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TALL BUILDINGS #2 — Ask Questions Here

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    Who besides me thinks Barbara Black is a Quilting Super Hero??? She has awesome powers when it comes to quilting.
    She has the moral character not to divulge her secret sewing for next years BOM. She has mastered the skill of time
    management to perfection (just like her quilts are perfect too).If you have not seen her many many beautiful quilts, go to
    her blog. She tolerates pain of website headaches like the best of the super heroes tolerates pain from villians.The bugs in forum website, is a mystery to all, affecting some
    and not others. Barbara fearlessly continues to answer and encourage all of us TQS quilters. Super glad Barbara is on our side and has our backs. Thank you Barbara. HelenW


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Thank YOU, Helen, for a great big chuckle this morning! I have my moments but do try to answer each question as I know it is important to the person who asked. Questions about size of these unique “blocks” are a challenge.

      Thanks for putting a big smile on my face.

    • Sharon P. commented
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      I believe you said it all.lol. Barbara makes this so much easier with her patience and videos.

    Yes, Tall Buildings #2 are bigger than Tall Buildings #1. Look at the quilt. The Tall Buildings form a circle at the lower edge and a straight edge across the top so the finished quilt will be square, not circular. Tall Buildings #3 and 4 are even longer.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      Originally posted by millvale View Post
      Further to my above comments, I made a TH#2 LS, and it fits to the RS of TH #1. Could the TH #2 houses be labeled wrong? Right should be Left and Left should be Right??
      No, the Tall Buildings are labeled correctly.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        I am wanting to personalize my tall buildings. I’ve noticed that some people have created their own ideas in the second ring. I’ve waited to start on the second ring to design what I want, and thought now that thee are 2 of the buildings out I could figure out the dimensions of the of each section that holds the 4 tall buildings. But now I’m reading that they are each have a different dimension. Can you post what the dimensions of the section that would have the 4 tall buildings would be? I really don’t want to wait 2 more months to just get started on that section. Thanks


        • Barbara B. commented
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          I'm sorry, I do not have time to do all those calculations. TB #3 comes out August 1, TB #4 comes out September 1.

        • Barbara B. commented
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          Jacque E, I just recorded the Month 8 Video and wrote the Month 8 blog. While doing that, I discussed how to measure if you really want to know what size a Tall Building "should" be.
          Month 8, Tall Buildings #3 are "about" 14.375", including seam allowances, on the LONG side. The bottom with seam allowances is 4.25" wide, not taking the slight curve into account. The top edge, along the diagonal background fabric is 5.75" including seam allowances.
          So now you have one more set of Tall Building measurements to play with.

        For some reason I have been having a lot of trouble getting my patterns to print the correct size. It worked fine for the first several month but lately they always seem to print small by about 1/8 of an inch- with the tall buildings 1 I had to print them at 125% to get them to come out what I hope is the correct size and with this month's I had to print them at 110%. Any idea how I can avoid this? I am using the same printer that I have used since the beginning and originally could print at 100% and it worked okay.


          Originally posted by ervinja View Post
          I am wanting to personalize my tall buildings. I’ve noticed that some people have created their own ideas in the second ring. I’ve waited to start on the second ring to design what I want, and thought now that thee are 2 of the buildings out I could figure out the dimensions of the of each section that holds the 4 tall buildings. But now I’m reading that they are each have a different dimension. Can you post what the dimensions of the section that would have the 4 tall buildings would be? I really don’t want to wait 2 more months to just get started on that section. Thanks
          Jacque, Just thinking off the top of my head about how you could start planning your outside ring of custom buildings. If the quilt finishes
          69.5 inches square, and back in March Barbara said the borders were cut 5 inches wide, you could subtract the 10 inches from width and
          length to get 59.5 inches for the quilt top minus the outside border. Take a roll of freezer paper or maybe a large tracing paper tablet and tape
          sheet together to get 60 inches. My freezer paper is 18 inches wide so it would take 4 pieces 60 inches long to make the top. You can over lap and iron together or tape together. Find the center by folding in half both ways. Now lay your completed center of the quilt on it. Pin or tape so it does not move. Trace the edge of the completed outside curve. Remember that piece has the outside seam allowance so you house bottoms
          will be in 1/4 inch inside your traced circle. Draw the 45 degree diagonal lines too, for the place of skyscrapers or what you plan to put in their place.
          Then you can start subdividing into section for your custom houses. If you cut your freezer paper into those house sections, remember that
          you will need to add 1/4 seam allowance to the pieces. Also make registration marks so you can get the pieces back together. You can use
          different colored pencils so you make sure you have the correct to pieces going together or just give each one a number. Then start designing
          your houses to fit the size section you made. It will take you a fairly long time to design your houses, but you can get really close by using this type of method. If you want to fit them into the size sections that Wendy Williams designed. You can use this same method of making a completed
          square template, lay your circle on it, trace the circle outside edge. Take the pattern Tall buildings 1 and 2 and the skyscrapers from Barbara's blog, lay them out around the the circle and you will have just 3 and 4 space left.Do not include the seam allowance for designing. It is added after you cut the pieces apart. Start designing houses and fit them into the known space sizes,
          and then add on as 3 and 4 are made available.
          I don't know how much quilt designing you have done. I make a lot of my stuff up as I go. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you should
          wait until the whole pattern is available. Don't tell me you don't have any unfinished projects laying around your sewing room. I know I do.
          It is fun to see people using their creative ideas to make it a special quilt for them. HelenW


          • Jacque E. commented
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            Thanks I was thinking that I might have to do something like that. I appreciate your help and the measures you included! I will post a picture when I get it done.

          The pattern says the quilt is "approximately 69.5". The borders are cut 5", making them 4.5" finished. Working ahead without the patterns may cause problems at the end. Just be prepared to fix those problems if you want to work ahead.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            I am so glad to find the next buildings for the quilt. In South East Queensland we have just been thrown into another three day lock down. I will have something to take my mind of Covid. This one looks to be less challenging that TB 1 with it's little, tiny windows. Thanks, Barbara


              Was there really a video for Tall Buildings #2? I could never find it. Thanks.
              Best wishes,


              • Barbara B. commented
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                No, Mike, we skipped July as it would have been right at 4th of July weekend.

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            • What I learned
              Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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