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Need your opinion on workshop ideas

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    You're a very brave lady, BJ. When you put a post on the TQS forum saying " Need your opinion", You'll probably get about 105 pages going.

    When I have more time, I'll read more thoroughly and then give you my opinion!
    From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


      Hi BJ -

      Your classes sound interesting to me. The one bit I don't get is the statement "A pattern is provided for the fans and vase, instructions for everything else and practice pieces for a $5 fee." Is it all three for the $5 or just the practice pieces? If it's just the practice pieces (not sure exactly what they are), then I would separate them out into a new sentence. If it is all three, then I would increase the price of the class by $5 and include these "free". I know that when I take a class that is teaching me how to make a particular project, I expect the teacher to provide handouts on how to do everything. I get annoyed if the teacher charges extra for what I consider to be part of the class. The exception to this is a class that teaches a commercial pattern. Then, I look for something like "the pattern is required, but can be purchased from the teacher in class for $X".



        Agreeing with Nancy that the "pattern, instructions, practice pieces" bit is ambiguous. I'm not sure at all what you mean by practice pieces, and would like that explained if I were going to take the class. And I agree, up the cost of the class and include it free rather than charge (or list "materials fee" and itemize what the fee gives; I have seen that done often).

        On the classes themselves, I think you are ambitious to say they fit all levels from beginner to advanced intermediate. Beginner can mean zero experience, and as a recent beginner, no way could I have learned all you were teaching in the 1st class in just 6 hours. Even now that seems like a lot -- appli-piecing (maybe even define that a bit for the beginners, I've only got a vague idea what you mean by that....), to machine applique, to needle turn, to raw edge.....that is a LOT of technique for one class, unless you are going to demo each one, give a little practice time for the students, and then suggest they use *one* technique to finish rather than try to do all of it in the class as part of the project. Just my thoughts, as a still relative newbie who has never taken a class before

        All in all I think they sound like interesting classes, just maybe adjust the skill level -- seems like it would be best for those with at least some prior applique experience, so at minimum "confident beginner" or something like that, not a complete and utter never appliqued before in her life type beginner.


          Oh I'm so happy to see such great ideas and feedback. Thank you all. I am now thinking I need to stretch these out into more workshops with distinctly different skill levels. I do see that some of the wording is confusing. Keep your feedback coming and I'll make a second attempt at it. I think you all are right that it's covering too much for each workshop.

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
          Betty Jo


            Originally posted by Lorchen
            Betty Jo, if you decide to write instructions at any time in the future, you are welcome to get in touch and let me have a go. If I can make sense of them, then anybody would.

            Good look with the workshop. I look forward to hear about you success with them.

            And you never know...... One of the TQS members, Patti Hempen, has been teaching twice at Festival of Quilts in England, and she'll come again next April as the after dinner speaker (plus a workshop the next day) of the British Guild AGM.

            Sooooooo, Betty Jo, when can we see you overhere??!
            Lorchen, I will keep you in mind for testing in the future. I have plans for making these workshops into videos and writing manuals to go with them. First I have to get them sorted out right though. I have been to England several times and love going there.

            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
            Betty Jo


              As for the practice pieces...I taught a version of workshop 2 at G Street Fabrics earlier this year. For that I made up some blocks on which I fused shapes I cut with my accuquilt go! and gave them to the students so they had a chance to practice before working on their projects. They all seemed to like that and it saved time in the classroom. I'm considering what else I might do to save time in the classroom.

              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
              Betty Jo


                Originally posted by Sewdreamy
                As for the practice pieces...I taught a version of workshop 2 at G Street Fabrics earlier this year. For that I made up some blocks on which I fused shapes I cut with my accuquilt go! and gave them to the students so they had a chance to practice before working on their projects. They all seemed to like that and it saved time in the classroom. I'm considering what else I might do to save time in the classroom.
                This sounds like a wonderful idea! I think if you explain that in the description, maybe with a photo if you have one, this would be a HUGE deal and definitely something I'd pay $5 for! This is something they would get in the kit ahead of the class, or something they would do in the beginning of class after being shown the techniques? either way, great idea!

                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                Betty Jo


                  Originally posted by PosyP
                  BJ I've just looked over your 3 classes and a variation on Class 3 could be to make a set of samples of different types of batting and combinations of battings, and different 'weights' of stitching. If you included in your samples to view what they look like prior and after washing etc. I think that that would be a useful 'tool' that people would be interested in.
                  Oh that's a great idea. My daughter in law (Orinebula) and I have often talked of making a manual based on testing various things.

                  "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                  Betty Jo


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