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  • What I learned
    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Month 3--show small houses here

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    I was able to start at the end of February and do January, February and then March. I am loving this BOM, the first I have done with The Quilt Show. I chose to use Ricky Tims hand dyed fabrics, mostly scraps so far, for the houses and center. I chose a blue with white dots for the background so needed something else besides a blue center medallion. I thought the oranges looks like the sun shining on my world to brighten my colors.


      I’m having so much fun doing this. I can’t wait for the next step!


        I am truly enjoying this year’s project!


          So satisfying to finish the small houses. When they go together in pairs, no matter which # house goes next to the other, the 1/4" seam (or scant therof) allows each roof to perfectly come to a point at the seam. What precision Wendy Williams devised! I am so impressed with the quality of the pattern, with Barbara's tutorials and tips. Can't wait for next steps! A few of my 'doors' have some artistic fabrics, reminiscent of the painted doors in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal.


          • Beth S. commented
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            It is so interesting to see how different the blocks look when a different background is used. I like this.



          • Beth S. commented
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            I pressed my seams open too (for exactly the same reason.

          • kelly u. commented
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            should we then press our seams open ?

          These are all my houses. I finally got the pairs sewn together today. I'm loving this quilt; it is cheery in a time when we all need some "cheer" in our lives.


            Maureen Wood


            • Peggy J. commented
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              That yellow really makes your houses pop. Lovely!

            My 3/4 hses


              Have my 3 & 4 houses finished, looking forward to the next step.
              Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada


                Originally posted by ElaineKoehler View Post
                Have my 3 & 4 houses finished, looking forward to the next step.
                Elaine, your night sky is great. Very dramatic.

                BARBARA BLACK

                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  I cant wait to add my houses together>


                    I got my small houses paired and I’m ready for month 4! I love this quilt and really enjoy this freezer paper piecing. Most of my roofs and doors are Dupioni silk and the houses are shott cotton.


                      My 3/4 hses. Still need to sew together in pairs.


                        Like so many others, I'm loving this BOM. My first time doing one of these projects. Guess I should pace myself so that I don't get impatient for the next installment. Its wonderful to see the group's use of different fabrics and how different they all look because of those choices. Thank you everyone for sharing!


                          Small houses 3and 4 separate and sewn in pairs. I need more space so I can lay it all out and get houses 1 and 2 paired up. I am loving this already. Do I get bonus point because all my house pairs are the same size?


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                          • What I learned
                            Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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