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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
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MONTH 4 -- Show Your Progress Here

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    commented on 's reply
    Love your blocks, Helen! You are so creative with your changes. On the wool project in my photo, the background is linen. I just love working with it!

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    Originally posted by Carole B View Post
    I’ve been absent from the 2024 BOM forum while working on my wool projects. This week I decided to jump ahead to month 4 and tackle the log cabin blocks. Previously, I’ve only completed the center block back in January which I hand pieced.

    I started working on these using chain piecing, but after getting through the fifth piece, decided to finish two at a time. As someone who does wool appliqué, sitting at my neglected machine was enjoyable. And placing two completed blocks at a time on my design wall was exhilarating!

    Since my design wall didn’t have room due to my wooly projects, I used my island to determine placement. I just finished stitching the 4 borders together and hope to start appliquéing next week. My goal is to finish the blocks from months 3 and 4 (or at least finishing drawing and cutting) so that I can bring them this July to a hand piecing class I’m taking at Sue Spargo’s shop in Ohio.

    I’ve enjoyed watching how everyone has put their own spin to this beautiful design!
    Hi Carole B... I was excited to see the wool project in your post. When I zoomed it, the fabric almost looks like velvet.
    Love the hummingbird. I put them in lots of my projects. I started a BOM pattern by Bonnie Sullivan. Folk Art Sampler.
    It has 9 blocks, but I want 12, so I will put together 3 extras. Also want it bigger so I am adding a sashing and will do
    a pieced outside border. Here are the first 3 blocks. They are made of flannel. I have not done a lot of hand embroidery
    yet, need to resupply my thread stash. Love the pearl 8, but sometimes use DMC if I can't get the colors I want in #8.
    I added the robins to the block that just had a nest. I changed the vase to a watering can and added a frog and snail.
    It is always fun to put your own spin on things.

    Your log cabin blocks are such a beautiful subtle light gray/white. Looks great on the island. So glad to hear that you are
    happily sewing at your machine. Way to face your fears!!!
    Helen W

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    I’ve been absent from the 2024 BOM forum while working on my wool projects. This week I decided to jump ahead to month 4 and tackle the log cabin blocks. Previously, I’ve only completed the center block back in January which I hand pieced.

    I started working on these using chain piecing, but after getting through the fifth piece, decided to finish two at a time. As someone who does wool appliqué, sitting at my neglected machine was enjoyable. And placing two completed blocks at a time on my design wall was exhilarating!

    Since my design wall didn’t have room due to my wooly projects, I used my island to determine placement. I just finished stitching the 4 borders together and hope to start appliquéing next week. My goal is to finish the blocks from months 3 and 4 (or at least finishing drawing and cutting) so that I can bring them this July to a hand piecing class I’m taking at Sue Spargo’s shop in Ohio.

    I’ve enjoyed watching how everyone has put their own spin to this beautiful design!

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    I enjoy having this applique sections. Looks like I need to look at quilt picture more. Will plan my directional prints. Appliquick helped making orangish flower. Working bits at a time! Finishing up Caution Curves Ahead first & another quilt. Love this project. But, have to improvise some at 69 to make things easy for my hand tremor.

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    My first block of the month and I’ve just completed all the log cabins. I’ve made the next row of pieced blocks and nearly finished the final border so keeping up ready to start the appliqué on the log cabin border.

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    commented on 's reply
    Alice, I love what you have done with your quilt pieces. The added secondary patter is outstanding!

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    Ready for month 5. Can’t wait for appliqué and embroidery. Still missing 5 of month 4 blocks but all outer fans done.

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    commented on 's reply
    Thanks Vesta!
    Thanks Helen! I’m thrilled that you can see what’s in my head… Didn’t expect to find my hobby at my age haha, but honestly spending time in my workroom is the best time each day!

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    commented on 's reply
    Monique, Absolutely fabulous looking. You have done a masterful job of taking the bones of the
    quilt pattern, and making something that rings true to the fabrics you are using. Could not be more beautiful. HelenW

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    commented on 's reply
    Alice, I love all the thought you have put into your quilt. Very harmonious.I like the way you turned the log cabin blocks so you got a triangle from 2 red/pink sections and 2 green sections together.
    Then putting the crescents on the log cabin blocks ties it all together. This is the first BOM I remember
    where everyone is just going off in their own direction. I just love it. HelenW

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    commented on 's reply
    Alice….I like the way the colors are bright AND the fabrics feel classic

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    Made the log cabins using bright colors instead, this way I can add crescents to keep the secondary pattern (circles) also skip tiny pieces appliqué

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    commented on 's reply
    Monique G
    I have a bolt of black solid and some beautiful Australian Aboriginal prints tucked away waiting for inspiration…..you just gave it to me!!! Your quilt makes my heart beat fast.


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    I have my log cabin blocks around the centre block and placed block 1 and improvised block 2 in the second round. I believe I will do another gold border around the outside of this block with some embroidery in that border. I'm starting to like these African prints a little more than when I started.So far this quilt is measuring 63" square

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    commented on 's reply
    The brightness of your appliqué will really stand out in this block. I love it. Everyone is coming up with some great ideas to make this quilt their own. I love the twists and turns we see in the forum.

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