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Design your own skyscraper

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    Originally posted by sewbearnuts View Post
    I love the idea of designing our own “skyscraper”, and have taken the measurement info. into my EQ8 program and am drawing a foundation pieced pattern of Canada’s Peace Tower, in Ottawa (which we live not far from). Just about finished and will then attempt to do one of the CN Tower, in Toronto. It is fun to give this quilt a “Canadian” vibe!
    Pat L, I looked up your quilts in the members section. Love your variety of types of quilts you have made. We have one in common I too made the Latte quilt. I have a Husqvarna Designer 1 sewing machine that is 20 some years old. But about 13 or 14 years ago
    I made the quilt as part of a class where the teacher converted it to be used with Husqvarna machines. It was I long time ago.
    I made a second one just using the blocks. I know this not where I am supposed to post the pictures other than CMW, but I just wanted you to see it. HelenW


    • Pat L. commented
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      Gorgeous! Great minds think alike - yes, that was 14 yrs ago when I made that quilt (2004) and it was the first time I’d ever done mach. emb of that magnitude (on an older model Pfaff 2044, I think I had at that time). And to think you made 2 of them - wow! The emb. designs were beautiful on that quilt (Bernina, origins) which I recall I used other software to convert.
      Last edited by Pat L.; 07-27-2021, 08:19 PM.

    • Dot W. commented
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      OMG! There's the Latte Quilt I am trying to finish! It is beautiful, well done, and encourages me to keep on joining it together.

    Hi all - wondering if anyone has started working on a skyscraper/image for San Francisco… maybe Transamerica Building or Coit Tower? I don’t have EQ 8 so hoping to build on work of others willing to share. Thank you!!


    • Karen commented
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      I don't have quilting software either and have never designed a block but wanted to do something for SF. I will post if I end up being able to create an image.

    Originally posted by dotretired View Post
    OMG! There's the Latte Quilt I am trying to finish! It is beautiful, well done, and encourages me to keep on joining it together.
    Thank you. Keep going, love to see a picture when it is finished. HelenW


      Click image for larger version

Name:	church Corner Color My World reduced size.jpg
Views:	0
Size:	16.0 KB
ID:	887718
      This is a proto-type church that I created in EQ8. It is a contender for one of the corner blocks. Since my background fabric is cream colored (grunge hits the spot), I am not sure if a white building will provide enough contrast to stand out. In any case, I have learned more about using EQ8. I love the Lady Liberty block and the Square Donuts are a hoot. I wish that I had a square donut with my coffee, right now! (When I tried uploading the church as a picture, the program kept cutting off the bottom of the picture.)


      • Paola B. commented
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        Hi Sosallap,
        I too have EQ8 (not too proficient with it yet but have done about 3 books of exercises to teach myself); anyway your church is FANTASTIC. I wanted to know how you did that. Is it all done on the block section of the program? I have lived in many places so plan to do four different towers : two from Italy, my homecountry, one from NY (probably the Empire State Building) and the final from Barcelona, Spain where I lived for a year. Could use your guidance in how you used EQ8 to do your church. THANK YOU!

      • Landa R. commented
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        Love this church. Reminds me of the church in my grand parents small town, particularly the steeple. Would you be wiling to share with me? I don't have EQ. If not, I understand. My email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

      Is anyone doing lighthouses for the skyscrapers. I'm from NC and lighthouses are a big deal there. I don't have the design software and was wondering if anyone would share their designs.


        Originally posted by Jecreed View Post
        Is anyone doing lighthouses for the skyscrapers. I'm from NC and lighthouses are a big deal there. I don't have the design software and was wondering if anyone would share their designs.
        Judith E, I typed in free coloring pages North Carolina light houses and these 2 came up. There are lots of light houses if
        you type in free lighthouse clip art in a google search. If you look at how Wendy drew the skyscrapers, you can use the same
        type of line drawing to make the light house. Details can be applique or just stitch the lines with your machine in various colors
        of thread. HelenW


          Thanks Helen. I will try that.


          • Carole commented
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            Judith did you make a lighthouse for one of the skyscrapers? I’d like to know your process as I’m going to attempt one for my quilt as well.

          Originally posted by PaolaRB View Post
          Hi Sosallap,
          I too have EQ8 (not too proficient with it yet but have done about 3 books of exercises to teach myself); anyway your church is FANTASTIC. I wanted to know how you did that. Is it all done on the block section of the program? I have lived in many places so plan to do four different towers : two from Italy, my homecountry, one from NY (probably the Empire State Building) and the final from Barcelona, Spain where I lived for a year. Could use your guidance in how you used EQ8 to do your church. THANK YOU!
          Hi Paola RB,
          Like you, I have completed three or so books of tutorials for EQ8, so I am very much a beginner. With that being said, take my suggestions with a grain of salt. I used the Block worktable and set up the block to be 7 x 21 inches; snaps at 28 x 84, Horizontal grid line at 14 and vertical grid at 42. I then drew lines using the measurements from Barbara's blog post. The block is slightly taller than Barbara's measurements, I left room above the steeple, and will make adjustments when the actual pattern is released.

          This structure, by the way, is patterned after my childhood country church which was destroyed by a tornado in the early1960's. The church was rebuilt and is active today, despite a decreasing number of members.
          Please post your pictures, I would love to see your designs.
          Pam S.


            Originally posted by LandaR View Post
            Love this church. Reminds me of the church in my grand parents small town, particularly the steeple. Would you be wiling to share with me? I don't have EQ. If not, I understand. My email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
            Yes, I will be happy to share. However, since this is such a rough draft, I feel that I need to try it out first. Pam


              DeborahW - please contact me by email ([email protected]) and II'll see what I can send of a drawing of Peace Tower block - mine are all in EQ8 format files, so may have to see if I can screenshot a copy or something that you could enlarge.



              • Deborah W. commented
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                Thanks Pat L. I have sent you an email.

              • Deborah W. commented
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                Hi Pat L. I sent you an email.

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            • What I learned
              Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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