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MONTH 1 -- Show Progress Here

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    Month 1 is finally done. WooHoo!! I made an oopsie and had to get friendly with my seam ripper. It took me awhile to see my mistake. lol


    • Helen W. commented
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      Shannon, Love the hexie flowers for corner stones. I thought about that, but you actually did it. I love it.
      Great looking place of design in the vase. Looking good!!! HelenW

    • Molly A. commented
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      Love it, especially the vase fabric!

    I finished Block One. I just need to add the border. I'm prepping month 2 applique borders for a weekend trip.


      I finally got the first part of block one finished.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        Lovely! The bright vase really sings.

      I wasn’t going to do this BOM-not really my style-but when I saw the neutrals fabrics that were being used for the current quilt in Alex’s classroom, I decided to use those to do GPDU. I’ve just finished Month 1 and I am having a great time. Between Alex’s neutrals, scraps from my stash and a few new fabrics thrown in, I think I’ve been able to give this a look I really like. I will be making some changes to future blocks as I would rather continue my fused raw-edge applique than do pieced blocks. I may repeat some of the floral blocks or design my own.


        I finished another part of Block 1. Hope my colors look good. Some triangles are white with small blue flowers but maybe you can see them. My husband says it is so pretty. Welcome advice or suggestions. I may just add some borders.


          Finally, step 1 of Month 1 done. Lots of personal trials since Feb 22 that needed to come first. However this is first time I have ever done a needle turn project and now I am enjoying it. Not perfect but learning and enjoying the process is what sewing is all about Now on to dogtooth border


            I finished block one & decided not to do any more.. Will back & quilt.


            • Helen W. commented
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              Linda R. You did a nice job of finishing with borders of your own. Love the flying geese. It makes a
              great wall hanging. HelenW

            My month one, machine blanket stitch applique.


              I am finally ready to start this kit, which is really intimidating. I have in many ways regretted buying the kit, but I did and I need to learn the techniques. It seems crazy to ask, but after you print the page on the print and fuse, do you cut each shape out and then iron it on the fabric? And then turn the edges under with the appliquick tools? I have never used this before.


                [QUOTE=Grma46;n895187]I am finally ready to start this kit, which is really intimidating. I have in many ways regretted buying the kit, but I did and I need to learn the techniques. It seems crazy to ask, but after you print the page on the print and fuse, do you cut each shape out and then iron it on the fabric? And then turn the edges under with the appliquick tools? I have never used this before.[/QUOTE]

                I have written detailed blog posts for each month. Find them here, there are 3 for Month 1:


                also read through all the Ask Questions Here threads on the Forum, anything you want to know has been posted there last year.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  Thank you Barbara; I have been watching the videos and you are such a good teacher. What I don't understand is when the flowers and leaves overlap how do I cut the print and fuse? Do I just not worry about the corner of the leaf and cut the flower out? I am looking at month 1


                  • Barbara B. commented
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                    I used leftover PNPFL to draw full shapes for those not complete on the printout.

                  I re-joined The Quilt Show during the holidays late last year and as Alex recommended, I downloaded the garden party pattern- but I wanted to get started on this year's BOM. What to do? Well, I have lots of fabric (but went shopping for more for good measure) and so in January I started both Garden Party BOM and Homeward Bound BOM! I am not quite done on the first month of Garden Party but plan on posting when finished. I just have the vase, the top left flower and the border to do, Shouldn't take too long...


                  • Barbara B. commented
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                    That is ambitious. GPDU Month 1 is a lot of work. HB is much less each month. Enjoy!

                  My first month is completed! It's been a great learning experience- a lot of work, and a lot of fabric decisions. I have struggled with the inside points and the tiny berries but they were much easier with practice. Everything is hand appliqué except for the seams on the borders.


                    Hi, I finally got started...my house is done. I did paper piecing, except I didn't use freezer paper...I used typing paper, & folded the seams so I never sewed on the paper. I know I did it wrong, but so far it's OK.


                      I need to shop for either a big enough piece for this border, the tiel. Or another choice. This fab was cut up for the house, but I changed my mind & went w/red. Not enough to sew them together for the border.


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