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    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
  • Late at this but having difficulty
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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  • Ahhhhh.. almost done! Have a question!!
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  • My Colorful World With Parks by Duffy
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  • Paper piecing color my world…anyone else?
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  • Getting outer circle to lie flat
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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    I took this snow day to finish my line drawing in Illustrator. I overdid it with the rotary cutter yesterday so am taking a break today to do other things.

    I think I'm going to do the trees first and wait until March or later to do the houses. I already have an orphan Mariner's Compass in brights with a dark background but I will have to change my fabrics if I decide to use it. I really like the fabrics I chose but they are more suitable to the city life than the country life. Maybe I'll have to make a second quilt some day. I already have 4 new projects in progress this year so that ends my only working on 2 projects at a time! And there are more in my head waiting for longer days or maybe more snow days.


      Helen, thank you for posting the photos of multi-color compasses. Love them and the other ideas for around the outside edge. Will need to do more noodling on that.

      Thought I'd update on my progress, as I'm going in a different direction than most using wool felt on whole cloth linen. Or at least I plan to. My wool felt is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. Yippee! Once I have those in hand, I need to take a road trip to Camp Wool in Kennebunk, Maine, to pick up lots of Valandi cotton pearl thread in subordinating colors. Hope to do that this week. It will be a bonus if they have a linen I can use also. Otherwise, I'll go with one of the samples I ordered from a shop in MA. Then I can start with my hand applique! Yesterday I redrew small house 1 and 2 on the computer and printed out on freezer paper for each piece (house body, roof, windows and doors) so I'll be ready to cut when the wool arrives. Also drew out doors and windows on fusible, to make my applique easier. Today I spent creating a chart with the colors from the pattern next to my wool colors. Colors are off in my images, so I'm anxious to get actual wool. I decided to try start figuring out what color will go on each house using the completed quilt as a model. Only got into coloring five houses when my curiosity got the better of me. Earlier last week I had posted a picture from when I had done a mock up and it appeared that I would have 18 houses in a half circle. Well, after redrawing the pieces more exactly yesterday, I'm thrilled to find out that 16 fit perfectly and I should get a full circle with 32 at 65% of the original pattern. Doing a happy dance!

      Thanks for looking and happy stitching. Best, Carole

      Carole Berry


        Originally posted by "nhbaskets" post=153332
        Helen, thank you for posting the photos of multi-color compasses. Love them and the other ideas for around the outside edge. Will need to do more noodling on that.

        Thought I'd update on my progress, as I'm going in a different direction than most using wool felt on whole cloth linen. Or at least I plan to. My wool felt is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. Yippee! Once I have those in hand, I need to take a road trip to Camp Wool in Kennebunk, Maine, to pick up lots of Valandi cotton pearl thread in subordinating colors. Hope to do that this week. It will be a bonus if they have a linen I can use also. Otherwise, I'll go with one of the samples I ordered from a shop in MA. Then I can start with my hand applique! Yesterday I redrew small house 1 and 2 on the computer and printed out on freezer paper for each piece (house body, roof, windows and doors) so I'll be ready to cut when the wool arrives. Also drew out doors and windows on fusible, to make my applique easier. Today I spent creating a chart with the colors from the pattern next to my wool colors. Colors are off in my images, so I'm anxious to get actual wool. I decided to try start figuring out what color will go on each house using the completed quilt as a model. Only got into coloring five houses when my curiosity got the better of me. Earlier last week I had posted a picture from when I had done a mock up and it appeared that I would have 18 houses in a half circle. Well, after redrawing the pieces more exactly yesterday, I'm thrilled to find out that 16 fit perfectly and I should get a full circle with 32 at 65% of the original pattern. Doing a happy dance!

        Thanks for looking and happy stitching. Best, Carole

        Carole, Did you realized that houses 3 and 4 are a little different than 1 and 2. The pattern according to Barbara, has the house laid out 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 for all 32. HelenW


          Originally posted by "HelenW" post=153333
          Carole, Did you realized that houses 3 and 4 are a little different than 1 and 2. The pattern according to Barbara, has the house laid out 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 for all 32. HelenW
          Helen, yes, I did. Just throwing 1 and 2 in as placeholders for this purpose. Thank you for checking!
          Carole Berry


            Beautiful colors!


              Your first quilt ! wow you are brave. Go for it.
              Would love to see it finished.


                Nice, Love the visual.


                  my first large quilt. going slowly but enjoying the process. I like mixing and matching (or not) the colours. this will be a very long term project. I printed a few drawings of local landmarks and hope they will be able to be modified to fit this project. A long way off yet.
                  thanks for your encouragement.


                    Annis, Your talents amaze me!

                    Carole, Your quilt will be beautiful! Those colors are beautiful.

                    I am going to make my houses with wool felt also. I bought a piece of white boiled wool years ago that I was saving, not knowing exactly what I wanted to do with it. When this project was introduced and I saw some of Wendy William's work online, I knew what I wanted to do with that white boiled wool. I cut it up and have been dyeing the pieces with Dharma's acid dyes. I ordered perle cotton online this weekend.
                    Wool felt applique is new to me. However, life is short. Carpe diem.

                    Thank you Barbara for all you are doing for us. You are going the extra mile.



                      Is that a church or courthouse? Very clever!

                      I found this on the hobby lobby app today and wondered if someone wanted to use it...


                        Melmaz 259, You are correct. That was not my picture, it was Carole, NHbaskets, and I was asking her the same thing. She was not making them all the same.
                        Just using the one size as place holders to figure out her design. You are sharp that you caught that. I told her the same thing, and she said it was not the final house
                        arrangement. HelenW


                          Hi Judy, check suespargo.com and instagram for her videos on wool appliqué.


                            I took my EQ8 skills to the next level and did a rough line drawing of what my finished quilt might look like. I use my laptop for EQ and the screen isn't large enough for the details so I will make some adjustments in Illustrator. I'm hoping to get a new iMac this year to replace mine from 2009. It still works for the older programs I use but it would be nice to have the big screen for EQ since they now make it for a Mac.

                            I decided I didn't want the houses touching so now I have 12 trees, 8 houses, and 4 barns. I wanted to make more of those 1" barn quilts for the barns so decided not to make the other buildings. Also I simplified the barn drawing. The trees take 1 space each, the houses 1 1/2 spaces and the barns 2 spaces. I'm doing clouds instead of trees above the houses. I could do some cornerstones on the outer border and repeat the barn quilts. I did say this is just a rough drawing. Things can change.


                              I am having a problem adding my picture...suggestions!


                                Originally posted by "sharongail" post=154457
                                I am having a problem adding my picture...suggestions!
                                Here is a 6 minute video on how to post photos:


                                Also, photos can’t be larger than 5 mb. If yours is, resize smaller and try again.

                                North Alabama, USA
                                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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