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MONTH 1 -- Show Progress Here

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    [QUOTE=Barbara Black;n890384]Please use THIS TOPIC to post photos of your progress with Month 1 of GPDU.[/QUOTE]




      • Donna B. commented
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        This is beautiful!

      • Helen W. commented
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        Kilee, Love the diagonal striped background. Your personal selection of flowers looks great. HelenW

      • Shannon M. commented
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        Love the colors and the changes you made. Very inspiring .

      How do I post a picture from my phone? It cuts off half the picture when I try.


        Month 1 block finished and waiting avidly for Month 2.


          [QUOTE=MSHendel;n891096]First month is done. Some take aways: use less glue (just ordered better applicator),, try hand buttonhole stitch around some flower centers. Check contrasts of overlapping bits (blue flower on vase doesn't show up as much as I'd like), preference is to use Perfect Circles rather than doing small circles with Appliquick - don't like the heavy feel of the Print and Piece in such a small element, fun to fussy cut the circles for flower centers, I made each branch of stems and leaves in same fabric to cut down on busy-ness,
          I used 80 wt off-white thread for most of the appliqué but switched to 50 wt Aurafil colored thread for the flowers. I've ordered the TQS bobbin set for future blocks as I like to match the thread to the fabric.
          and finally- I survived making 30 1/2" grapes !!!!.
          Using mostly Tula Pink fabric with some stash fillers. The background triangles in the border are varied prints of white tone on tone.
          Overall, I'm very pleased and looking forward to Month 2. I love doing turned appliqué.
          I [/QUOTE]



            Finished up today, watched Alex & Sue Spargo had to add a little zing on flower centers. Excited for block two.


            • Ellen L. commented
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              Love the flower centers, and your vase is terrific!

            • Marilyn M. commented
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              Pamela, your centre block is just beautiful.....so subtle and serene. I think you are using Japanese yarn dyed fabrics and I have wondered how those fabrics would lend themselves to this pattern. Spectacular result, as is your innovative vase. Congratulations!

            • Carol L. commented
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              Just beautiful...not only your fabric selection, but also your touch of Sue Spargo!

            I was able to finish my center block today. The appliqué is very challanging for me but I am determined to charge ahead. I only hope that I can keep up. Thank you Barbra for making the optional Saw Tooth Border pattern. That was so much help. I printed it out on Freezer Paper and used that method for piecing it together. Without your help, I'm sure I would have fallen behind.


              I paper pieced the border and made a few other changes. So far so good.


              • Helen W. commented
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                Jeanne C. The black, white and gray border is striking. And I love your hexagons in the center. I thought about that too, but went
                to a square on point. Good Job, Feb. will be here before you know it. HelenW

              Finished month 1. Hand appliqué, used appliquick method and perfect circles templates. Also changed a few flower designs because I already had the templates. All from stash,
              Morrisburg, ON  Canada


                January is done, and I'm a little behind, but this has been a great amount of fun. I have really enjoyed seeing what others have done with the same idea!


                • Christine H. commented
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                  Love the Asian inspired fabric for the vase. I am doing the same. Great minds think alike!

                • Eula M. commented
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                  Your vase is lovely.


                  Finished month 1 needle turn appliqué. It is the first time I have used the glue to hold the pieces, I usually use pins, l liked the small dab if glue and will continue using it


                  • Janet H. commented
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                    I like the pieced background. Very nice!

                  Finished. It took me a bit longer than I expected. My saw tooth border was too small by a significant margin. I took a few days of think and today I decided to just add a quarter inch to each end of the saw tooth borders. I could have done them in my background white, but decided to add more strawberries and I'm happy with it. It measures the correct size now.
                  Ellen Lindow
                  Plant City, FL


                    Looks like Paula S. and I used the same asian-inspired fabric for our vases! I'm doing satin-stitch machine applique and getting inspiration from the posted pictures.


                      Awesome.. I am enjoying seeing how many of my chosen fabrics are being used by others.. I love how you chose to place the crane


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