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Month 4 - trees

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    Barb - Would it be possible for you to post the size of the small house wedge? Thank you.


      Originally posted by Carolyn Law-lawda View Post
      Barb - Would it be possible for you to post the size of the small house wedge? Thank you.
      The pattern does not provide this. Here is my answer about this, showing the size of my Small Houses, written March 13:


      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        Originally posted by sharongail View Post
        Would it be safe to go ahead and cut the houses the size of tree template once the trees are in place? I noticed one side is on the line the other side may be a bit wider? I thought maybe I hadn’t trimmed properly.
        If your houses are correct and you sewed the 1/4” seam allowance accurately, your pairs are the correct size. I did not use the Layout Template for checking the pairs—it is a guide for placing the tree tops.

        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          I am using a technique I learned from Martha Pullen for Heirloom sewing to quickly prep the curved edges of my trees 2 at a time:

          Iron or trace the template onto to the wrong side of one fabric, then place the second fabric right side together to the first fabric. Then, wind a bobbin of Water Soluble thread, and use regular thread in your needle. Stitch the curve following the template. Trim the seam to 1/4 inch and clip the curve. Remove the template then turn the fabric right side out, smooth your curve and press with a dry iron. then I use a fabric folding pen to apply starch directly on the ironed seam to really soak it. then Press again with a dry iron until the seam is completely dry. The starch will dissolve the water soluble thread and you can pull apart your 2 prepped trees, and you will have nice crisp folds on the curved edges. Pull out the remaining top thread and you are finished.

          Note: Make sure you store that bobbin separately from your regular thread so you don't use it in another project by mistake! I keep my thread and bobbins together in a zip lock bag to keep them from disintegrating in humidity.

          Beth BL
          Beth Bell Lavoie


          • Helen W. commented
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            Beth, Very impressed with your technique, I have after soluble thread and hardly ever use it. This looks
            like a good application. HelenW

          My little houses are still making me so very happy! Hope to have the ring completed this weekend, but need to get more fusible tape for my tree trunks.


            There are no pressing instructions with the bias tape and I am having troubles keeping my trees in place to stitch. How hot, how long is effective in pressing to activate the adhesive on the tape?


            • Helen W. commented
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              Brenda, I have had my iron on hot when I use it on prefused bias tape, unless it is not cotton. This is cotton so you should be able to go hot and do it just like raw edge fusing. If you still can't get it to stick, use a little washable glue and heat set. HelenW

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          • What I learned
            Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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