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Mariners Compass

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    Originally posted by "CJaneAgar" post=154213
    I understand the finished block should be 14.5 inches, mine has finished closer to 15". I checked my templates and appear to be printed correctly using the 1" scale block, my seems are 1/4" but maybe to scant, so should I start again or will I be able to use this one? I am worried this will mess up the next step, and if I make another from start will I end up short of fabric?
    If your wedges were the correct size, and F measures 7" finished, the problem is most likely your seam allowances when sewing the wedges to each other. I would take the wedges apart and try again, checking after each seam that everything is the correct size, i.e., quarters are 7.5", the halves are 14.5". You want to find mistakes at the first place they happen, not when the compass is done and not the right size.

    You have nothing to lose in taking this one apart. And if you start over with all new fabric you should be all right with the background fabric--just save all the pieces you remove and all leftover pieces--there are lots of small pieces of background in the Tall Buildings and Little Houses to come. The solids will not run out and even if they did, you can easily add a different solid.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Barbara, I went back to measure my mariner's compass ; it was 14 5/8" in diameter. Can an 1/8 of an inch make that much difference in the way the points turned out? There must be something else that I am doing wrong but for the life of me I can't figure it out. Here is my mariner's compass. I am worried that some points will be lost when I sew it onto the next section using a 1/4" seam. Some points are ok ; others are not


        Happycamperx, Some foundation paper shrinks when it is pressed with a hot iron. If that's the case increase the document slightly when printing. If you didn't prewash your fabric it could also shrink. If you plan to remake the block leave extra background fabric at the outside edge and don't trim this edge until after the units are sewn together. Then use a circle marker to mark a circle with a 7 1/4" radius. Some of your points may be floating but that's better than having them chopped off.


          Originally posted by "PaolaRB" post=154217
          Barbara, I went back to measure my mariner's compass ; it was 14 5/8" in diameter. Can an 1/8 of an inch make that much difference in the way the points turned out? There must be something else that I am doing wrong but for the life of me I can't figure it out. Here is my mariner's compass. I am worried that some points will be lost when I sew it onto the next section using a 1/4" seam. Some points are ok ; others are not
          PaolaRB You are going to have problems, points will be cut off when you add the road. The 1/4 inch will cut off some of your points. Sorry to tell you that, but
          you might need to do some ripping. HelenW


            i have not started the compass yet. You mentioned the bias edges and to be careful, would you recommend maybe stay stitching them to make sure they do not stretch? Looking forward to sewing this.
            Elizabeth Anderson
            Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


              Originally posted by "LizAnderson" post=154224
              i have not started the compass yet. You mentioned the bias edges and to be careful, would you recommend maybe stay stitching them to make sure they do not stretch? Looking forward to sewing this.
              No, just don't handle it much. We will use it next in month 5 when we make the Inner and Outer Roads.

              North Alabama, USA
              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                Yes, HelenW I mention the point problem in my question. What I don’t know is why the points turned out this way so that when I make a second mariner’s compass I won’t end up with the same results.


                  PaolaRB, see my answer below to CJaneAgar. If your wedge patterns were the correct size and were trimmed correctly, the problem is the seam allowances when you joined them together.

                  North Alabama, USA
                  "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                    Originally posted by "PaolaRB" post=154227
                    Yes, HelenW I mention the point problem in my question. What I don’t know is why the points turned out this way so that when I make a second mariner’s compass I won’t end up with the same results.
                    PaolaRB, I will try to find out the answer why, by doing a sample with some seams I make too narrow and others too wide, when joining sections. Barbara, rightly pointed out that
                    the problem is in the seams that connect the units. Give me a day, and I will try to get you the answer.
                    I put the pictures on the show and tell mariners compass. The seams are too narrow. Go look and see. Hope this helps. HelenW


                      I appreciate all your info and tips. I reprinted the papers. I did notice they printed much better directly from the computer rather then making copies from the first. I used a laser jet printer. I sewed my mariners compass over this weekend. All is good and it measures the right size. Attached.


                        Not sure if this is the right place to post this tip, or not, but I store my BOM projects in large clean pizza boxes. The Mariners compass will be stored in a large pizza box, and it will be safe there until time to sew it in the quilt top. I keep my houses in another large pizza box. The boxes are easy to label and stack.


                          Originally posted by "Martije" post=154517
                          Not sure if this is the right place to post this tip, or not, but I store my BOM projects in large clean pizza boxes. The Mariners compass will be stored in a large pizza box, and it will be safe there until time to sew it in the quilt top. I keep my houses in another large pizza box. The boxes are easy to label and stack.
                          I made 8 quick design boards out of 4 clean 16" pizza boxes, tops & bottoms, by gluing offwhite flannel to them. Easy to stack up. Not the prettiest, but still useful & very cheap.


                            My first Mariners Compass! Using the blue background fabric to represent the river that is a stones throw from my house.


                              Don't worry! Make the road a little bit smaller and it will do well. Your compass looks perfect. May be, the template is not as perfect as it shout. one side is nearly 1/16 longer than 7".


                                Don't worry! Make the road a little bit smalle and it will do well. Your compass looks perfect! Indeed the pattern is not. One side is nearly 1/16 longer than 7". May be, that makes your problem.


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