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anybody know the name of this block??

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    Another one to put on the list of quilts I would like to make. When will I get the time? hmy:


      Originally posted by "NancyinSTL" post=123799
      This block is known as a Royal Cross block. See at this link---> http://tazziequilts.blogspot.com/2007/12/royal-cross-beginning.html
      We found the block in BRACKMAN'S BOOK..... GRECIAN CROSS ... another name for the same block #3084 page 371

      I contact JOHN FLYNN company and they will draft the block to the desired size and charge $1.50 per template ... total cost about $20. A group of us are considering making the quilt using templates.

      Original quilt blocks were measured and were 14 inches per block.


        I got the new issue of American Patchwork and Quilting yesterday and it looks like this block or a variation is on the cover. What a coincidence!
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Amazing coincidence! It will probably start popping up everywhere now, :lol:

          Congratulations on your big win at Houston Karen it's a stunning quilt.


            Thank you Rita! Still hard to believe it happened.
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Yes, I agree. Congratulations, Karen and all. What a wonderful project. We learn so much here. It's encouraging to see what all of you have accomplished.


                Congratulations from me too Karen - you all did a fantastic job!


                  Congratulations, Karen and the rest of the Amazing Eight! I saw your quilt in Houston and it is awesome!! It's so coherent it's hard to believe it's a group quilt. Just beautiful!!


                    oh thanks you guys! You're all so nice.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Karen, congratulations to you and the Amazing Eight for the big win at Houston--just read about it and it is fantastic. So happy for you! :cheer:


                        WooHoo Nancy! Well done on finding the name of the block.


                          I'm agreeing with everyone in the accolades to Nancy for finding the block name so fast.

                          Karen, please pass our congratulations on to the entire Amazing 8 team. The AQS video only served to increase my appreciation of this masterpiece. I hope to see it in person one day. It's not going to Albuquerque by any chance is it?


                            Originally posted by "LadyRags" post=123716
                            We are trying to figure out the name of this block from an antique quilt... does anyone know?? Have been looking it up in Barbara Brackman book and on block base but so far no luck.

                            What technique would YOU use to make it?

                            I am thinking paper piecing after we draft the block on graph paper... I think there are Y SEAMS in it ...

                            Lady Rags

                            BARBARA BRACKMAN BOOK ... PG 371 ... #3084... Called GRECIAN CROSS, the Royal and YES ---- ROYAL CROSS. Depends upon what source you read. I also found it in JENNY BEYER'S BOOK.

                            I contacted the JOHN FLYNN company and they will CUSTOM draft and create acrylic templates for about $20 to the size desired. I have too many projects started at this time but it is on my bucket list.



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