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Design your own skyscraper

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    Design your own skyscraper

    For all who have asked, here is the Design Area for the Skyscrapers. The official patterns will be posted in November. Have fun coming up with your personal structures.

    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    Originally posted by Barbara Black View Post
    For all who have asked, here is the Design Area for the Skyscrapers. The official patterns will be posted in November. Have fun coming up with your personal structures.

    Thank YOU! To personalize, I am thinking of the Gateway Arch, Mackinaw Bridge, Chelsea MI clock tower or Jiffy Mix towers, and the southern most point buoy in Key West. But first -- July tall buildings await attention.

    terri s.
    Quilting is my daily fiber therapy!


      Thanks, Barbara! As a native Angeleno I’ve been collecting photo ideas for some time for my tall corners to feature my home town of LA. Now I have an idea how to fit them in.
      Sally Gould Wright


      • SHARLYKAY commented
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        Sally. I have been thinking of LA City Hall, where I had my first paying summer job (for Mayor Sam Yorty's news room.) If you end of designing that, I'd love to hear from you.

      Thank you, Barbara, for posting this info! My plans at this point are to use buildings that have meaning to my family including the administrative building at the university I retired from last year, the oldest academic building at the prep school my son attended and city hall in the town I've lived in my entire life. Got a headstart on these with my wool version of this wonderful design. Fourth corner is yet to be determined.
      Carole Berry


      • Helen W. commented
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        Carole B, What an incredibly meaningful quilt you are making. My guess is that you are not bored being retired for only a year.
        Your wonderful ability to translate your ideas into wool details is beyond fabulous. Way to go Carol B!!! HelenW

      I've already drawn the Statue of Liberty, it'll be machine appliqued with some embroidery added for dimension My other considerations are the University of Texas clock tower, a barn or windmill (for my country-living daughter) the AT&T Cowboys stadium, the Reunion Tower in Dallas, or maybe the new Dickie Arena in Ft Worth. I might go world wide though & use the beautiful patterns Wendy will provide....so many happy choices! Thank you Barbara & all who continue to provide inspiration & encouragement, this quilt is so fun


      • Liberata T. commented
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        I too am thinking about adding the Statue of Liberty. I haven't decided on what form it should take. Since I live in Switzerland, I should add some landmark from here but I can't think of landmark building. A Matterhorn?

      • Lynn K. commented
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        Liberata- I think the Matterhorn is a great idea. After all, it is THE ORIGINAL SKYSCRAPER ! All the man made skyscrapers are poor imitations. DO IT!

      I love the idea of designing our own “skyscraper”, and have taken the measurement info. into my EQ8 program and am drawing a foundation pieced pattern of Canada’s Peace Tower, in Ottawa (which we live not far from). Just about finished and will then attempt to do one of the CN Tower, in Toronto. It is fun to give this quilt a “Canadian” vibe!


      • Elaine K. commented
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        Look forward to seeing your design, from BC

      Getting one of my corners under way, hope my idea works. This was difficult with my shaky hands, but fun
      Susan Skeel
      Des Moines Iowa


      Originally posted by sewbearnuts View Post
      I love the idea of designing our own “skyscraper”, and have taken the measurement info. into my EQ8 program and am drawing a foundation pieced pattern of Canada’s Peace Tower, in Ottawa (which we live not far from). Just about finished and will then attempt to do one of the CN Tower, in Toronto. It is fun to give this quilt a “Canadian” vibe!
      Pat L, Love it!!! Could you take a screen shot of your EQ8 layout, would love to see it. The creativity in this group is out of theis world. HelenW




        • Monique G. commented
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          Yes I do have EQ8 but truly, not as efficient with it. Just learning. Thanks so much for sharing Pat. My email is [email protected]. Big Hugs!!!

        • Deborah W. commented
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          Hi Pat. Would you be willing to share your Peace Tower pattern with me? I do not have EQ so not sure if it is possible to email it to me.

        • Melanie A. commented
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          Is the Statue of Liberty in EQ8 as well?

        Here’s a screen shot from EQ8 of my design for skyscraper, in “color mode”, part of the drawing part of the program. Nice thing about this is, I can print as “foundation piecing” directly onto freezer paper (or any type of paper)


        • Josephine G. commented
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          Oh beautiful. My poor little hand sketched CN Tower. Peace Tower is a great idea.

        Thanks for these dimensions Barbara. I worked for days on a stylized version of Toronto's CN Tower (my home town). It is not cut to size yet, and kind of patchy, but I am pretty pleased. Hopefully all the joins will not show when everything is said and done, and quilted..
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Josephine G.; 07-19-2021, 03:01 PM. Reason: Hmmm... having trouble with my pic, Will have to try again.


        • Pat L. commented
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          Your CN Tower looks great! The simpler the better when it comes to sewing it together!

        • Elaine K. commented
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          Wow! Great job on your paper piecing design!

        • kay graap. commented
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          Love it! The background is great too

        Able to upload my CN Tower. Finally.


        • TheQuiltKitchen commented
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          Just wondering if you would be willing to share your CN Tower with another fellow Canadian? You did an amazing job of it!

        Which Liberty do you like best
        Susan Skeel
        Des Moines Iowa


        • Robin H. commented
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          I would also love to make your block. Lets us know what you decide

        • kay graap. commented
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          The green one looks most realistic. Second one looks a bit like stone

        • Melanie A. commented
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          How did you make these? I love the way they look and want to do something like this for my quilt!

        Originally posted by sewskeel View Post
        Which Liberty do you like best
        Sewskeel, I would audition them with what you already have going. Lay out the center, Tall Buildings 1 and 2 and then the Statue
        of Liberties in 3 corners and look at them or take pictures one at a time. That will show how well they coordinate with what you already have done. Good looking Statue. Would love to see a picture of the statue with the rest of what you have done. HelenW



          Pat, Love your EQ8 skyscraper. You really went into small details. Will it be totally paper pieced, or do you plan to paper piece
          the larger sections and embroidery or machine stitch the details. Super impressed. I am just loving this BOM.
          If Monique wants to do the same block, She could probably just use graph paper with 1/8 grid and use yours as
          a jumping off place or if you showed her the block layout with the grid on a screenshot from EQ8, it would be easy to draft
          herself. Great Job Pat, Would love to see the the fabric block when you make it. HelenW

          Pat, Do you have any pictures of your center of the quilt posted? I was wondering if you had the kit fabric or your own palette. I could not find any with your Name.
          Last edited by Helen W.; 07-21-2021, 10:50 AM.


          • Pat L. commented
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            Thanks Helen. As you noticed I did end up with some awfully tiny "bits" in my drawing in EQ8 and instead have digitized a Cdn. flag and will do same for a "clock face" and will use machine emb. designs for those spots. I've offered to "share the file" with Monique - it be great if she has EQ8, but if not, will send her a .jpg of the design which she can hopefully print out to scale and use for a block.
            As for any pics of my "centre" I have a big confession - I haven't started yet!! I am literally waiting for some ordered fabric to arrive (today!) for background, backing & binding. I've not had my "quilting mojo" in gear, having been rehabbing these past few mos. from a hip replacement but have instead, once I decided to start this CYW project, have been watching Barb's videos, printing off patterns on freezer paper, downloading instructions ,"shopping my stash" for building & tree fabric - plus designing my "skyscrapers"! I've in the past done several paper-pieced projects and enjoy the process (ever seen any Cynthia England patterns - luv 'em! - have "Stitch in Time" displayed in "My Quilts"). Am anxious to get started particularly from all the inspiration I'm getting from the forum! Well let you know here, when I start posting any pics!

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        • What I learned
          Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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