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PICK A PETAL -- Show Your Finished Top Here

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    I moved the ‘squares’ to the top and bottom to lengthen the top then adjusted the number of the fans on the sides and top. I tried to upload a picture. Pleased with the results
    Elizabeth Anderson
    Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Photos aren’t working right now. I hope they are fixed soon, I am eager to see your quilt!

    • Beverly C. commented
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      Beautiful, Elizabeth.

    • lynette R. commented
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      love it! very encouraging. thankyou. Barbara, you are a great teacher,, thankyou!!

    I cant see any uploaded pictures on the forum. I just get the words "gallery, gallery, gallery". and "Your request content cannot be loaded. Please try again." I was always able to see them up to about a month ago but I haven't had any luck after that. I thought it may be your servicer but I believe it is something else. Can you instruct me as to what I should do.


      Finished the top today. I also changed up the log cabin strips. I wasn't enjoying the embroidery, so I added more flowers instead. I like it much better.


      • Marilyn M. commented
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        I love your quilt, especially your applique flowers.

      • Katherine H. commented
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        Love your flowers! Beautiful!

      • Ann J. commented
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        Beautiful! And I love the secondary "circles" that appear!

      Here is my finished Pick A Petal. Still plan to do more hand embroidery. HelenW


      • Ursula C. commented
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        like your individuel stitching motifs.

      • Beverly C. commented
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        Really pretty, Helen.

      Finished my quil. ttop today. like the combination of patches, applique and stitching. Only the quilting will be difficult for me...


      • Beverly C. commented
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        Beautiful, Ursula. Isn't it wonderful we can make changes to give quilts our own touch?!

      It is finished! I did my own floral arrangement and added the ladybugs with 3D fabric paint. This was a challenging but satisfying BOM -looking forward to 2025.


      • Beverly C. commented
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        Beautiful! Happy little ladybugs!



        The top is finished. Now to decide how to quilt it


          Almost finished - just a facing to add !


            Really finished
            Susan Skeel
            Des Moines Iowa


              I loved making this quilt but sized it for a wall hanging - enough bedquilts.It is mainly hand pieced, appliquéd, and quilted.
              Thank you Jen Kingwell and The Quilt Show. --- Nova Scotia, Canada


              • Helen W. commented
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                Carolyn H. I love your wall hanging Pick a Petal. The applique
                is stunning. How did you do the edge for the border. Very
                creative and very unique.Could you show a picture of the back too? HelenW

              • Shirley R. commented
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              Helen W - Thank you very much for your lovely comments.

              I basted the arcs to twill tape then turned the edges on the front and then on the back.

              I have been trying to send a picture of the back but it is not working. It could be my computer or me.
              I can text or email a picture. Carolyn


              • Helen W. commented
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                Thanks for the response. I have never heard of your basting twill technique. Does it have a name
                or do you know of any videos online that shows it. I love the idea. HelenW.

              My Pick A Petal top is done! Not quilted yet… still deciding whether to do it myself or have a friend long arm it. Frankly, after working on this for a year, I’m ready for it to be out of my studio! Right now it’s on its final destination - our guest room bed. To do that I had to add another border for the right size. I enjoyed most of the process - the applique and embroidery. Endless pieced blocks not so much!
              Thanks to the Quilt Show and especially Barbara Black for all the great advice.
              Sally Gould Wright


              • Helen W. commented
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                Love it in your guest room. You picked a beautiful color palette Sally. HelenW

              • Barbara B. commented
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                Great job, Sally! I know what you mean about being glad a long project is done. It looks great in the guest room.

              • Marilyn M. commented
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                I really love the colour theme in your quilt. It's so organised and well planned. Mine is still underway after many hold-ups throughout the year. It is very scrappy and I really don't like the overall effect as much as a planned combination of colours as in your quilt. Congratulations!

              Helen W, I can explain how I did the edge if you send me your email at [email protected]


                I always appreciate suggestions on quilting--it's the last thing and so often overlooked. Thank you.
                The Line Tamer ruler looked awesome. Can I use it with my domestic machine? I have a Bernini 770qe+.


                • Barbara B. commented
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                  Yes. The ruler foot is required for free motion quilting and is available for your 770. I also have a 765, same basic machine. The foot fits in the channel of the Line Tamer ruler, holding it straight as you quilt. I use it for stitch in the ditch and all straight line quilting. Search on my blog for Ruler Work, I have more than a few posts about this.

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