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  • What I learned
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    Thanks. I guess I’ll just play it by ear.


      Hi, I just opened my Grandmother's Autumn Laurel Ridge BOM Quilt Kit and am missing the last fabric. It is Gingham Field R600537 Purple. Who do I contact?
      Last edited by Dawn; 12-29-2024, 06:42 PM. Reason: I will just call the Quilt Show tomorrow, I tried to send a ticket but its not working. I think the site is so busy with all this excitement!


      • Barbara B. commented
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        Open every piece of fabric in the Kit. You might find it. It’s only an eighth of a yard.

      Originally posted by susanday View Post
      I am deciding and cutting my border first to take advantage of the length of fabric. Making mine six inches wide.
      That should work just fine.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        Hi, I'm finding it a bit difficult to match the pictures of the fabric on the fabric requirements page to the block of the month fabric pictures. Is there a way now to label them or is it too late. I see each fabric has a number beneath it, but not on the Month 1 instruction sheet.


        • Barbara B. commented
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          The photos on the Fabric Requirements page for each Kit are the same photos used each month on the pattern, making it easy to see which to use.
          And right now while you still have most of the fabric intact, it should not be difficult to determine which fabric to use this month. Perhaps now is a good time to label each fabric in your Kit.
          I'm sorry I don't understand the issue. Unless people are trying to use the photo of the finished quilt instead of the Fabric Requirements Listing. The two "photos" of the quilts are mock-ups and that is not the best way to identify which fabric is used where.
          I hope this helps.

        • Barbara B. commented
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          Also take a look at the TOPIC Month 1 Ask Questions Here. This was asked a few days ago and photos of both the Fabric Requirements page and Month 1 pattern were shown to help.

        Happy New Year!
        I struggled a lot with deciding which fabrics I wanted to use for this quilt. I have a great love of reproductions, especially for 1930's fabrics, but I have used them in the last four quilts that I have started. I really wanted to do something different. I would like to make a quilt for my bed, but my husband is so hard on quilts that I can't have any appliques or hand stitching on the quilt. Since this quilt is mostly pieced (I will be replacing the applique blocks with pieced ones), I am going to make a Christmas quilt for my King sized bed. So, I am naming this quilt - Christmas at Laurel Ridge.
        I am using the Joy collection from Edyta Sitar at Laundry Basket Quilts (see picture below).


        • Lynn W. commented
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          I love your fabric selection and the name of your quilt, Kyla! Well done! --Lynn

        • Helen W. commented
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          Kyla, What a great idea. I love your fabrics. Are you planning on doing the coloring by looking a value the colors in the original fabrics? Will be fun to watch your Christmas quilt grow. HelenW

        After spending a lot of time trying to source the Spring fabrics online, I called my local quilt shop. The next morning, my wonderful quilt shop owner ordered the Spring collection, with an extra bolt of the gorgeous floral border fabric. She is going to order the 1.25 x 2.5 Bloc-Loc ruler also. When the fabric comes in, I will post to the forum, in case anyone else wants to do the Spring quilt and is having trouble finding the fabrics. I won't get to start my quilt immediately, but that is okay with me. I have UFO's I should try to finish first.
        Last edited by Judith A.; 01-02-2025, 08:46 PM. Reason: Edited for clarity.


        • Lynn W. commented
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          That sounds like a wonderful local quilt shop! I'm so glad they took such good care of you. --Lynn

        My favorite website to view fabric collections is Hawthorne Supply Co. Their website allow you to search by manufacture, designer, color. Have a look it is great.


          Where do I find fabric requirements


          • Barbara B. commented
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            There is a direct link in the first post in this Topic

          Were the fabric requirements posted for binding and backing?


          • Barbara B. commented
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            No. The binding is included in the Kit. Binding requires 3/4-1 yard depending on what size you cut your binding.
            The quilt is 90” square so figure out the backing depending on if you are piecing it or using wide goods.

          I understand there are two kits available but I did not see the kit numbers for both projects I want to use the Marcus fabric kit. I typed in Marcus Fabrics - nothing. I went to find them under the shop tab I didn't see either of them there. I am a Star member so I must be doing something wrong. I keep finding myself in an endless loop. Is there someway to get the secret password to the kit purchase? Can you point me in the right direction.

          I need to get my fabric so I can start. I just printed the fourth month notes. I did order the right flying geese square and feel bad for the poor ladies who are well into their projects without hat template. Your help will be appreciated.


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