Monday night, my muse went to bed a half hour ago. Does anyone else have any creativity boosting tips they would like to add?



                      I've had this book for several months now and have been waiting till Summer to start it, so count me in.

                      Dana in Olive Branch, MS waving a hello to Drew


                        Out of curiousity, just where are we meeting on the 29th?? :?
                        Are we going to brave a chat?
                        Looking forward to it; glad to see you join us, Dana
                        Thanks to Eileen and Drew!
                        Jan in Spokane


                          What time zone is everyone in? I live on the East coast. I didn't check where you all live-anyone outside the US?

                          I propose that we not MEET on the 29th, but that we start the Morning Pages, etc. from week 1 and post here when we have a question, problem, solution, whatever.
                          Then we can check in on the following Saturday to close out the week. This way we can start week 2 on July 6th.

                          I don't want to step on anyone's toes, so if you'd all prefer another way, I'm easy.


                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            That sounds good to me. Chats are sometimes hard for me to work in. Sandy


                              picked up my book at Borders this afternoon could have gotten Artist's way and the workbook for $32.00 plus tax or get Artist's Way and two other of her books in one volume for $30.00 plus tax == decided I could make my own journal or buy a cheap notebook the next time we go to the grocery store. Not sure if I made the right decision will let you know as time goes by but plan to read tonight and start my journal tomorrow morning Eventually want to put my journal in an artist's notebook because I am more visual so will probably draw as much as I write but we will see.

                              Will meet up with everyone on the 29th



                                It looks like we'll have 10 in our little group. Here's who I have so far:
                                screen name: stormymountain Do you think you'd feel comfortable telling us your real name? It would make it more personal.

                                If I've missed anyone, let me know. I started my Morning Pages this morning. I sometimes have a problem doing the full 3 pages, but since we're going to be more casual, I'm not going to worry about it. I've never been a journal type person. I'm too busy shooting off my mouth-nothing is sacred :twisted:


                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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