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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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I'm So Impressed!

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    I'm So Impressed!

    What a wealth of gorgeous quilts we have here! I'm just so impressed each time I log on to check them out! I know this thread is meant to critique art quilts, but I just wanted to say "Well done, ladies and gents!"
    I haven't the nerve yet to post my quilts...my excuse is, my digital camera doesn't take quality pictures! :P I must admit, I'm a bit intimidated ops: , as I'm new to quilting, and so far have followed traditional patterns in classes at my LQS. No original designs yet. I must tell you how excited I am about putting together my first Convergence quilt yesterday...what great FUN! Now, to come up with a border?! That's where this forum comes in handy with all the great ideas!
    Thanks from me!!!

    Dear Sewso.
    Please don't be intimidated about posting your quilts to the gallery. Everyone was a beginning quilter once and it is by seeing what other people have done that we all get ideas for where to go next with our quilting. No one is going to judge you by your quilts - hey, we're all "family" here - and each new quilt completed is a reason for us all to rejoice. Good luck with your convergence quilt.


      Why, thanks for the vote of confidence, Robinquilts. That means a lot to me, since I think your In a Purple Haze, the Grants Converge on Iowa is sensational!


        Please, folks, keep commenting on the quilts in the gallery, especially to new quilters. I am a new quilter, and when I got several comments (positive of course) I was so thrilled. It really means a lot, especially to us newbies, so be generous with your comments.


          I really appreciate all the positive comments I have received about the one quilt I have had the nerve to post. It does my heart good to know that there are fellow quilters out there ready to cheer our efforts. I am just returning to quilting after losing my husband and finishing the quilt in his honor. What a joy to have all of you "in my corner".


            Your quilt in honor of your late husband is truly a work of art, mskazooli!


              It really is, Martha. I was admiring it today, and should have said something. I'll look forward to more of the quilts you post.


                You are welcome to critique or not.... but I just love to share what I do and to see what others are doing. Quilting feeds the soul.


                  After uploading a quilt last July I received several really nice comments on it. I just wanted to say thanks. It is really nice to be noticed. My quilts are just ordinary quilts that each have a story and like most stories some turn out better than others.

                  Thanks and let it be known far and wide Quilter's are the greatest.



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