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flooring for quilt studio

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    flooring for quilt studio

    The flooring in my sewing room is carpet, it's really old! I'd like to replace it, but not sure what to replace it with. I have wood in the rest of my house- it is the wood veneer, not full thickness wood. I think that with all the chair movement it would be trashed pretty soon. What do you all have in your sewing room? How is it working for you?

    I saw photos of Judy Martin's sewing room on a website, hers appears to have black and white tiles- probably vinyl. Looked nice, is it sturdy?


    I have vinyl in my room, mostly because I use it for dying also. It works very well. My floor was very uneven from glue from the former carpet so I got some thick thermos tiles (hope you understand) under the vinyl to even it a bit. This makes it more soft to walk on, which is very nice.

    living in Central Denmark
    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


      Hi Kathy,
      I have laminated wood in my sewing room and it works well but I maybe don't do as much sewing as you. I seem to have lost my mojo at the moment.
      I use an office chair with wheels.
      I can't see any marks on the floor.....YET....and it is soooo easy to clean
      Hope this helps


        My studio is the second floor of a new barn and my floor is just made up os thick plywood sheets painted over. I have rugs in different areas where I work more often. I use an office chair at the sewing table and it is on one of those transparent office floor protectors. At my cutting table I have those special foam squares (you can join together as a puzzle) for workshops - these offer a cushy base on a hard surface when you are going to stand for a period of time.

        Keep in mind you want something with a bit of give or support for feet and ankles. Working on hard surface can do a number on yr feet and back!

        Good luck,


          I'm always shoeless in my studio, and I recently recarpetted with a nice soft aqua carpet, very soothing on my eyes AND feet, and pins and strings are easy to see and vac up. I think a hard floor would be too cold. My opinion.


            I have carpet in my studio. When I lay out a big quilt, I can stick pins in it.


              I have vinyl on my floor and it is easy to clean. Not so easy to see dropped pins because it is off white. My only problem is every time I drop my thread cutters(usually knocking them on the floor) they land point down--so, I do have puncture holes but it is my room and I don't worry about it.


                I have an oiled oak floor and I must admit the area around my sewing machine has taken a bit of a beating. I do find that when I am standing at my cutting table or my design wall for any length of time my feet get very tired. I love the idea of the transparent floor protector and I will try to get one of those and also the foam mats (I used to have loads of them when the kids were younger but gave them away when they stopped playing with them, darn it! :roll: ) I have also lost pins between the floor boards, despite having an extendible magnet to pick them up, so I think if I was going to do my sewing room over I would probably do as Norma has done and lay down some insulation foam and then vinyl on top. That's my tuppence worth! Good luck with whatever you decide Kathy.


                  I currently have carpet and it is fairly easy to see dropped pins. But have been thinking of redoing my sewing room, so thank you all for the comments. Pat


                    i have laminat (looks like wood, but formika i think you call it) DO NOT HAVE THIS ONE, it cheep easily, not nice at all.
                    i think vinyl is the best the question is with decoration so every thing is hidden or one uniform color so you can see all the things that fall on the floor as well the things that you dont want to see ...


                      Mine is kind of marbled in very soft grey-beige. You can't find your thin clover glass head pins but you don't see much of the dust either. I live well with that

                      living in Central Denmark
                      Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                        Wow, lots of great experience here!

                        My carpet is kind of shredded from many years of chairs rolling over it. Plus, pins and cat hair get embedded in it. I like the wood in the rest of my house which is much easier to keep clean. The wood is pretty scratched in the dining room from the chairs being dragged around on it. I'm leaning toward some kind of vinyl tiles. I looked at Home Depot website yesterday, I may go over there and look at what is available.

                        I would have to take out everything from both my sewing room and my Mom's sewing room to do this - Ugh!!

                        If and when I decide and actually do it, I'll be sure to post a picture. This might be the only time my sewing room is picture-ready :lol: :lol:



                          if you have space, keep the carpet for stratching the quilt before quilting it.
                          with pins. you can roll it on the side when dont use it.
                          i never have this kind of luxury so i hope it workes


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