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Month 4 - trees

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    How accurate is the pattern/template for the placement of the trees? When sewing the house 1,2,3,4 together I started to sew from the bottom to the top to assure the inner circle was accurate. On some of the pairs the top was a bit off. Now I want to know if I should trim the pairs at the top to match my vellum pattern. I am at the stage to sew the tree tops.

    Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


      Originally posted by Barbara Black View Post

      I pressed the joining seams open and did tons of stitch in the ditch quilting on this, using fine thread, with no problems.

      Barbara, I stand corrected. I chose the wrong words for my thoughts. If you stitch in the ditch on a seam that is pressed
      open, the only thing in the ditch since the fabric is pressed back on itself, is the thread you stitch the pieces together with.
      If you stitch on the stitches when quilting you stand a good chance of splitting those stitches and leaving little holes between
      the pieces. I have helped friends that did that repair their quilts using a ladder stitch by hand in the areas that popped loose.
      I am glad to hear you did not have that problem. Sometimes all it takes is a little stress on that seam for the hole to show up.
      Just Giving A Word of Caution so you know what might happen. HelenW
      Last edited by Helen W.; 04-02-2021, 10:21 AM.


        A picture of a seam that popped open after stitching in the ditch on a seam that was pressed open. HelenW


        • sewskeel commented
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          Sewskeel here yes I am working on Dee’s quilt Long Time Gone too

        I cut the tree template from heat resistant mylar. Then I used a small square natural bristle paint brush to apply Best Press starch alternative to the lower edge of the fabric for 1/4". Then, I positioned the template on to the fabric and secured it ( its slippery ) using a few wonder clips along the top. I then pressed the lower edge over the template with a mini iron. This method made a nice sharp perfectly rounded edge and no burnt fingers. Don't overdo the starch. Use just enough to lightly wet, not soak, the fabric.


          Should the placement template for the trees be the size of the two houses sewn together. or should there be a seam allowance for when those units are sewn together. I'm a bit confused and hope someone has an answer


            the above was my first posted question and not sure I'm doing this correctly. I'm ready to start the trees but unsure about how these units of two should be sized. mine are all a bit bigger than the placement template but I don't want to cut them all down if I'll need that for the seams when they are all sewn together. Help!!


              I am auditioning my tree fabric. Since my background is white with black flecks, I figured I could use a printed fabric for my trees instead of two solid greens. This is what I have chosen. I have not sewn it down yet as I still have to do the bias strips.


              • Sharon P. commented
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                I like the print!

              • Cindy P. commented
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                I used eight different greens. I’m using my stash and not a kit.

              • Elaine M. commented
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                Love your tree fabric.

              What do you recommend I use for a stabilizer. I would like to do decorative stitching on my houses and tree tops before it all gets put together.Thanks Julie


                Originally posted by marshallcreel View Post
                Should the placement template for the trees be the size of the two houses sewn together. or should there be a seam allowance for when those units are sewn together. I'm a bit confused and hope someone has an answer
                The pattern doesn’t make that clear and I don’t think the Trees Layout Guide was intended as a measuring device. My pairs of Small Houses were slightly wider and taller than the lines on the Guide and it all fit together in the end.
                BARBARA BLACK

                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                • Sharon P. commented
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                  Would it be safe to go ahead and cut the houses the size of tree template once the trees are in place? I noticed one side is on the line the other side may be a bit wider? I thought maybe I hadn’t trimmed properly.

                Originally posted by Libbi View Post
                How accurate is the pattern/template for the placement of the trees? When sewing the house 1,2,3,4 together I started to sew from the bottom to the top to assure the inner circle was accurate. On some of the pairs the top was a bit off. Now I want to know if I should trim the pairs at the top to match my vellum pattern. I am at the stage to sew the tree tops.
                The tree tops will cover the top part of the pairs. No need to trim the top edge of the background.

                BARBARA BLACK
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  Done but not exactly flat
                  Susan Skeel
                  Des Moines Iowa


                  • Helen W. commented
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                    Sewskeel, Looking good. I noticed the blocks at the top of your picture, are you doing Dee's sew along? HelenW

                  • Cindy P. commented
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                    Mine wasn’t either. I pinned the outer edge to my design wall and spritzed/misted the inner circle since it was a wee bit wavy. Once misted I patted the edges down and came back after it dried and did it one more time. Then I pinned the inner circle while it dried the second time. It seems mostly flat now.

                  Can anyone tell me what is the diameter of the circle which is formed after we sew all 32 houses together? My “circle” is not laying flat so I will have to make some minor adjustments which I would rather fix now rather than later. It is always helpful for me to have a dimension to aim for so I know how close I am.


                    The circle I am asking about is the empty circle formed in the “middle” when all the houses are joined- i.e. the space where a road and the Mariners compass will be placed.


                      Does anyone know the actual measurement from the centre bottom where the tree blocks are joined to the centre top?


                      • Cindy P. commented
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                        I think Barbara mentioned that on another post. I think she said 17-1/2” from raw edge to raw edge in the inner circle. I measured mine and it’s about that size, maybe a 1/16th difference in spots. Could be the way I have it pinned. Hope that answers your question!

                      I am just finishing up month 4 and reviewing Wendy's pattern instructions. In #10 and #11, she talks about "Stitch the house border together alternating 1,2 and so on"........ What does she mean by the house border and stitching them together?


                      • Barbara B. commented
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                        Arlene, she is referring to the ring of Small Houses. She is calling this a border, since it does surround the Inner Road. I just call it a "ring" of Small Houses.

                        BARBARA BLACK

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                    • What I learned
                      Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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