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TALL BUILDINGS #2 — Ask Questions Here

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    TALL BUILDINGS #2 — Ask Questions Here

    The next pattern for Tall Buildings is available a day early. There is a Video and my Blog: https://bbquiltmaker.blogspot.com/20...uilding-2.html

    This is an easy one, you’ll be able to make these pretty quickly.

    Design area information for the Skyscrapers and Little Houses in the City, coming in the near future.

    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    Hi, Im looking for some guidance on the four corner buildings. I would like to do the old world trade center, the new world trade center, empire state building and statue of liberty. I am a NYC gal. Statue of Liberty has me baffled. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Mary Ihde.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      In a couple weeks I will have a blog post that provides the design area for the skyscrapers, for planning purposes only, not to start sewing them. You might look for drawings of the Statue of Liberty or see if someone has already created a paper piecing pattern of it that is for sale. Google will find you lots of things. If you find a drawing of the Statue of Liberty, you could always applique it to the background.

    Where do the July buildings go? Right next to last months? I don’t want to use the same colors next to each other. Thanks. This is not a reply but a question.
    Last edited by Jean C.; 06-30-2021, 02:30 PM. Reason: Clarification


      I used the colouring page featured in an earlier month and marked what colour I used for the first tall buildings.


        Originally posted by Jean65 View Post
        Where do the July buildings go? Right next to last months? I don’t want to use the same colors next to each other. Thanks. This is not a reply but a question.
        Yes, they go right next to Tall Building #1
        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          Can I sew tall building 1 and 2 together?


            Originally posted by Liabilite View Post
            Can I sew tall building 1 and 2 together?
            I don't see why not. The instructions for Assembly come in Month 12. Wendy recommends sewing from the outer edge to the inner edge, as "there is less chance for stretching in this direction." Be sure you sew Lefts on the Left and Rights on the Right.
            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              I got the road to attach to the small houses but it is now not exactly flat. Will adding the tall houses help this?


                Originally posted by Hodgie View Post
                I got the road to attach to the small houses but it is now not exactly flat. Will adding the tall houses help this?
                The Tall Buildings will become a complete circle that will be attached to the complete circle that includes the Upper Road. That center circle should be 43.5”, including seam allowances. Check your center circle in several places to see if it’s close to that size.

                if it’s not flat now, the Tall Buildings won’t make it flat.

                I used the Search box on the left to find a couple posts about the size of the center. Those have comments about how some people got their centers flatter. Search: size of circle with roads, or words like that.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  What are the finished dimensions of the finished #2 Tall Buildings?
                  Thank you


                  • Barbara B. commented
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                    Measure the paper patterns to figure it. There are no official measurements provided. All I know is the quilt fit together with patterns printed accurately, 1” scale box is the guide for the patterns.

                  I have completed the Tall Bldg. 2 and they are a different width than Tall Bldg. 1 at the bottom. Does this mean that the seams will not line up with the road seams? I really wish you could have provided measurements since there have been so many issues with sizes. On this month's Tall Bldg. 2, the two templates printed out to different scale even when printed at the same time on the same printer. Even if I measure the paper patterns, I'm not sure if it is correct.


                    Originally posted by Barbara Black View Post
                    Measure the paper patterns to figure it. There are no official measurements provided. All I know is the quilt fit together with patterns printed accurately, 1” scale box is the guide for the patterns.
                    Barbara, Even though the pattern does not give measurements, maybe it would help those wanting them if you just took a picture
                    of Tall building #2 laying on your cutting mat with a seam aligned with one of the vertical lines on the mat. Skipin2 could look at it
                    and figure out her own measurements from that. I looked at both your blog and the video and could not find any place where I could take a screen shot that would show the building on a mat with the whole thing showing. Just a suggestion. HelenW


                      Here is a photo of Pam’s Tall Building 2 LS. It appears to be about 11.625” on the longest side, including seam allowances.

                      I measured the patterns, laying the two sections together on the sewing line. One is about 11.5”, one is about 11.375”. These are hand drawn patterns and are not the same size. That is just the way it is. If your 1” scale box is accurate when you print the patterns, everything ultimately fits. As long as you sew an accurate seam allowance.

                      The bottom width of TB#2 LS is about 2.75”. TB#2 RS is about 2.875”. This IS different from TB #1, and NO, the Tall Buildings do not line up with the roads.

                      I must say again, while making this quilt last year I paid no attention to the individual patterns, never trying to figure out what size they were “supposed” to be. Print accurate patterns, sew an accurate seam allowance and the quilt fits together.

                      Unlike quilts made from standard size blocks you can “check” for accuracy, this quilt is made with accurate paper patterns, sewn accurately.
                      Barbara Black
                      Huntsville AL
                      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                        I have just finished my first tall house #2 right side. When I put it beside my tall house #1 right side, it is too tall! However it would fit nicely to side. Can anyone explain were I went wrong?
                        Last edited by Joy G.; 07-09-2021, 01:53 PM. Reason: Oops, it fits nicely on the left side of TH#1....


                        • Joy G. commented
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                          Further to my above comments, I made a TH#2 LS, and it fits to the RS of TH #1. Could the TH #2 houses be labeled wrong? Right should be Left and Left should be Right??

                        just started tall buildings 2 right side. It is about a good 1/2" LONGER than my tall buildings 1. printing was right and 1" square was correct any ideas please? my centre is finished with roads and lies flat.


                        • Brenda C. commented
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                          Thank you Barbara. I though5 I had done something stupid

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                      • What I learned
                        Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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