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video clips to go with Roberta and Mary's episode

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    video clips to go with Roberta and Mary's episode


    found this little video to go with the ROBERTA HORTON and MARY MASHUTA episodes

    how time flies when you are having fun

    Thanks for the link. What fun! How'd you ever find it?


      I love the TQS site and would really enjoy it if HGTV ran the Simply Quilts series again.


        Beverly, I just googled - utube HGTV Simply quilts - and a whole bunch of choices came up that I don't have time to watch right now. Maybe you do. If you check it out further let us know what you find.


          Originally posted by "loise98" post=125080
          Thanks for the link. What fun! How'd you ever find it?
          just googled Roberta and Mary FOUND lots of links . . .


            found more links



              I loved that show. It was on twice a day here, and I videotaped and watched both every day. And I kept my old VCR so I could watch those tapes even now.

              This was the show that got me hooked on quilting. One day while home with the kids, I happened upon the show where they made a piano out of different flowered fabrics, and I was captivated. I eventually got a pattern and a kit to make a similar type of quilt and discovered that the particular technique was NOT for me, but I have enjoyed many other quilting techniques as a result of Simply Quilts. And being exposed to Paula Nadelstern and other amazing quilters let me know right from the beginning how varied the quilting world could be.

              While I appreciate The Quilt Show on a subscription basis, the future of quilting would be enhanced by the serendipity of having such shows on TV, where others can find them like I did. Having Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting on at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings is nice for quilters, who can record and time-shift it, but not many people are apt to accidentally stumble upon it!

              (Some day I would like to see quilting get the same coverage and convenient time slots as football!)



                BethMI, That sounds great. in order for that to happen you and I are going to have to teach a bunch more people to love quilting as much as we do. Good luck to you. I am trying my best.


                  .Somehow the TV gurus just haven't noticed what a huge industry quilting is. They need to take a few trips to Houston, Paducah, and all the other industry shows . . . .. then visit all the museums TQS has introduced us to. My niece (34 yrs old) has been bitten by the bug and made two quilts for her nephews this Christmas. Thrilled my heart. We're going to Paducah in a few months - what an eye opener it will be for her. I can't wait to show her around.


                    Oh, believe me, I do my part to encourage young quilters! My daughter now quilts (in her off hours, when she is not working on her doctorate at Harvard), and I gave my secretary (who also quilts a little bit) this holiday a $100 gift certificate to the local quilt store she has been wanting to visit for a while. And I drag as many people as I can to local quilt shows. They are always amazed at the fact that it is not just "old-fashioned" quilts, but modern-looking and amazingly beautiful art quilts, etc. I always tell them it is like spending an afternoon at the art gallery, and afterward, they agree.

                    My son made most blocks of a quilt one summer when he was in elementary school. (I really do need to finish that up for him...) I think he did it just to show that he could.



                      Great work, BethM and NanaPie.


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