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    Judy, I am so sorry for your difficult losses. I can’t imagine what you have been going through. So glad Afternoon Delight will help you in 2020. Yes, the pieces are small, the little squares are .75” finished. You will want small prints for those. The appliqué blocks have larger pieces but are not large. Don’t want to give too much away but I hope this helps you. I look forward to watching your progress.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Hi Judith, I know Barbara answered your question, but I thought I would just reply as well. First, I'm so sorry for your losses. I hope you can find healing while sewing in community, even if we are separated by distance. It's been a while since I've done a BOM quilt, and I'm looking forward to this one too. I've got a whole stash of fat quarters to go through. If you haven't done one of the BOMs, they always start with an introduction to give what kinds of fabrics and how much of each is needed, probably some time in December. I always get a notebook and print each month's instructions out so I can quickly refer back to it. (Besides, as a librarian, I just love office supplies! So it's a great excuse to find a pretty notebook.) I look forward to seeing what you choose. Batiks would really be pretty. I'm waiting to see how much of that main/background fabric we need before making any decisions.
      Ellen Lindow
      Plant City, FL


        Hello Barbra,
        Can you tell me what size the blocks are yet?

        Taree NSW - Australia
        My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


          We need to keep a little suspense for January. They are larger than 6”, smaller than 9”. How’s that?

          North Alabama, USA
          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


            Okay thanks for that, not sure if they would have been smaller than 6" and I find 4" blocks a bit too small for me these days lol lol

            Taree NSW - Australia
            My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


              Hi everyone,
              Judith I am so very sorry to hear of your losses, I hope we can offer support and friendship to you while doing this BOM. Beverly my dear friend I am so pleased that you are doing the BOM, Barbara (just a heads up) I may need help on piecing again, and it will be lovely getting to know other TQS members in the group. I'm still thinking about fabric choices but I'll probably not decide until we get the introduction packet. Ellenceleste. I too am a stationary fan (office supplies) so I know how you feel any excuse to buy a book and art supplies.


                You will be a piecing expert when this quilt is done.

                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                  It would be an added bonus if I became a piecing expert Barbara :cheer:


                    Hello! My name is Robyn and I am relatively new to The Quilt Show however I did participate in an earlier BOM from Sue Garman namely "Halo". I loved the experience and I love my quilt. I am hoping to take part in the 2020 Bom. My question is about the fabric kit.
                    I have an abundance of fabric and as I live in Australia fabric is very costly. Can you please advise the number of colours in the kit and also the quantity of each fabric supplied in the kit.

                    Sincerely Robyn.


                      Robyn, there will be a blog post coming soon with the specific fabric requirements. This is a great scrap buster that will allow you to use your stash.

                      North Alabama, USA
                      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                        Hi Robyn, thanks for this question I am sure alot of quilters have the "collection" that needs to be busted I am with you so it will be a real treat to see the differences in the quilt with everyone using their collection of fabrics. My collection of fq are doing the happy dance because this is the project they have been waiting for!
                        Deb from Toronto


                          Hi from the Mid North Coast NSW Australia

                          Taree NSW - Australia
                          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                            Judith I am so so sorry for your losses. My thoughts are with you. I am also so excited that you are joining in this adventure. I too am really thrilled to start this project it has been on my bucket list
                            Deb from Toronto


                              Dear Afternoon Delighters,
                              Thank you for your empathy and encouragement.
                              I am hunting down small scale reproduction fabrics and looking forward to the adventure of making this remarkable quilt.

                              (where is is 38 degrees in the foothills of the Blue Ride Mountains in Virginia)


                                I have driven through the blue ridge mountains it is gorgeous there! I really have to sit and see the pattern and decide on my selections I usually pick so,e,then pick some more and then more. I have been very fortunate that I have been in a fat quarter club with Pieces of the Past quilt store and getting repro fabrics I will be using these. But also have picked up some of the new French general fabrics too!

                                This is so exciting Jan 2020 cannot come fast enough. It is cool but lovely here in Ontario all the snow we got has melted and it feels like late fall weather
                                Deb from Toronto


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